Friday, June 28, 2013


hello america!!! i was just watching today's start of the zimmerman trial &, i heard that the public spectators--that want seats in the courtroom--have to register at the courthouse with a valid id card. please, just imagine that!!! YOU NEED A VALID ID CARD TO SIT IN A COURTROOM, IN THESE UNITED STATES, JUST TO WATCH THE TRIAL PROCEEDINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  just what is our country coming to?

by the way, you need a valid id card to attend the naacp meetings; you need a valid id card to attend the black caucus meetings; you need a valid id card to visit the whitehouse; you need valid id: to open a bank account, get a job, drive a vehicle, get vehicle insurance, get credit or a payday loan, rent equipment or movies, get a library card, get public welfare & food stamps, cash a check, get social security, get your grandson out of school for a medical emergency (even though they called you first) &, GOD help you if the police stop you (for whatever reason) & ask you for your id & you don't have one. &, you need valid id to enroll your children in schools, go to food banks, etc.

i wrote all of the above to ask this: if obama & company sue states from making gov't issued id cards madatory for VOTING, why do they not sue to make asking for those very same id cards for everything listed above?????

hell, how are those without valid id able to exist in this country??????? by our own laws & regulations, they shouldn't be able to do anything to include renting or leasing a house or apartment..............

the gist of all this: don't tell me it creates an undo hardship on minorities to get valid id to vote & in the next sentence tell me they need valid id to rent a movie from blockbuster....

Thursday, June 27, 2013


hello america!!! &, here you were thinking i make this stuff up....

i can tell you one absolute truth about obamacare: once it's fully implemented in 2014, there are going to be more people unhappy with it & the way it's run then those that are for it...


hello america!!! just last week the dems were ranting about how the 'liberals & progressives' were also attacked by the irs targeting program &, as usual, they were blowing smoke up our butts. it really is amazing how much is coming out in the hearings & what's equally amazing is how much the dems dance around the facts. hey, let's not forgot obama because he's also dancing---it's just that his dancing is in the shadows where he can remain silent & concentrate on other more trivial matters...thank you fox news........................

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


hello america!!! more bad news for the irs is here...


hello america!!! it's frightening to realize that obama & company (through kathleen sebelius---secretary of human health services) are trying to reach out to hollywood celebs & the nfl to promote obamacare. they crammed the bill down our throats, never took the time to fully read it & now, they need help to bolster the perception that the law is good for us.

well, firstly, the majority of americans (by the polls) still don't want it. secondly, there are a lot of kinks in it that would have been worked out if it had honestly been debated on the floors of our senate & house of reps---instead, obama bought a few repubs with backroom, closed door deals & rushed the bill through & we were told, 'we have to pass the bill to see what's in it'.

unfortunately, it's now law & we continue to find cracks in it that aren't supposed to be there. too many people are now finding that their individual healthcare coverage is costing more to keep; too many people have been forced to other doctors or hospitals; too many people are finding their employers have laid them off or, cut their hours or, has put a hold on hiring or, has decided not to offer any coverage; too many people are finding out that their states have opted out of setting up obamacare; too many people are finding out that the states that are setting obamacare exchanges are not quite ready; too many people have found out that they got sucked in to helping pay for coverage of those with pre-existing conditions at $63 per person on a plan & that figure declines over the next three years; too many people are finding out that their employers will not bear the brunt of the added expenses obamacare charges & are passing them on to the employee; too many people with pre-existing conditions are finding out that obama & company have temporarily suspended their ability to sign up for the program; too many people have more questions then obama & company can answer; too many people are finding out that the promised obamacare jobs just aren't there; unions that once favored the bill are now against it because of the costs;

with all of the above being very real, obama & company now fear that those that are young, healthy & uninsured just won't buy heath coverage until they actually need it.

& just think, obama & company are turning to celebs & the nfl with the hopes that they will tell you that obamacare is good for the country.............&, just like the eggheads that passed this bill, not a one of them will give up their present healthcare coverage for why is that?

