Saturday, July 30, 2011


hello america!!! my friend charles p, who voted for that ass-hole obama, has finally come around. apparently he watched c-span a little while ago & is very heated about it. i didn't see it but, i take his word &, he's very upset that obama is really a punk. the tide is changing!!!!!!! the blind are starting to see....

Friday, July 29, 2011


hello america!!! for those of you that want to believe you supported a 'winner' & a 'leader' in obama, i am here to prove to you how very wrong you were & are:::obama has had more then ample time to have had this debt ceiling crap all wrapped up but, he's used that time to do every thing but deal with it when he should have. facts are facts & there's no middle ground between them unless you're deaf, dumb & plain stupid. &, the fact is, obama knew about the debt ceiling back in jan 2011 &, he more then likely knew about it long before then. below are three links you should click on for your own peace of mind.......

obama is not a leader----THAT'S A PURE & PROVEN FACT---he should have drawn up his very own 'blueprint' of what he wanted, submitted it to the house & the senate, sat back & waited to see what they came up &, go from there. but no, this lame-assed, leadershipless man did nothing. yes, he sent vp joe biden into the lions den in hopes that he could do the job that he couldn't do. yes, he made a big show of having both party's at the whitehouse to come up with something &, HE FAILED AT THAT ALSO.

obama wants so badly to have the debt ceiling 'crisis' behind him & hopes that harry reid (who also played a key role in our present economic problems) will bail him out by getting something passed until after the 2012 elections......OBAMA DOES NOT WANT THIS SUBJECT COMING UP DURING ANY OF HIS DEBATES.....that being said, obama has badly failed this country by not being the 'leader' he was elected to be. it's not in him----he's a punk; the kind of guy you don't want with you if you were in a dark alley.

obama, this man of promised "CHANGE" can only say this,

this obama dude was america's hope for "CHANGE" & the best he can come up with is: raising the debt ceiling is routine........he waited until one month before the ceiling had to be raised to get directly involved & since then, all he can do is blame both party's. IT'S HIS FAULT & HIS ALONE....i hate to say this but, every word is true.........i am more afraid of what obamas doing to my country then what any terrorists can do. obama may have an american birth certificate, but his actions are un-american.

oh, by the way, all that money of ours that obama sank into chrysler & gm will soon be coming back to show you how greatful their unions are:::::they are saying they will not budge on their 'demands' (ford included). you go obama & i don't care where as long as gone.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


hello america!!! i listen & watch obama when he's giving these news releases & i can't help but notice what he's not saying &, his not saying it is much louder then what's coming out of his mouth. as the 'so-called leader' of this country, one would think he would stand on his & the dems record for what he has accomplished since being elected. but no: he's too busy blaming the repubs for their failure to pass a bill raising the debt limit, mind you, as a so-called leader, it's not his 'job' to draw up his own blueprint---& that's according to whitehouse spokesperson, jay carney...............

obama's been in office for 2 1/2 years plus & one would expect him to be able to reach out to the rest of america like this:::::

america, i stand before you because of the grave circumstances we will face if the debt ceiling is not raised my way &, i need your support. i have mine & the dems political record to stand on & we should be heard above all the repub noise. we know what's good for america better then they or you do....after all, we gave you the stimulus (didn't work); we closed gitmo (didn't work); we bailed out the banks (didn't work); we bailed out chrysler & gm (didn't work); we gave you the 'cash-for-clunkers' program (didn't work); we bailed out the unions (didn't work); we put more of your money in education (didn't work); we sank your money in all those 'shovel ready' jobs because we knew that we could keep unemployment from going above 8% (didn't work); we came up with a foreign policy that makes out enemies tremble with fear of us & makes our friends embrace us with open arms (didn't work); we secured our borders (didn't work); we promised you 'an open & honest' government (didn't work); hell, we even bailed out your own individual states (didn't work); we gave you obamacare (didn't work);;;;america, i could go on & on & on but, you get the message. we are more then able to do what is best for you & that is why i am asking you to contact your elected officials & tell them to support me & the dems because we have a proven record of what we can do to better this country. &, before i forget, will somebody find out if i qualify for a pension after 2012....

america, we can't raise taxes on anybody right now & we need to cut spending immediately. our entittlements programs all have to be overhauled. we cannot continue down this path with instant reform regardless of our credit rating............

