Saturday, September 30, 2017


hello america!!! let's just assume i'm upset at the high prices they charge in the stores in the hood...

if i were to visit you at your grandma's house & i entered without taking my hat off (which i know to do out of respect), would i be disrespecting the house??? would i be disrespecting your grandma??? would i be disrespecting you???

would you allow me to stay in the house after i explained to you & your grandma that i wasn't going to remove my hat until the prices went down???

i think we all know where this is going---disrespect, whether intended or not, is still disrespect PERIOD!!! furthermore, i'd probably be removed from your grandma's house by force if i didn't leave on my own volition---you already know...

colin kaepernick's action by refusing to stand for the playing of our national anthem was willful disrespect from the onset---he's the one that said "i'm not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people & people of color'---what seems to be lost on everybody is that opening statement directed at the flag &, no amount of 'spin' can alter that fact---&, those that have taken to kneeling &/or sitting during the playing of our anthem are continuing that disrespect regardless of the reason (short of a medical or mental one)...

look, going into your grandma's house would have been the wrong 'platform' for me to protest just as the nfl sidelines are/were for kaepernick & his follower's...

the more i look into kaepernick, the more disappointed i am that he did what he did where he did it---there are reports that he's never-ever registered to vote READ HERE & hey, how can you effect 'change' if you never-ever voted for change??? &, although he has done some good with his money, he's also done some bad CLICK HERE...

not to be unfair to kaepernick, here's his own website & you can judge it/him for yourselves---

everybody wants to talk about the respect/not disrespect & kaepernick's reasons for his protest seem to have taken up a back-shelf space---i will be the first to admit, he has some very valid points that we need to address but, i'll also be the first to tell you that police brutality against people of color is not the primary one &, i've addressed this & other issues in previous blogs &, i will continue to so in the future---NO, CHECK THAT & READ THIS & then tell me our problem is with the police...

the social injustice/racial discrimination towards people of color goes a hell of a lot deeper than blaming our police &, i'll address it in a very near blog...

Tuesday, September 26, 2017


hello america!!! life can get agonizingly twisted real quickly &, a prime example of that is colin kaepernick---his status, his cause, his platform, his actions &, other's reactions...

his status---currently a multi-talented nfl free agent that seemingly was black-balled by the nfl & the owners because of his 'sitting/kneeling' during the playing of our national anthem (the nfl's position is his performance level dropped off)---he opted to drop out of his contract at the end of the 2016 season...

his cause---"i am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people & people of color. to me, this is bigger than football & it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. there are bodies in the street & people getting paid leave & getting away with murder"---those were kaepernick's own words during a post-game interview in 2016---he went on to say that he would continue to protest until he feels like 'the american flag represents what it's supposed to'...for reference, CLICK HERE... 

his platform---the football field sideline during the playing of our national anthem & the post-game media...

his actions---'sitting/kneeling' during the playing of our national anthem...

other's reactions---other pro-players have taken to 'sitting/kneeling' during the playing of our national anthem &, in a show of continued support, locking arms...

his status in a nutshell---if it's truly about talent, kaepernick should be playing this season---there are too many squads that could actually benefit from his skill-set so, there must be another reason (other than what a new contract-signing would cost) for why he isn't playing---i honestly feel he was/is being black-balled because of the distractions his protest caused/is causing---having said all that, kaepernick voluntarily opted out of his contract so as to become a free agent which has not worked out well for him...

his platform in a nutshell---first, one must realize that we have 31 full-time national football league stadiums (not 32 because the giants/jets share one) &, they all have their own name---secondly, what transpires on those fields (all 32 of them) is directed by the national football league &/or owners---thirdly, those fields are national football league employee/employer work-places PERIOD!!! i know the question 'if not there, where?' is coming so, allow me to address it like this---i do not believe this particular platform is going to be conducive for the original issue---we tune into the games for the entertainment they provide, not to see somebody protesting (any issue) on a platform they have no control over---if you watched the cowboys/cardinals monday night game, you saw how both squads showed their support & yet, stood for that beautiful rendition of our national anthem (thank you jordin sparks)---&, because this was the wrong platform, the cause has been glossed over & the focus has been on the actions...