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


hello america!!! while obama & company are happily spending time talking about the recent supreme court ruling, climate control &, getting snowden to return to our soil, they aren't talking about the scandals that are really making us all sit up & take notice. however, before i go any further, there's this for you to ponder........

i will be the first to tell you that we need to take much better care of mother earth...for too many decades we've been taking out of the earth (liquids, solids &, gases) & we haven't been replacing them. we are guilty of polluting the ground, air, & waters but, do you mean to tell me that this is more important then our gov't 'spying' on us or collecting our data whenever they get the whim to do so? is it more important then finding out exactly who is directly responsible for what did & didn't happen in benghazi? is it more important then finding out exactly what was our attorney general's part in the 'fast & furious'? is it more important then finding out just how high up the irs scandal reaches? is it more important then the growing rolls of people dependent on gov't hand-outs? is it more important then our lack of jobs? is it more important then the 325,000 plus new weekly applicants for unemployment benefits? is it more important then the high costs of goods, services & gas? is it better then us trying to befriend country's that publicly acknowledge that women have no rights & same-sex relationships deserve death? is it better then obama & company trying to shutdown foxnews?

the answers are all a resounding 'hell no' however, obama & company will gladly talk about everything else. hell, be real about reality:::if states abuse their new found power, take them back to court; if getting snowden to return is being thwarted by both russia & china, deal with it; if climate control is such a big issue, tell me, did you fly you & your family to africa in an engineless glider????????


hello america!!! i'm willing to wager that obama & company will blame this on 'sequestration' & the repubs...

need i say more??? by the way, who wants to take me up on that wager??????


hello america!!! i'm on a roll today. i listened to obamas rant on climate control & it was pretty much what i expected...    of course, he's the only one that can be right about this issue.

i can only speak from what i know & this is all 'truth'. i was born in yonkers ny in 1949 & i can remember when we'd get 2, 3 feet of snow overnight---& yes, we still had to go to school. buffalo & albany used to catch pure hell. over the years, the weather has softened & (no i'm not starting anything here) i've always been of the mind that our weather patterns started shifting right after we started flying into outer space---you book worms have the ability to research this-i don't.

let me see if i have this right.....places that very seldom received rain or snow are now getting it; places that used to get a lot of both aren't getting as much. makes me think our weather patterns are shifting. when scientists can tell me the the polar winds have shifted & that the jet stream has a lot to do with what kinds of weather we get, i tend to believe them. cali, texas &, florida got snow & the northeast only got a little. colorado got feets of snow just before spring ended & now they're catching hell with fires.

to just chalk it all up to man-made problems is more then i'm willing to accept. yes, we have &/or are still raping mother earth. if obama wants me to take him as serious as he appears, then he should suspend nascar racing, airplane shows, &, he should get congress to write 1 & 2 page bills----not 1,000 plus pages & then make copies of them, etc..........

he wasn't thinking about climate control when he just took his family to africa---&, he shouldn't be thinking of it now.


hello america!!! this should prove to you exactly what obama & company are all about...,0,158606.story

it just seems that when you strip 'power' from obama & company, they waste no time in letting you know how they feel. had they responded to all of their present day scandals 1/2 as fast as they responded to the supreme court ruling, we wouldn't be having all of these hearings.

i cannot find a bone in my body that agrees that their interests lie with the black vote. this is all about states determining their own voting laws without being hampered by the feds. but hey, it makes them look like they actually care about people of color & that's only good for talking points & distractions.

obama & company's reaction goes hand-in-hand with their suing states from enforcing gov't id laws. in both cases, they should be asking the states,'what can the feds do to ensure that every qualified person can vote & obtain a gov't id card?'............however, that would be the smart thing to do &, heaven help us, that's just not keeping in line with the obama admin's thinking. they'd rather swell their chests up & get to threatening actions while denigrating whatever decisions are handed down against their 'power'.

we have become a nation of idle threats---just ask north korea, syria or, iran. oh sorry, we can now add china & russia to that list.

in simplicity, the supreme court struck down an out-dated law that was based on the numbers of yester-year. it's 2013 & the numbers have changed & the states should have the absolute power to put laws on the books that reflect the newer math. what obama & company haven't grasped is: if the states do put laws on the books that hinder one race from voting then, the feds can challenge it & take it back to the supreme court.

obama & company, stop your crying, strap up your boots &, get to marching in step with the supreme court.


hello america!!! if i were to tell you that passage of the immigration reform bill would offer 12 1/2 million 'illegal aliens' a path to citizenship, most of you would be happy & let it go at that. however, did you know the department of homeland security estimates that for every one person caught sneaking into our country, 2-3 are never caught. well, if you can believe the figures, that's alarming in its own however, i believe the figure is somewhere between 3 & 6........after all, who in the hell can stand in front of me & prove me wrong? it's not like these people sneak into our country & register at the 'illegal alien gov't department sign-up office'.

