Friday, December 26, 2008


hello america! just recently i was asked a question by my friend (c p-we usually bump into each other on wednesdays & fridays & discuss politics & sports/he likes liberty & the gee eye ants) &, although i gave him an honest answer, the question keeps floating around in my head... he asked me why i'm so hard on obama. well, it seems like an honest question &, it came from an honest person &, it deserves an honest answer. so, i launched my own internal investigation within my mind &, have this retort:::because he lies & i can feel it with every fiber of my intelligence.

my original answer was "we don't know anything about him" (obama). i mean, we know what we saw & heard during the debates; we see & hear his press releases; we can go to & research what little they have on file about his life, but, that's it. what do we really & honestly know about obama?

what started all this 'research' is obama stated he got his roots as a community organizer & i researched it. well, i should have not have done that. when i researched what "LITTLE" obama did as a community organizer (just google altgeld gardens), i then consulted his book:::in which he makes himself look like nothing could have been done without him. in his book, he exagerated his role & accomplishments---(if i wrote a book, i'm sure that there would be pages filled with my greatness & acheivements in direct conflict with those that were there). well, that's what set me off along with his having no military experience. so, i started my own research project & the more i looked, the more i found.

so, my friend c p, this is for you. all you have to do is google the names i am inserting & find out for yourself. i can't make this stuff up. there are too many denials from obama & when you really take a good look at them, his answers don't match the records thus, making him a liar. it's just that simple but, see for yourself.

1. rev wright
2. william ayers
3. rashid khalidi
4. tony rezko
5. valerie jarrett
6. jean rudd
7. bernadine dohrn
8. alexi giannoulias
9. altgeld gardens (chicago)
11.woods foundation
12.annenberg college foundation

just 12 little things you have to do, &, because you're okay with me, i have a few more:::google obamas voting records for washington & illinios, google obama & acorns civil-suit vs: citibank under cra, obama & fannie mae contributions......................where does one stop? i could go on but, this should be enough for you to wonder about who you really voted for. &, while doing your research, please keep in mind the "LITTLE MAN" & what he has never done for us.

right, wrong or, indifferent-bush stuck to his guns. since becoming the pres elect, obama has wavered on some of his positions but, i knew this was going to happen. i base this on:::he was not known as a particularly bright student &, thus, no one cannot honestly explain how he got into columbia & harvard. NOT EVEN YOU. this leads to doubt which leads to trying to find out why which leads to lies.

i said from the beginning you & america knew nothing about obama & when you look up something about him, he lies about it leaving us knowing even less.

before i close, don't forget about gov. blagovich. "my staff had no contact with him" to what he's saying now. if it were raining he would lie to you about it.

my friend c p, i won't say anything negative about who you voted for but, i reserve the right to jump up your butt for you not doing research for who you did vote for.

you also asked, "why don't i give him a chance?" let me respond to that by asking you this:::if i robbed you, would you give me a chance to explain it? if i lied to you (& you knew i lied), would you give me a chance to lie my way out of it?

anyhow, i am on my self-imposed mission to find out who obama really is &, i don't like what I am finding out. when all of his past comes out, america will be shocked & then, you'll have 3/4's of americans saying they never voted for him.

with new year just around the corner i must take this time to wish everyone a happy, safe &, properous one.


Wednesday, December 24, 2008


hello america! before i continue, please allow me to display my human side-MERRY CHRISTMAS to you & may your NEW YEAR be safe, prosperous, & Blessed by our HOLY CREATOR.

i told you monday that i had more to say about the 'shady' people of obamas past & i will not keep you waiting.

here is a list of names you already know:

1. william ayers

2. bernadine dohrn

3. tony rezko

4. rev wright

yeah, i'm at it again. my problem is i never learned that thing about "if you have nothing good to say about somebody, don't say anything" &, i'm much too old to try & change my ways now. so, in essence, we both have to suffer through this. that being said, i am a firm beleiver in that age old saying "you reap that which you sow". another adage that comes to mind is "what goes around, comes around". &, one more that's really true is "be careful of what you wish for, you just might get it". somebody out there (judging from the election night results i'd even venture a guess as to say a lot of somebodys) wished for obama to become our next president. they got their wish.
i have a lot of problems with obamas past relationships & the more questions he's asked, the more he eludes them. which, in turn, leads me to more skepticism. as time goes by, i am of the firm beleif that more of obamas relationships with people of 'shady' character will come out.
to listen to obama justify his past relationships as slips of "bad judgement" &, for you, the american public, to have accepted this bs please, be prepared to reap that which you sowed. the only problem with this is, a lot more of us will have to suffer through it as well.
since i've been using old sayings, here is another one: "if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck-it's a duck". now you may have accepted all obama has said of his past relationships but i have not. none of the questions have been answered. the questions would be put to bed if he ever took the time to sincerely answer them.
because some of you without medical problems can't remember yesterday, allow me to refresh your memory...
the church---obama spent 20 years in a church with a paster that spewed hatred during the sermon & obama never understood it. his wife was there also. so. i guess she didn't understand it either. if it were as harmless as obama would have you beleive, why did he distance himself from the pastor? america, you should have looked into this a lot more...if obama & his wife were too dumb to understand the sermons of hate, what makes you think they are going to truely understand the problems of this country? if the media had not of publicised obamas affiliation with the church &, had not broadcast parts of the sermon, obama would still be attending that church with the famed rev wright. in truth, the press would have turned negative towards him & he couldn't afford that---better he sell out the pastor. 20 years, now look at the distance between obama & wright.
harvard & . the letter---a certain letter was written to harvard for them to accept obama. this letter was supposedly written by percy sutton at the request of khalid al-mansour. obama won't comment on it & his camp says he had a college loan (no one can find a record of it) & obama won't allow the college to release any information about the letter, his grades or anything else related to his attending there.i need to know why. what is so secretive about someone writing a letter in your behalf? what's so mysterious about your attendance at a college? how come obama can't name any of the people he would have been in class with? what's even more important, don't you'd think these people would come forward? (wow! i went to the same class in college as our future president---where are these people?) i can (& i'm sure you can to) tell you about the sports teams in my schools, the teachers i liked & disliked, which girls i had crushes on---obamas silence says more then the crappy answers he's been force-feeding us. so, common sense tells me that if you close your past off to prying eyes, you must have something to hide...can you really blame me for feeling this way?

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


hello america! if you remember that saying about the apple not falling far from the tree, apply it to obama & gov blagojevich. you cannot convince me that the soon-to-be president didn't know about the corruption at the governors level-i mean, after all, they supported one another in the past. chicago politics at its best &, don't forget mayor daly.

as usual, as soon as something negative breaks about obamas past relationships (that the pro-obama news media can't bury), obama gives his "i didn't know him that well" speech. it must be the positive magnetism of obama that draws the 'shady' characters to his side.

is it my imagination or, is this blagojevich thing part of the obama patern? &, how much more crap will obama pour down our throats in the form of denials? what troubles me about obamas denials is, if he's not in bed with these 'shady' people, why does he spend so much time & energy on distancing himself from them when his relationships become public? all of them live relatively close to one another (go to google & get a street map), they all have raised money for one another, they all have intermingled at the same parties, &, they all have done favors for one another. they are people with 'shady' character. nope, no pattern here.

i've said from the beginning that obama needed to be hauled to the wall to answer the questions truthfully about his past. no, the pro-obama news media blew off the negative news & promoted obamas campaign & knocked down anyone that had serious questions. gov sarah palin & joe the plumber (he's now in wikipedia) are prime examples of the medias support for obama.

america, i will never call you a negative name for whoever you vote for---any vote for somebody is better then no vote for nobody. however, that being said, i honestly feel you voted foolishly &, i will tell you why. you! me! we don't really know crap about obama except what the media fed us &, trying to get the information is next to impossible. obama will be sworn in in less then a month & we can't even get his grades from any of the schools or colleges he attended. we can't even get information about the jobs he worked. the media can't get it either. but, we know all about sarah palin, joe the plumber & even where president bush placed in college. the last 3 people have people of their past coming forward. obama, very soon to be the next president of this country &, where are his classmates? where are his co-workers? where are his teachers? where are his bosses? surely, if you were elected to become our president, people from all parts of your past would be knocking your door down or they would be all over the news. you know it & i know it yet, there a complete lack of silence on behalf of the people of obamas past. there is something very strange here but, america, you chose to ignore it & yet, in truth, we know more about osama bin laden. strange, very strange. &, even stranger is the lack of any pictures of obama in school or college with his peers.

well, brace yourself. obama is getting ready to deny having anything to do with alexi giannoulias. obama & him go back a ways & guess who's right in the middle of it. yep,convicted felon tony rezko. google alexi & don't be surprised when you find the connection to obama.

there are other people people with 'shady' character i want to write about but, i will save it for my next blog.