Friday, January 29, 2016


hello america!!! here are (only) 3 more examples of why we have need to rethink who we allow into our country...

& just think, i haven't even brought up all the crimes being committed by the illegal aliens crossing our borders...

Thursday, January 28, 2016


hello america!!! some people will never learn much because they rely on the headlines & what other people are saying---so many of you are blindly supporting that "trump's prejudiced" rhetoric because you never made an effort to find out what all he really said...

so, i ask this:::
1.....the middle east refugees are overwhelmingly of what 'religion'??? it correct that among those same refugees, they have been infiltrated by isis, al quaeda (etc)---all  wishing to do us harm???
3.....those committing &/or trying to commit mass acts of murder (in the name of allah) & mayhem are predominantly of what religion??? it true that the 'home-grown' terrorists have pledged allegiance to isis or, that they have ties to it while willing to die in the name of their religion???
5.....if our fed gov't has admitted that they do not have the ability to verify exactly where the refugees come from nor can they verify who they are, would you feel safe with them living next door to you & your children???
6.....our fed gov't also admitted that they cannot track all the refugees once they cross our borders so, do you suppose our president would allow them to set up a 'tent city' on the lawns of the white house???
7.....knowing that those wishing to do us harm (within our borders) can acquire weapons & make homemade bombs, how many of them would it take to wreak havoc before they are either killed or caught??? the common denominator that they are all muslims???

while trump may say some things that are very controversial, you should read his complete sentence about banning muslims before you react---i strongly encourage you to do your own homework &, because i'm such a nice guy, you can start with THIS...& you can follow it by googling other comments...i just happen to agree with trump on this issue...

Saturday, January 23, 2016


hello america!!! did you know that from 1/10/15-1/09/2016 we had 14,728,000 initial unemployment claims per our fed depart of labors (dol) own report---click HERE & scroll down to page 6 for the numbers---

however, when i go to our fed bureau of labor statistics (bls) i find that we created just 3,009,607 jobs from 1/15-12/15 & you can add up the numbers HERE in table 8---

& yet, obama & company continue to tell us just how rosy the jobs market has become---HOW??? hell for this month alone (that would be january 2016 for you non-thinking people) we have these seasonally adjusted numbers for initial unemployment claims (& nobody wants to talk about the not seasonally adjusted 'nsa' numbers or even think about them):::
jan 2-----277,000
jan 9-----283,000
jan 16---293,000

good people, that's 853,000 new people out of work & we still have 2 more weeks of reports coming for january from the dol which will put the number of january's lost jobs at approx 1,200,000---but, rest assured, the monthly bls report will tell us how we created 250,000 to 300,000 new jobs & that's supposed to be a good thing...

i've been tracking the numbers for quite some time & unless i'm missing something (like the whole damn thing), something is terribly wrong with somebody's accounting...

this reminds me of obama & company telling us how great his 'green jobs programs' were going & when the numbers didn't add up, they did THIS & it didn't stop there CLICK HERE ---the bureau of labor statistics definition is HERE...

start playing a game & change the rules in the middle of it but don't allow your opponent to do the same---this is our new 'fairness to all' policy &, don't forget to throw a lot of lies in there---which goes hand-in-hand with that 'they only count job-growth' crap after obamas first 15 months in office...

Thursday, January 21, 2016


hello america!!! the following (alone) should make you rethink donald trumps remarks about banning muslims (& others) until we can figure out what we're doing---READ THIS...

if we're already allowing foreigners into our country legally & can't account for them, what's the sense in taking in more refugees from those same countries (that we can't verify id or where they're from) until we can clean up our own mess??? especially since isis (who wishes us harm) has said they will infiltrate us through our regugee programs...more importantly is, what is obama & company doing to track those people down & deport them??? or, will they allow them to fade into our sanctuary city's where we can't touch them???

add the above to the estimated 11 million illegal aliens already here & the problems escalate---&, just think, more are crossing our borders illegally every day...

in these times, it only takes those wishing to harm us to be right just once &, judging from what all has already occurred here, trump is 100% right...

besides, obama & company are soft on the subject & would rather talk about getting the smell of 'pig-shit' out of the air...


hello america!!! for all of you that think hillary clinton should become our next president, the following is not for your comfort...but, before i get into that, obama said she was a great sec of state & i defy you to name one major accomplishment of hers during her tenure...

my problems with hillary is:::
a.....not providing enough protection for our overseas people (benghazi)
b.....lying about the benghazi attack & allowing that lie to be spread
c.....not taking responsibility for her failures to understand/accept/react to the threats in lybia
d.....despite all the negative warning signs from the middle east, not being able to change obamas 'carefree' attitude/agenda concerning them
e.....proclaiming the 'arab spring' a success for the rest of the world
f.....not seeing isis for what they were & refusing to add them to our terrorist list
g.....not achieving anything of importance during her tenure to make the world a safer place
h.....her failure to reset her 'russian reset button'
i.....her failures to adequately address russia's & china's military buildup

my biggest problem with her is her lying about her emails...she's said one thing & than changed it---here is the latest concerning those emails that were never sent or received on her own server...
so hillary & company go about trying to smear the ig (a democrat appointed by obama) & saying it's political...
& today, we have this...