his actions & other's actions in a nutshell---his actions were to purposely show his disdain for our flag by sitting/kneeling during the playing of our national anthem PERIOD---his own words talked about not standing to show pride in a flag for our country (i'll get to the rest of his sentence in a minute) &, many others have taken to sitting/kneeling in support of kaepernick---now, others have tried to downplay &/or deny that his actions (to include those that followed his lead) displayed disrespect for our national anthem & national flag but, you cannot just will the facts away---he deliberately directed his cause at our flag by refusing to stand & show pride to it &, he admitted that PERIOD!!! his actions, as well as the actions of his followers, are the actions of blatant disrespect towards the american flag...

his cause in a nutshell---racism is very real/oppression is very real/indentured servitude is very real/police brutality is very real &, i applaud kaepernick for bringing that out, however, i just wish he had chosen a better platform & way to do it---unfortunately, it seems everybody is arguing on whether the actions are disrespectful or not &, not the issue---at this point, none of the media are focusing on the issues that so very much need addressing---until the messaging is consistent & wide-spread, no amount of pro-players kneeling will alter any of the problems one iota---instead, they will only create more division...

Sunday, September 24, 2017


hello america!!! for a very long time i have been telling my friends that i was against any form of disrespect directed towards our american flag (that disrespect became prominent during the vietnam war) so, it should come as no surprise to any of them (&/or you) that i very strongly support what donald trump said about pro-athletes kneeling (&/or sitting) during the playing of our national anthem PERIOD!!!

when i hear the remarks of our pro-athletes that support that disrespect (regardless of race or religion), i have to ask this---exactly what are they protesting---& yes, i want specifics because many of them are simply caught up in this 'social injustice/civil rights thing' & hey, that's far too large a subject to object to broadly...

look, colin kaepernick seemingly started this kneeling in protest of 'civil rights' &, just like blind rats following the scent of food, others have joined in &, here's the kicker, those on the left were so upset when tim tebow took a knee during the games to give thanks to his GOD...

this comes from the nfl media---
"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color," Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game. "To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder."

while kaepernick &, the players that support him have a very valid point (&, because of that flag, they certainly have the right to protest), exactly what have their actions gained except a furthering of division??? the only issue that seems to be gaining any traction is the disrespect itself &, you have those that support it & those that don't---furthermore, it seems that many of the players are only showing 'support' for those doing the kneeling, not the issues...

for the record, while i support kaepernick's right to protest, we are 2 very different people mentally---i was born & raised here & need not visit another country to 'find my independence'---but, that's another subject---the hell with it, here's what i think---if kaepernick didn't have the 'name-fame' or, wasn't a 'millionaire', i can only wonder how his trip to ghana would have fared---nuff said!!!

if the 'pros' truly wish to protest 'present day' social injustice/civil rights, where is their 'collective support' for our young college athletes (of all races & religions) that are caught up in the collegiate indentured servitude system??? hell, our pros came from that very same system & yet, seemingly speak very little about it---KNEEL FOR THAT!!! colleges make billions off of our young people & yet, don't pay them a salary---what's worse is, those young people still have to 'pay' their own way through the system---HMMM???

where is the kneel-down for all of 'the people of color' that have died by the hands of other 'people of color'??? do you mean to tell me that all of these pros (that have become rich because somebody died to give them the right to get rich) can't get together & 'march' through our down-trodden communities in protest of the gangs, violence, drugs & conditions??? but wait, maybe i'm wrong because i thought 'social injustice/civil rights' was the problem & yet, the pros are so invisible---HMMM???

you don't hear kaepernick & his followers talking about the civil rights of our unborn 'children of color' that never even got the opportunity to take a first breath---& here i was thinking it was all about a white cop shooting a black person (justified or not); silly me---good people, the facts on reported abortions are staggering (&, even moreso for people of color) yet, there's a big volume of silence about that when listening to our protesting pro-athletes---black children are aborted at 3 times the rate of white children/hispanics at 1 1/2 times the rate of white children & yet, the black population has been surpassed by the hispanic population (& it has nothing to do with having less sex)---& all you hear are the crickets...

look here are some facts for the collectively brain-dead...
fact #1---the vast majority of black-on-black homicides occur in the communities controlled by democrats &, it's been that way for years
fact #2---planned parenthood is a democrat institution &, it's always been that way
fact #3---most athletes are democrats &/or lean that way &, it's been that way for years

i called you 'brain-dead' because, when you add it all up, you support the very party that is either allowing us to kill one another or is actually doing the killing---&, you have a problem with our national anthem---HMMM???