this bill does not seem to have the power to prevent others from illegally entering our country to pursue 'citizenship' or just to get a work-visa. it does not prevent those that receive 'citizenship' from later on sending for their relatives to come live with them.

this bill does not 'fix-the-borders-first' & if we don't do it first, history has taught us very well that they won't ever get fixed. yes, we might be promised more drones, fencing, man-power & cameras however, exactly how much money has been allocated for all of it? i need to know what the exact figure is & when will it be 'doled' out.

as much as obama wants this bill to become the law of the land, if he were just 1/2 the man he would like us to think he is, he would veto it because of the pork that's in it. yes good people, this bill has a lot of pork in it that has nothing to do with immigration or border security. as usual, the certain 'pork projects' were added to BUY the votes of certain senators (i thought obama was going to stop this practice)...but, why believe me, click on the following links & become informed...

this was buried on the 5th page of google....

i've long been telling you, i don't make this stuff up. the bill, 1,000 plus pages, is not even close to being ideal for our country &, if it passes the full senate, i hope it gets shot down in the house. that said, yes, we have to address immigration however, we need to do so in a more responsible way &, more importantly, we need to do so in a way that will not further hurt the unemployed citizens of our own country &, in case you missed it, all of the 'extra visas' do just that.

i honestly hope you had the time to click on the links i've provided &, i also hope you ask yourself this: how did our gov't come up with the figure 11 or 12 1/2 million illegal aliens??? who, in the gov't can honestly say that the figure won't end up being 20 million???? &, if their figure is accurate, doesn't that mean they should have been deported within the last 4 1/2 years or, was obama, once again, just going through the motions???


hello america!!! the 'truth' will set you free while 'dishonesty' only leads to more dishonesty...tell the truth once & it's over, tell a lie once & you have to support that lie with more lies. well, in being 'knowitall', i try to present the truth as i perceive it to be &, you're welcome to disagree or prove me wrong at any time of the day---please bear in mind, proving me wrong is going to take a long time to do because i usually rely on the facts &, i look at both sides of the coin before jotting anything down..........furthermore, if i can't find the 'truth' from either side of the coin, i stand the coin up on it's side & wait for the 'truth' to appear---i have a lot of 'unfinished drafts' because of that motto..........that said::::::::::

whatever happened (good & bad) on pres bush's watch should be attributed to him. it doesn't matter what he 'inherited', what he did or, what he left---from day one through his final day on the job, it's his. i'm not splitting any hairs here-----from jan 20 2001-jan 20 2009, whatever happened to our country, for our country, against our country, by our country, what our country did &, what our country didn't do---it's all on him.

unfortunately for you blind supporters of obama, i'm not here to write about pres bush...........

obamas watch began jan 20 2009 & everything, from that date on, is his---the good, the bad & the very ugly---&, make no mistake about it, there are no gray areas. now, if we can agree on all of the above, we can move on in harmony...

well, good people, the best good news first:::in 3 1/2 years, obama will have to depart from the whitehouse...

from jan 20 2009, obama only counted the jobs created after his first 15-18 months in office. this is deceiving at best &, completely ignores the jobs created or lost in his first 15-18 months. you won't let pres bush get away with ignoring an hour on his watch so, why is the media (& you) so quick to give him a free pass on the omission? hey, in case you forgot, he volunteered for office meaning, those first 15-18 months have to be attributed to him & him alone.

where is the promised 'transparency'? secret, back-room, closed-door meetings violated that promise.

what happened to 'an open & honest gov't'? there is nothing open or honest about the obama admin. i had very little trust in obama to begin with & now, i have absolutely none. neither he nor his department heads know anything about what's going below them &, they all say they're not involved. the extremely bothersome thing is; many of the heads have 'LIED' under oath which to my way of thinking means: they lied to protect themselves; or, they lied to protect somebody else. lois lerner (director of the irs tax-exept department) made a statement under oath denying any wrong-doing & then took the 5th. she's now on a paid leave-of-absence. hilary clinton didn't know what was going on or who changed the talking points regarding benghazi. attorney general (william holder-top man for our justice department) is a joke & a liar under oath. fbi director (robert mueller) has lied under oath & doesn't even know who his lead prosecutor is investigating the irs scandal nor does he know how many are assigned to it. the nsa director lied  about collecting 'domestic' info & yet, we now know differently. the head of the department of homeland security didn't know anything about the 'sex scandals' or the 'abuse' however, we now know differently. the secret service head didn't know about the 'sex scandals' or the 'fights'. the irs heads said that 2 low-level staffers were to blame for the irs's targeting of conservative organizations &, we now know that it did reach directly to washington dc. obamacare was supposed to make healthcare affordable &, allow us to keep our provider---we now know that isn't true. other then the heads not knowing anything, they all say the whitehouse was not involved.