&, to this day, she continues to deny that she received or sent classified material or that she's under investigation---her continuous lies make me think she's a cloned obama in another color & one who would continue his failed policies which have not/are not/& will not be good for our country...perhaps she expects & hopes that the long reach of obama will protect her from being indicted...


hello america!!! this is just a follow-up to my previous post & it further illustrates why our fed gov't should stay the hell out of free enterprise (especially at our expense)---READ HERE...

in my previous post, i stated that the 'green projects' list was not complete because we (as a nation of choice) are not ready for it & it's expensive...

hey obama, how's that chevy volt doing???


hello america!!! many of you blindly continue to support obama so, i wrote this...


you credit to obama for our low gas prices & he didn't have much to do with it---in fact, we have lower gas prices in spite of obama...oil/gas production & drilling has decreased under obama on the federal lands he has control of & it has increased on state & private controlled lands where he has no control---you can read it HERE or google private drilling vs federal drilling...

you credit obama for our robust stock market & he didn't have anything to do with it---in fact, we have a robust stock market in spite of reality, our stock market is robust in spite of obamas regulations & his attempts to control & stifle our free enterprise system---check this OUT...

you credit obama for blaming bush for our economic problems &, on that, you're stupidly ignorant---if you had taken just a little time to discover the TRUTH for yourselves, i would not be writing this today...that said, bush did all he could to avert a housing market collapse & it was the powerful dems in congress that thwarted his warnings & requests for stronger regulatory measures against fannie mae & freddie mac &, i've no doubt that obama knew all this before he uttered his first negative word about bush---you can read it RIGHT HERE for yourselves...if you're sincere on knowing the TRUTH, don't stop there, google fannie & freddie & which dems provided for them as well as protected them (& why)---also look up the glass steagall act & the gramm, leach, bliley act (sorry repubs are responsible for the last one...

you credit obama for putting america back to work---REALLY??? if you honestly care to remember, obama & company didn't start counting job creation until 15-20 months after he was first sworn into office (when the recession was officially ended) FACT CHECK---this is another example of the 'powers that be' not counting obamas first 15 months HERE---perhaps you should read the BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS own report & when you have time & a calculator, compare it to the department of labors own weekly unemployment claims report (which will tell you we had 1,383,000 NEW UNEMPLOYMENT claims from the week ending 5 dec-jan 2 & that has to make you wonder how we added 292,000 new jobs for the month of dec)---plus, nobody's talking about all the part-time jobs or the 663,000 'discouraged workers' that simply gave up looking for jobs in dec---something else you're not hearing is, how many of these 'new jobs' are very low-paying...check out this site HERE

you credit obama for obamacare & i totally agree with you---it's his & his dem cohorts totally because they literally prevented the repubs from having any say in the make-up of the spite of what all you've heard about the alleged success of obamacare, ask yourself this; why aren't any of the dem candidates talking about it now??? it's a complete failure even though there are a few that have benefited from it---by the numbers:::it's too costly & the costs for it will continue to escalate (in premiums, deductions &, out-of-pocket expenses); obamacare was designed to cover the then estimated 48 million americans that didn't have health insurance (as well as being affordable) &, obama & company had predicted 13 million sign-ups by jan 2015, however, they changed that predicted number when they only signed up 9 million people &, as of jan 20 2016, 11 million plus people have signed up for it since its inception (remember, approx 5 million of those people had been kicked off of their previous healthcare insurance because of obamacare mandates & they had to be enrolled in obamacare)---obamacare is still experiencing problems & there is no hope in sight to correct any of them---let's be honest, full implementation of obamacare will be reached in 2020 but, many changes/delays/suspensions have occurred that keep the full effect of this law in doubt CLICK HERE & HERE but, the biggest problem with obamacare is that the insurer's are having a problem signing up 'healthy people'...READ HERE in fact, united healthcare has been talking about getting out of obamacare period & they are suffering losses UNITED HEALTHCARE---if you care to remember the obamacare rollout & all the problems it caused, you'll see it could have been avoided if obama & company had of listened to the techs---HERE...this is what is going to ruin obamacare because your present insurance has to meet 10 essential healthcare benefits CLICK HERE or READ HERE... just think, the healthcare industry was turned upside down for the sake of a few---yeah, give obama & company all the credit for that brainless move...BY THE WAY, what elderly person (you can insert the age) needs to have healthcare coverage for maternity & newborn care or pediatric care???