our pro-athletes have the 'AMERICAN RIGHT' (&, yes that's an exclusive 'right') to protest by 'kneeling' but, that doesn't make the act of it right---nor is it right that they are not more specific in exactly what they are protesting---hell, 'social injustice/civil rights' could be 'more females are hired as maids than are males through 'more blacks are hired to play basketball than whites or hispanics combined'---need i point out that blacks spend a hell of lot more money in white establishments than in their own but, what do i know???

when our pro-athletes or, any american, (while in another country) kneels during the playing of our national anthem & stands for that country's national anthem, that's an un-american act PERIOD!!!
which brings me to this---approx 20% of uk's whites live in poverty compared to approx 50% of the blacks population living there---&, you stood up for their anthem??? are you that stupid or that misinformed???

for all of you 'knot-heads' out there, have you heard any of our pro-athletes protesting the rape of women??? or, the abuse inflicted on our youth??? or, the more favorable treatment of illegal aliens over our own people of color citizens??? etc, etc, etc...

we can bitch & moan about anything (we have that exclusive right) however, i feel you, & we, would be better served if you protested on a different platform & were more specific in what you were protesting &, before you females jump on their band-wagon, have you heard any of the pros calling for more female refs or coaches &, just name me one male player complaining about the salary ratio between men & women in sports...

donald trump was correct in what he said & the nfl owners & the league need to make a stand before this gets too far out of hand---that goes for all other sports as well...

at this point, i'm opposed to buying any more pro-sports gear or attending any of their games until we can get all of our athletes to honor our national anthem & flag in the manner they so richly deserve...&, that includes not purchasing from the pro-sports sponsors...

Saturday, September 23, 2017


hello america!!! the following fits the whole country perfectly & yet, the left applies their twisted thinking to it...

1.....yes, we want lower taxes...
2.....yes, we want our country to be safe...
3.....yes, we want our individual states to determine our educational needs...
4.....yes, we want more/better jobs...
5.....yes, we want drugs, violence & gangs out of our communities...
6.....yes, we want better infrastructure...
7.....yes, we want to vet those entering our country...
8.....yes, we want to erase poverty...
9.....yes, we want a cleaner planet...
10...yes, we want equality across the board...
11...yes, we want fairer trade deals...
12...yes, we want american interests first...
13...yes, we want our military to be the best & have the best...
14...yes, we want peace through strength...
15...yes, we want truly affordable healthcare coverage that actually works...
16...yes, we want countries to pay us for our services, aid & protection...
17...yes, we want all of congress to do their jobs...
18...yes, we want our veterans care system to be the very best...
19...yes, we want our politicians to be held accountable & not above the law...
20...yes, we want our federal gov't to stop wasting our money...
21...yes, we want the united nations to fully do their jobs...
22...yes, we want a president that does what he says he will do...
23...yes, we want our country to unite as one...
24...yes, we want to make america great again...

good people, i may have left a few issues out & you can feel free to add them to the list but, the main point is this---those on the left just don't want any of the above from donald trump---it's just that simple & that's just plain sad---these people remind me of 'yes, we're on the plane but we hope the pilot doesn't fly well'... 

Friday, September 22, 2017


hello america!!! when i see & hear 'former officials' attacking donald trump's policies, executive actions or rhetoric, i am compelled to ask, how did america fare under their 'leadership'??? please, let's keep it real---obama attacking the repubs for trying to 'repeal & replace' obamacare has to be the actions of man whose time has passed & desperately wants to remain in the spotlight...

in honesty, obamacare has no doubt helped many americans, however, it's also failed the vast majority of them & will continue to fail them if it's allowed to continue---obama & company knew obamacare was based on 'lies' even before it became law &, i say that based solely on the facts which are/were...
1.....we were told that the obamacare mandate was a 'fine or fee' & not a tax, however, the supreme court ruled it was a tax---CREDIT TO CNN ... this actually means obama & company effectively 'raised taxes' on the middle class breaking yet another promise (NEWSFLASH!!! IN 2016 APPROX 6 MILLION PLUS PEOPLE ELECTED TO PAY THE TAX "$3 BILLION DOLLARS PLUS" RATHER THAN ENROLL IN OBAMACARE)...

2.....we were told 'if you like your plan, you can keep your plan. if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor'---CLICK HERE FOR THE LIES ... obama & company knew that you wouldn't be able to 'keep' your policy if it didn't contain the 'obamacare 10 essentials' &, supposedly, 5 million plus policies were cancelled because of that---READ IT HERE ...