let's just keep it real!!!!!! if you can't tell say (under oath) who did what, when, where & how---there is no way on this side of hell that you can tell me who wasn't involved, what they knew or, when they knew it. hey, if somebody did a hit & run on your neighbors car, you may have heard the crash but, if you don't see the other car driving away, you can't tell me who didn't do it other than yourself & whoever's with you.

in reality, obama talked about making this country a party of one & he's on his way to doing it...he's making us a country of people dependent on the gov't for assistance; a country of department heads that do not know anything about anything going on below them; a country with total distrust in our leaders &, that distrust starts with him.

Sunday, June 23, 2013


hello america!!! please click on this link & i'll comment after you read it...

the above has to be thrown in with all the other 'dumb ideas' obamas had for our country & i'm really tired of it. of course, nobody weighed the negative side of hiring certain people with certain criminal records (& hey, color doesn't even play into it).

what asshole could even begin to imagine a convicted rapist (who's done their time) being hired by the secret service to guard obamas daughters? could that same asshole envision a bank robber working in a bank? does he foresee locking up edward snowden, let him do his time, & then, hire him in our state department? hell, why not let the beltway shooters do their time & then hire them in a gun store?

common sense is just not in any part of obamas thinking---on anything. using his rational, a person of color, convicted of child molestation & having done his time, should not have his record held against him when applying to work at a boys & girls club....

i guess that when you can't offer your own people anything but foodstamps & public welfare, you have to throw them a bone every now & then to let them know you still think of them.

hell, instead of suing states to keep them from mandating gov't issued id cards, obama should be setting up programs to help the 'needy' get those id cards. if they can't prove who they are, how are they getting food stamps? they can't work or drive....

good people, just take a look at all the 'law-breakers' obama has surrounded himself with & you'll know he is not good for our country............


hello america!!! & now, some local news..........,0,4709506.story,0,4034479.story,0,496701.story

Saturday, June 22, 2013


to: rep elijah cummings...

you are so quick & vocal to distance the whitehouse from all of the scandals & that leads me to this: are you that naive? is this about color? are you so dedicated to obama & the dem party that you allow yourself to blindly defend them no matter what the evidence suggests?

i am an obama-basher & have been that way before he won the first election however, let me say this: i am extremely happy that america elected a person of color---albeit the wrong one. that said::::::::::

you, as an elected rep for the state of md, are responsible for what those below you do &, i grant you that you may not actually know exactly what every person below you is doing however, word has a way of filtering back to you when they cross the; if your campaign manager is illegally getting repubs to vote for you, at the very least, somebody will drop you a hint. whether or not you act on that hint will determine if there's a scandal brewing.

obama had to know about acorn & how they were signing people up to vote because he was a key part of them.

obama had to know all about benghazi in the very early stages (especially since members of the state department watched the attack in real time).

obama had to know about the fast & furious program &, he could probably tell you exactly how many guns are still outstanding.

obama had to know about the irs tea party targeting long before it reached the media.

obama had to know about the targeting of james rosen & foxnews---especially since he wants to shut them down.

obama had to know about the ap phone records subpoena.

obama had to know about the collection of emails, phone records.

obama had to know about the abuse & prostitution issues with the state department & selective service.

obama had to know about drones spying on americans while in america.

sir, we are talking about that same person that attended a church (for 20 years) & never understood the messages of hate from rev wright; the same man that really wasn't close to acorn or robert ayers; the same man that said he didn't have all the facts regarding his friend's problems with a cop in mass & than, in the same paragraph, said 'the police acted stupidly'; yes, the very same man that promised to put america back to work; promised us an open & honest gov't; promised us transparency; promised us that lobbyists would find no employment in his admin; promised to keep america safe; the same man that had 4 years to present a budget that would actually work & yet, he presented something that he said was 'less than ideal'...yes, that's the man.

dear member of congress, i was so elated when you vowed to get to the bottom of the various scandals you were involved in & now, i am highly exasperated by your comments & your unwillingness to actually get the absolute truth from your witnesses---lois lerner, as well as hilary & others, should be compelled to reappear &, you should act accordingly.