you credit obam for calling out the senate repubs for their failure to pass the 'dream act' in 2010 & not a one of you bothered to look up the actual vote---again, obama & company are knowingly wrong when they continued to blame the repubs for the bills failure---actually, look at the 5th paragraph down in THIS & that came from the white house---what obama so willingly omitted was that 5 of his own party voted against the bill & had they voted yes the bill would passed---it needed 60 votes & the vote was 55-41 with 3 repubs voting for it---it was easier for obama & company to blame the repubs than to tell you that 5 of his own voted against him---4 people didn't vote at all---WASHINGTON POST & the HUFFINGTON POST...

you credit obama for trying to 'green' america & shy away from talking about all of his failed &/or failing 'green' projects---here is a list which is not yet complete---SEE LIST HERE...

you credit obama for calling george bush unpatriotic for adding $5 trillion plus to our national debt SEE VIDEO HERE &, bush did just that & when he left office & obama entered, our debt was $10.6 trillion---here is our us national debt clock HERE & it's growing by the second & expected to breach $20 trillion plus by the time obamas gone, however, you guys just want to sweep this under the rug like it never ever happened---if bush is unpatriotic for adding $5 trillion plus, what does that make obame for doubling that???

you give obama credit for acknowledging/addressing the healthcare needs of our veterans & most of you are under the impression that this is a problem that recently developed & that's just further proof that you need to do your own homework & quit being 'head-line readers'---the problems our veterans face have been ongoing for quite some time (to include under previous presidents) &, even though obama has publicly talked about them, not enough has been done---i'm here to bring you up to date because obama (as a us senator) once sat on the senate veteran affairs committee & not only knew of the veteran affairs problems, he addressed them CLICK HERE but accomplished very little---this article goes back to 2007 HERE but, the problems still exist READ HERE & unfortunately, will continue to exist until we can elect people committed to solving our veterans healthcare (to include mental) related problems & THIS doesn't help---nor does THIS so, keep on heaping that credit on obama so somebody like me can tell you he didn't earn it...

you credit obama for trying to 'green' america & shy away from talking about all of his failed &/or failing 'green' projects---here is a list which is not yet complete---SEE LIST HERE...

you credit obama for ending the wars in iraq & afghanistan & bringing our troops home & yet, look at the chaos that move created (against the advise of his generals on the ground)---as a senator on a foreign affairs committee (CLICK HERE) he had more knowledge than most about the middle east but, here he is (this month in his state of the union address) reading from a prepared script off a teleprompter that leads one to question his accuracy HERE & that has to make you wonder...look, the middle east is a disaster & short of putting boots back on the ground, it will continue to get worse...isis was born there (you know, that jv squad as obama called them) & neither he nor his then sec of state foresaw what all has transpired since we removed our troops &, more importantly, they stuck to their guns in refusing to say we had allowed a more serious problem to occur---just remember, they both proclaimed the 'arab spring' a great accomplishment & today, we can feel the reach of isis over here & that's an extremely scary feeling...

the above list is by no means complete, however, i hope you get the picture---after 7 years under obama & company, the present state our country is pathetic & to think that we may have to endure another 4 years under another dem president is frightening...please, do your own homework (before it's too late) & vote for the good of our country...

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

20/20 & BLIND AS HELL (part 1)!!!

hello america!!! you looked but didn't see---you heard but didn't listen & here it is, 7 long years later &, you still can't see or listen...

during the course of the day, i ask people what they think of obama & i get answers from he's the greatest president to he's the worst ever---not surprising is, most whites dislike what obamas done &/or hasn't done while most people of color remain 100% supportive of him & that can be directly related to the fact that most white people take the time to read about politics & our gov't while the same said cannot be said for most people of color (yeah, i know---i'm highly prejudiced)...

my questions are very simple ones with no tricks, i.e;
1.....what has obama done for the good of the country???
2.....what is obamas foreign policy???
3.....what is obamas domestic policy???
4.....what honest effort has obama made to work with the repubs???
5.....what has obama said/done about all the violence in america???
6.....what has obama done to restore trust in our police forces???
7.....what has obama done to put america back to work???
8.....what has obama done to bring about racial equality???
9.....what has obama done to make america safer???
10...what has obama done to make america energy independent???
11...what has obama done to restore trust in our federal gov't???
12...obama said hillary clinton was a great secretary of state---can you name one major accomplishment of hers???
13...what has obama done to control federal spending & borrowing???
14...what has obama done to make the world a safer place???
15...what has obama done to remake america great???

15 straight-forward questions & you would be surprised at the responses i get---can you honestly answer them???