3.....we were told that the average family would save $2,500 per year FROM YOUTUBE ... i don't know of anybody that 'saved' that money &, if obama & company knew of families that did, they would be parading them in front of the cameras 24/7---good people, that wasn't the only lie obama & company told about 'savings---obamacare was supposed to be 'affordable', however, it is everything but that---i'm positive you've either experienced (or heard of) the continuous rising premiums & deductibles & hey, they're going to continue to rise because of another obama & company lie which was, the young & healthy would sign up for coverage (another reason the super-smart-idiots opted to keep them on their parents plans until age 26---they knew it then) &, it's because of that a multitude of insurers have opted out of obamacare leaving us with very few choices PERIOD!!!

4.....we were told that obamacare would cover the then estimated 48 million people that didn't have coverage---presently, we still have approx 31 million people (per our infamous congressional budget office) that are not insured &, another 'big lie' is about how many people are actually enrolled in obamacare---the dems float the number of people covered by obamacare at around 18-22 million people, however, this is yet another lie because they are 'cross-counting'---they are including people that are signed up under medicaid with the those enrolled in the actual obamacare---they are 2 different divisions &, the actual numbers for obamacare are right about 10 million people---so please, keep it straight---which begs the question, how can 22-24 million people lose obamacare when you don't even have that many people on it???

5.....we were told obamacare would add jobs & hey again, it has done everything but that---in fact, it has cost us jobs & those are facts---businesses stopped hiring; cut their work-force to under 50 people & cut hours to 30 hours per week just to be compliant with obamacare regulations...

if we're honest with ourselves, obamacare is a failure based on lies & needs to be repealed & replaced &, i can't think of a better way to do that than give the individual states the power to better service their own people---one size does not fit all & our states are better qualified to construct a healthcare plan based on our needs...

just think of this, do those that work in the farming industry need the very same healthcare coverage as those working in the fishing or coal-mining industries??? coverage should be designed for the individual states & hey, the individual states are best at determining who needs what compared to our federal gov't...

so, to obama & company, shut the hell on up---you had 8 years to get healthcare right & you failed to accomplish that...

Friday, September 15, 2017


hello america!!! when you come to my house & ring my bell, it's not only my decision to &/or not to respond to it but, it's also my decision to allow &/or not allow you entrance---however, if you break in, there are going to be repercussions...

america is our home & when 'foreigners' come to our borders, it's up to us to respond by allowing them in or denying them entrance &, when they break the law to gain entrance, there should be repercussions...

good people, we have a very serious immigration problem that became even more entangled because of obama & his extremely lax immigration policies & enforcement &, regardless of how you spin it, that's the truth---that said, we've always had an immigration problem that neither political party could truly get together & solve---guess what america??? trump has given our congress the opportunity to do just that (starting with daca) &, they only have 6 months to do it---my money is on congress not getting it done & trump ending it...

while there are many 'children' that will be affected by whatever decision is/is not made, the blame lies squarely on the extremely weak shoulders of obama & company (obama for circumventing congress & congress for not doing its job) &, there is no 'easy-one size fits all' solution---regardless of what happens, somebody is going to be upset...

good people, they say we have about 11 million plus illegal aliens (who counted them???) living within our borders & common sense says...1. we can't round them all up & deport them &, 2. we can't grant them all citizenship & that creates the dilemma we're presently confronted with...

here are some of the major problems we face in granting them the right to stay here...
1.....the majority of jobs they would undertake will negatively effect the employment rate of those south of our middle-class financial levels ($22,000-$32,000 per year)---as quiet as that's been kept, that's made up by many people of color...
2.....our 'entitlements programs' (to include healthcare) would swell across the board...
3.....far too many of them have not been 'vetted' & that poses a threat to our safety...
4.....our schools would be forced to teach them our language or we'd be forced to learn theirs...

&, some of the good points are...
1.....many of them are/& or may contribute in a positive manner to our country...
2.....we would become more accepting of other cultures...
3.....we wouldn't be breaking up families...

regardless of which way it turns out, they should never be granted a path to citizenship ahead of all of those that are trying to become citizens the correct way nor should their needs be placed ahead of the needs of 'true americans' & no, just because one has been in our country for a length of time does not make them a 'true american'...

the southern border wall needs to be built & our immigration laws need to be fully enforced...


hello america!!! when i talk to trump hater's, i ask them if hillary would have been a better president & they have all told me they didn't vote for her---which brings me to this question---who did you vote for &, when they tell me 'nobody', i tell them to shut the hell up---yeah, i know, this is america & everybody has the right to freedom of speech, however, if you didn't participate in the voting process, i feel you gave up that right...

americans have died for your right to vote &, more importantly, you can vote for anybody you choose (write-in ballot) so, there is no excuse for not voting to include health (absentee/mail-in ballot) &, when you fail to exercise your right-to-vote, you should stay out of political conversations---while you may seem to care about our political process, you didn't care enough to cast your vote which is akin to talking about your districts school board decisions but never attending any of the meetings...