Thursday, July 21, 2011


hello america!!! obama, this is for you....

here it is, thursday--7/21/2011--& the new jobs numbers don't support what you've been trying to sell to america---------418,000 new claims & you, & your think-tank of super-smart idiots thought the number would be lower. & guess what, they're going to be even higher in the next two months due to summer jobs ending, back to school, & all of those government & teacher layoffs. WHAT MORE PROOF DO YOU NEED TO SEE THAT YOUR POLICY'S HAVE NOT & ARE NOT WORKING? MORE IMPORTANTLY, HOW MANY MORE AMERICANS HAVE TO SUFFER BECAUSE OF YOU. & yes, i'm blaming you.

you ran around this country campaigning for the office you now hold, telling americans that you had all the answers & the people you hired, were the best in the country. you & your think-tank of super smart idiots may be qualified on paper but, all of you lack good old american common sense. i find it hard to believe that you went to harvard, graduated, & this is what you've become!!!!! you are what america didn't & doesn't need----i think of all of those people of color you think you helped & i wonder just how badly you've hurt the future for the people of color.

look, common sense say that if one of your daughters gets a paper cut, you clean it & put a bandaid on it but, after 10 bandaids & three days later it's still bleeding, you take her to a doctor. please take off your blinders & see what you are doing to my country. you are failing it & instead of looking elsewhere for answers, you're still steeped with forcing your own agenda on us.

all of your bills that were supposed to 'create &/or save' jobs have failed. i don't want to hear that crap that america would be worse off if you hadn't stepped in----this whole mess would probably have been more then half way fixed had you not bothered it. you are the fault we are where we are & you can't spin failure. &, since i brought up 'create &/or save' jobs, when you were running around the country promoting your stimulus bill & your obamacare, it was just 'create' & when you saw that that failed, you added the words '&/or save'.

when are you going to understand that the free market is the only thing that can save this country? no amount of government intervention you apply can 'bail' us out of this mess. in fact, the more intervention, the more retarded is our growth. surely any idiot should be able to see & understand this.....for starters, you need to de-regulate some of the rules you've imposed on small businesses &, you need to lower their tax rates. common sense says this will lead to job growth which in turn will lead to the federal government receiving much more revenue. it's called BUSINESS 101 but i guess they don't teach it at the schools you went to.

obama, you have actively sought out & supported unionized labor & that is america's biggest day you might understand that...unions are only good when an economy can afford them. right now, americans are buying non-union goods because they cannot afford what the unions offer the market----they're just too expensive. the teachers, policemen's &, firemen's unions are costing us far too much &, regardless of how much funding you continue to send their way, the problem will always exist until the states, city's & county's do what they did in wisconsin---& you got upset about that & got involved.

look at the state of texas & learn from them: look at the state of south carolina & learn from them:::::look at all the states that are bringing jobs in & balancing their budgets & learn from them....

obama, you can say what you want but, the facts don't lie-----the state of texas has created 38% of all united states jobs since your announcement about your 'summer of recovery' last year....have you asked yourself why? have you or your people gone down there to see what they've done to create those jobs? texas is a job friendly state &, because they were able to create those jobs, they have a hell of a lot more revenue coming in that they wouldn't have had by 'raising taxes'. take a look at south carolina.....