obama may not have actually pulled the strings but, he knows & agrees with the string-puller. if not, he needs to step down & you should be leading the call for that. after all, if your campaign manager is actually hurting you----you fire him.

rep cummings, please do the right thing &, blindly protecting obama & company is not it....yes, you have many more facts that i will never see however, perception is 75% of sight. i watched as many c-span hearings that were aired &, i actually take the time to search the internet for answers so, i have an informed opinion based on some of the facts.

please, forget your color, forget your party &, forget your blind allegiance---------if you & rep issay honestly seek the truth as individuals, let the chips fall wherever they absolve abama & company from any wrong-doing is a blatant misuse of your being american & especially when answers to: why were the attacks in benghazi so successful? why was our border agent allowed to be killed? ect, etc, etc. when will someone actually be held accountable? you should have been the first one calling for the recall of lerner...but, you're a party man first & that is what is wrong with our country today........

Friday, June 21, 2013


hello america!!! as a follow up to my last post, there's the following. remember obama & caterpillar? check them out now...

who can ever forget obama & gm?????????????


hello america!!! here are the jobs numbers...    for obvious reasons, it's easy to understand why obama & company would rather talk about other distractions than talk about the jobs spite of what obama has told you, we have not recovered; we have not turned that corner; we are far from out of the woods. between taxes, regulations &, obamacare, our jobs markets future will remain grim........&, here someboby else's view on the matter.......

Thursday, June 20, 2013

4 1/2 YEARS LATER!!!

hello america!!! it really bothers me that those that supported obama the most are hurting the most &, for whatever reasons, they won't demand better...yeah, i know, i'm just running my mouth, but hey, facts are facts &, the following set of facts come from the depart of labor posted 7 june 2013::::::::::::
unemployment rate for blacks----13.5%
unemployment rate for latino's---9.1%
unemployment rate for teenagers---24.5%
unemployment rate for the whole country---7.6%

one would think they'd be 'up in arms' over the lack of jobs & demand that obama honor his PROMISE to put america back to work. unfortunately, just the opposite is occurring &, their silence is deafening. obama doesn't even address the issue to americans however, he is 'warning' european countries about unemployment...

while there are gov't programs to 'assist' people, i'm just absolutely positive that each & every one of you tried to raise your children to 'kick back' & receive foodstamps, public welfare assistance, extended unemployment benefits, disability benefits, housing assistance &, food banks staples all the while telling them that 'WORKING' was overrated.........

look, let's just be real about the whole thing......4 1/2 years ago, obama promised us jobs &, he has failed to deliver on that promise. in truth, he's spent more on advertising to get people to sign up for 'FOODSTAMPS' then he's spent on getting the jobs.

well, you know me & i say the future is very bright for our unemployed americans; after all, obamacare expenses kick in in 7 months &, if the immigration bill passes & becomes law, 8 million illegal residents will soon flood the jobs markets.......or, they will also become dependent on our entitlements programs creating even more of a drain on our govt's ability to sustain those programs.

by the way, there's a bill floating around that will cut foodstamps by $2 billion a year...i guess vp joe biden said it best: 'don't even bother with college'-----this way, they can graduate high school & go straight to their local welfare office & sign up...............

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


hello america!!! the following comes from cnbc (owned & operated by nbc) &, they must have went through hell to put it out there...    if you care to remember, nbc was all in favor of obamacare & helped lead the 'bandwagon' that denigrated all repubs for saying this would happen...too many company's have already instituted options to get around the obamacare mandate &, with this cnbc article just coming out today, i'd have to say that our unemployment problems will only continue to get worse.


hello america!!! this is obama at his best...    how can he have the nerve to warn other countries about their 'youth' unemployment worries & never ever mention our own problems. for our own teenagers (16-19), the unemployment rate is at 24.5%...........when will obama address our own problems?????????????????? &, after addressing them, do something to help us?????????????