Wednesday, September 6, 2017


hello america!!! as i've written in the past, america is my house &, only i will decide who is allowed in it...

what donald trump did yesterday in giving congress 6 months to do what they should have done years ago is catching hell from the 'idiots' & yet, they all knew what obama did in creating daca (deferred action for childhood arrivals) was 'illegal'---it's really simple, no president has the right, the power or the authority to make law---that specific function is reserved only for our legislature branch better known as our congress...

look, i'm very sympathetic to the plight of all those that are caught up in this daca headache, however, the law is clear & those that break/broke it are subject to whatever punishment/penalties it entails---we can discuss the humanism of it later on...

first, obama knew he was wrong in creating daca & admitted so numerous times prior to his executive action---this is from & should confirm what i've said, however, there are videos out there that you can research for yourself that will leave no doubt that obama knew he was wrong...

good people, we should be glad that trump did what he did for several reasons:::
1.....he could have 'killed' obamas executive action thus allowing for the immediate deportation of the 'dreamers'...
2.....he's giving congress 6 months to come up with an immigration bill to fix the immigration problem...
3.....he will 'revisit' the issue in 6 months if congress fails to act on it & make his own decision...

while 'the idiots' have the left riled up, this is their fault---they failed to pass the 'dream act' (by 5 dem votes) & have done nothing to 'fix' the problem since &, rather than admit that, they prefer to attack trump---why??? because they (both sides) didn't do their job, trump gets the blame---hell, he wasn't even in office then...

america, you need to sort through the facts & the law before you pick sides...

had obama been more forceful in enforcing our immigration laws (& yes, the same could be said of bush), we probably wouldn't be having this conversation today---hell, obama willingly allowed our southern borders to be over-run by illegal aliens while mexico & other countries actually ran our food stamps programs ads in collusion with our usda---when the illegal aliens learned they would not be turned away, they flooded our country with their children---you have to be a very special kind of stupid to believe that 5, 6 year old children can travel by foot or bus 5,600 miles (from argentina to america as the crow flies) by themselves to get here; they had to have help from the gov't of the countries they passed through---when illegal aliens crossed our border & were told to turn themselves in without fear of deportation, what did our authorities think would happen???

ok, we have these 'dreamers' that are supposed to be registered, attend school &/or be employed &, stay out of trouble &, for many of them this is the only country they know---if that's the deal they made with our gov't & they're abiding by it, it's up to our congress to determine their fate, not our president---on the flip-side, if they're not, they should be deported before the 6 month extension arrives---even i realize that many of them have proved their value to our country &, i'm not for breaking up families so, congress has to temper what's right with compassion with the law as the big backdrop---no easy task...

i just don't see trump's action as being cruel or racist but, the idiots' will persist in branding him that---what's ironic is, the dems have had more than enough time to have corrected the immigration problem & yet, all they have to show for their efforts is a failing healthcare law that's called obamacare---america, be careful of what the dems tell you; they make the mess & than raise hell when somebody tries to fix it...


hello america!!! whenever i hear/see a person of color adamantly defending obamas executive action for the 'dreamers', i'm more attentive than normal for many reasons but i will only list my main three of them:::
1...daca will be ruled unconstitutional & an over-reach of powers---a president does not have the power or authority to 'make law'...
2...immigration laws are already on the books & it's a presidents job to equally enforce them all...
3...obama, prior to using his executive power to undermine the law, admitted numerous times that he didn't have the authority or power to do so & then went & did it knowing it will not stand up in court...

now, back to that person of color---yesterday (tuesday-9/5) while watching foxnews 'the five' segment on trump & daca, i heard & saw juan williams defend obamas executive action---that in itself is no surprise, however, he said obama tried to get immigration reform passed & that the bill passed the house (true) but failed in the senate because of the repubs (untrue) & yes, i have a very big problem with that...

juan williams is either ignorant, a liar, a paid left-wing puppet or, he suffers from selective amnesia---what's worse is, he's one of 'the idiots' that changes the facts when they don't suit his argument---yeah, i know, i'm being mean but hey, if one is going to be on camera in the public, one must know the facts about what one is espousing &, when one ignores/alters the facts, one is lying PERIOD!!!
what's also extremely upsetting is that none of the other members of the panel challenged williams...

