Friday, November 25, 2016


hello america!!! how can the senseless chicago killings not make the 'all day/every day' news??? & yet, a celebrity dies & we send out prayers & the media is all over it---HMMM???

look, less then a week ago, i posted this CLICK HERE & here it is 5 short days later & we have new numbers---45 more people have been wounded/9 more people have been shot & killed/10 more homicides were reported/police wounded 1 more person---& all of it goes unreported---what am i missing that allows these killings to continue unabated???

let's keep it real---the vast majority of the guns used are not registered or recovered which brings me to this---how & why are so many of them getting into our communities??? we not only know who manufactures guns but, we also know exactly who they ship/transport them to &, we know what all is needed for the 'honest' citizen to purchase one---& yet, it's easier for a teenager to get his own gun than it is for him to get his diploma---why is that???

i'm not one to jump up & start conspiracy theories, however, something isn't 'right' & it smacks of the same problems we have with drugs & gangs---hey, i can remember when the limos would pull up in harlem & their passengers would go into the drug houses while the cop was on the beat twirling his baton & nothing was done---drugs were never a problem as long as they remained in the downtrodden communities &, they never became news or an epidemic until they started showing up in rural america---the same can be said of the gangs...hell, i use to joke with people that asked me 'who had the good shit' & i'd tell them, if you're looking for good drugs, go ask a cop---yeah, i know, i've got jokes but hey, don't ask a locksmith who has the best locks, ask that neighborhood house burglar that breaks in...

guns, drugs & gangs are problems that will not go away on their own because of the money involved & somebody has to be held accountable for all of these 'street guns' magically appearing in the hands of people so willing to use them...

i don't know what the solution is to illegal guns on our streets but, we must unite to stop it &, gun-control laws have nothing to do with it---furthermore, for all of those claiming 'social injustice' (police brutality against people of color) what about people brutality against other people &, even more specifically, black on black crime??? all you have to do is look at the numbers in chicago & elsewhere to know that the 'social injustice' is the least of our problems (3,986 people shot & the police were involved in only 24 of those shootings---killing 8/wounding 14)---our problem is ourselves...