Friday, June 7, 2013


hello america!!! this is just a follow-up to the preceding post &, it speaks for itself.....................

the one thing nobody has mentioned is: it's summer-time & it's the hey-day for seasonal hiring &, if this is the best we can do, we're in worse trouble than i thought...pools & beaches are open; amusement parks are open; festivals, fairs &, concerts are gearing up; hell, even ground maintenance is starting to boom; need i mention the extra people hired to serve the public during the nfl's ota's???? so yes, the numbers should be up & should be even higher next month.


hello america!!! the unemployment rate was recently released saying we put 175,000 new people to work for the month of may 2013...while obama & company will try to tell you that this is a good sign, i'm here to tell you it's not &, the reasoning is this::::i can count & my math is 'dead on'. here is the 'break-down' for the 'new jobless claims' month of may 2013:::::::::::
may   4th---328,00 (april 28, 29 &, 30th are included in this week)
may 11th---363,000
may 18th---344,000
may 25th---357,000
jun     1st---346,000
                  1,738,000 new jobless claims just for the month of may 2013-------how in the hell can you spin the numbers in the positive? look at reality & tell me that for every new job created in may, 10 jobs were lost &, that's a good thing????

good people, i don't make these numbers up---they come from our very own labor department...just look up jobless claims for may 2013 & go from there. do not be surprised when you see a pattern of higher losses verses lower gains during the obama admin................nor should you be surprised that obama 'sugar coated' the numbers in his favor...........

i mistakenly used the term 'sugar coated' to be nice however, in reality, obama has been lying to us about the 'jobs numbers' since day one &, the extremely bad thing about it is: the liberal media know it & won't even mention it---but hey, i'm here to tell you the truth as i see it---------obama has been so quick to tell you about all the jobs that have been 'created' on his watch &, in part, i agree with him however, what everybody seems to have missed is: he only counts jobs after his first 15-18 months in office. HE DOES NOT COUNT THE JOBS LOST 0R GAINED IN THAT SAME TIME PERIOD. all you have to do is look up his statements & you'll also wonder why he was never challenged on his 'fuzzy math'...........

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


hello america!!! i have many questions, however, the most pressing one is this: exactly why did you re-elect obama? an 'almost intelligent' person can only assume (yeah, i know, 'ass-u-me') you thought he was the most capable of the candidates to lead this great nation because there's no way you could have voted for him based on his record for the previous 4 years...oh, i forgot, give him more time. look, unless you're in cali or ny & the rain on the snow turns it yellow, you're being 'peed' on. pro & anti obama supporters, i'm here to tell you that the snow has turned dark brown & the 'lumps' keep coming.

good people, you elected obama to lead us & for him to be the head of our gov't & not know anything about what's going on below him has to have dampened your 'belief' in his abilities. now, we can debate what he knew & when he knew it, however, you cannot argue against the following::::from the very beginning, obama has denied knowing about-----'acorn'; 'rev wright & the hate sermons'; his ties with radical bill ayers; the 'fast & furious' gun-walking program; the irs's targeting' of specific groups'; the benghazi fiasco; the justice departments gathering of news-media emails............let's keep it real!!!! if he were your ceo, you've have fired him without pay.

here's another look...
&, there's this one...

need i say more???


hello america!!! i really like this...   &, for how long will you blindly support a man that never has any answers as to what's going on below him? you hired him & he hired the various heads of the departments caught up in these scandals & nobody knows squat....who's running our country???


hello america!!! in case you missed this...    &, for some of you, your premiums have already gone up.....

Sunday, June 2, 2013


hello america!!! call me what you wish to but, can you deny that the individuals involved in the following will be called to testify under oath...    & then, the unraveling of obama & company follows...
there was & is no doubt in my mind that they are behind this &, what's worse, we're about to find out to what lengths they will not stop at.


hello america!!! so, you listened to obama & company telling you just how great obamacare would be for the country's employment situation while the repubs were trying to tell you it would hurt employment. well, they say, the proof is in the pudding &, while it may be cooling off to be plated, there's the reality of obamacare...

by now, you have to be tired of the various reports of company's circumventing the obamacare mandate (tax) &, assuming you were ever smart enough to play in a sand box, you have to have reached the conclusion that obamacare is hindering our jobs growth...........but, obama & company will never admit it. all too many companies are cutting hours, cutting positions or, not hiring at all &, the over-welming reason is: the cost of obamacare.

i wonder how all of you obamacare supporters are going to feel when your own jobs are in jeopardy because of its cost??????????????????????

&, just so you'll know, we're still losing well over a million jobs per month & no, it's not because of the sequestration. for the week ending may 25th, we had 354,000 new jobless claims alone &, since you won't take my word, see this...

regardless of which dem is talking about us having 'turned the corner', none of them are talking about our pathetic unemployment issues. seemingly, they would rather talk about the scandals & cover-ups than the promised jobs that never materialized........