to this day, far too many people don't know the vote tallies for the dream act & yet, instead of researching them for themselves, they relied on obama & company who deliberately lied to them---the dream act passed the house of reps 12/8/2010 on a vote of 216 yes to 198 no (8 repubs voted yes/11 repubs didn't vote at all---38 dems voted no/9 dems didn't vote at all) & the bill was sent to the senate & voted on 12/18/2010---the senate needed 60 yes votes to send it to obama for his signature, however, the final vote was 55 yes to 41 no (3 repubs voted yes/3 repubs didn't vote at all---5 dems voted no/1 dem didn't vote at all/2 independents voted yes) & obama promptly held a news briefing in the white house garden & immediately blamed the repubs for the bills failure &, all the media ran with what he said---the bill needed 60 yes votes but only received 55, however, nobody is talking about those 5 dem no votes---yeah, spin that---it's easier for juan williams & 'the idiots' to lie to you than tell you the truth which was/is/will be, 5 dems caused the failure of the dream act...

so yes, i have a problem when people of color lie to us in spite of knowing the truth just to prove their loyalty to a political party that would do all that they could to return them to a life of real chains...

as i wrote in this READ HERE, we have 'house negros' continuing to do their masters bidding at our expense---unfortunately, there are those that heard juan williams & take what he said as GOSPEL...

i don't make this stuff up---these are the sites for the votes...

Friday, September 1, 2017


hello america!!! most of you are probably as caught up by the weather events in tx & la as i am &, if that's the case, you're probably constantly changing the channel because the scenes playing out are extremely captivating---that said, the left-wing media outlets always find the time to attack donald trump no matter what &, if you stayed tuned to them, you probably missed a few issues that are extraordinarily important (such as but not limited to the following)...

1.....former fbi director james comey is alleged to have drafted a statement announcing the closure of the fbi's investigation of hillary clinton in april 2016 & that was long before 17 'keys witnesses' were interviewed---hillary was interviewed july 2 2016 & comey made the official announcement on july 5th---2 repub senators, grassley & graham, sent a letter to the present head of the fbi, chris wray, asking for documents to back up the allegations based on heavily redacted transcripts they were able to uncover---HMMM??? there's a tremendous amount of 'wrong-doing' going on here & you can google it for yourselves, however, what you should do is demand that the left-wing media cover & report all the news---READ IT HERE...

2.....dem senator bob mendez has been indicted for a bunch of charges at the federal level &, the more this is investigated, the more information is revealed---HMMM??? again, there's a lot of 'wrong-doing' going on here &, you can google it for yourselves, however, what you should do is demand that the left-wing media cover & report all news---READ ABOUT IT HERE...

3.....'the idiots' (dems/left-wing media/rino's) all thought trump was crazy when he said millions voted illegally, however, we now know that he may have been 100% correct---there have been cited cases of dead people voting; illegal aliens voting; people cross-voting from different states; felons voting &, if the following is true, we need a better system---HMMM!!!CHECK THIS OUT...

4.....'the idiots' have been driving the 'racial & hatred' mantra for far too long & seemingly, it took hurricane harvey & the floods to dispel that crap (at least for the present time)---yes, it does exist (& it will continue to exist) but not of the magnitude as 'the idiots' would have you believe---hurricane harvey has brought out the true american way which is the very best of her---strangers of all races helping other strangers of all races &, doing so without any compensation or recognition---what's occurring in tx & la has nothing to do with politics, race, religion or financial standing &, the reasoning is truly simple; it's all based on man's love for one another in a time of need &, unfortunately, that isn't acknowledged enough---all americans, (& i do mean all) should rally around the out-pouring of love & care & allow it to heal us as a country of one &, while doing so, reject all efforts to divide us---all media, politicians, clergymen, schools, etc, should be vigorously  promoting the true goodwill of mankind---but, they aren't---HMMM!!!

5.....what's truly amazing is the absence of all the various groups that have permeated the 'headlines' such as the alt-right, the alt-left, the blm, planned parenthood, the congressional black caucus, the women's march, etc---this is just further proof that their agenda is not the agenda for america PERIOD!!! that said, 'the idiots' continue to attack donald trump (& his wife) & hey, i'm here to tell you that they spend more time on that than they do in reporting the news---HMMM!!!

i will be following up on the above stories plus, i have several more to add so, stay tuned...