obama, i've said it before, you are not a 'leader', you are a follower. i just wish you'd wake up & follow the good things that can save this great nation. please get off your soapbox & do what's right for america &, unionized labor ain't it. &, if you don't believe me, unionize walmart & mcdonalds & see how much business they lose & how many of their employees will be out of work.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


hello america!!! let's be real. when your credit cards are maxed out, bill collectors knocking on your door, your kids are wearing $85 sneakers, your daughters get pampered at the salons every weekend, your son has that fairly new car with that $800 music system, you & your wife have those dinner & bbq party's every nice weekend, your job gave you a break by cutting your hours instead of cutting you-----you just might find that you are spending more then you take home.......i'm very sorry if this is really you but, just do as obama suggests & go to the bank & get your credit limit raised. simple! problem solved & i don't get paid the big bucks.....oh, did i forget to mention your light bills, phone bills, insurance policy's, car payments, rent or mortgage payments, clothing & food costs, gas &/or electric bills &, state & city taxes for your house???? yep, just go to your bank & tell them obama sent you.....& i just know they're going to raise your debt limit because to default would be the very end of the world. what a bunch of crap!!!!!!!

i think we all know what the banks would tell us::::& that's what all of congress should tell obama. he's had more then enough time to put his ducks in order but, instead of doing that, he'd rather run around the country blaming pres bush. so what if pres bush had two wars that were not funded---congress voted for us to go into iraq & they are responsible for the funding (i have no clue as to what to say about afghanistan). congress passed obamacare &, if they somehow come up with a way to block funding it, the next president can blame obama------how petty can you get?

america, we have to address entittlement spending because there is a lot of fraud & wasteful spending in the public welfare system alone. i know of a lady with 3 children, a grandchild & her mother living in a 4 bedroom apartment & she gets all sorts of benefits & refuses to work a full time job because she'll lose some of her benefits:::::she is fully able to work fulltime...for that matter, i know quite a few people like her. as long as our government will give, they will always get &, they are not worried about the future or putting their kids through college. she's not concerned with that american dream---she's too busy living food stamp day to food stamp day. somehow, our federal government has to step in & force her to do for herself---not continue to feed her dependency on their support. so, if i know of some people taking advantage of the system, i know you know of others & when you add them all together, it costs us a lot to support them. so far, none have them have broken the "law" like getting an under-the-table job but, they have become so dependent on the hand-outs.

obama promised change & to get rid of the programs that don't work & strengthen the ones that do----so far, he's done neither. had he of kept his promises, we'd be in a much better shape entittlement wise. our entittlement program all need to be overhauled & i know this is something the dems are dead set against. obama talks about being for it but his actions, or lack thereof, prove differently. he could have & should have done something long before now---he had plenty of opportunity but, as usual, he didn't do his job.


hello america!!! the whitehouse has said that obama does not have to produce a blueprint for the debt ceiling. &, i have always said, he is not a leader. he is a follower & no where in his political career can you prove differently. he should have had a blueprint drawn up & presented to congress on day one---he knew this was coming & he did nothing to avoid these last minute meetings. but, he's trying his best to use it to his advantage by painting the repubs as the 'bad boys' in washington &, keeping it on the front page so as to take your minds off of his failed policy's & the present state of our economy....

obama appointed a 'debt commission' (gang of six) last year to find solutions to our debt problems...he rejected their findings & they were grilled, under oath, by congress. obama ignored their warnings & suggestions & that's why we are now in the 11th hour of the debt ceiling talks....his lack of 'leadership' has hurt this country in ways that will never fully be understood for years to come.....more on that in a near-future blog....................................

america, obama has no concrete answers on how to fix any of our present or future problems. all of his actions have hindered our growth as a nation except his giving the ok for the murder of bin laden. he cannot 'stand' on what he's done & has to use other tactics to 'dope' you into believing he is the only one that has, & can, help this country. he has lied to us & will continue to do so because the pro-obama news media won't challenge or expose him.

so, let me put it this way:::::::::
1.....banking industry--obama bailed them out without any major changes to how they conduct their business
2.....housing market--obama bailed them out without any major changes to how they conduct their business industry (chrysler & gm)--obama bailed them out without any major changes to how they conduct their business except to force out a few gm's department--obama bailed them out without any major changes to how the teachers (unionized) conduct their business
5.....unemployment compensation program--obama bailed them out without any major changes to how it conducts its business except to extend the benefit period
6.....the individual states--obama bailed them out without any major changes to how they conduct their business

america, black is black & white is white & there's no mistaking one for the other &, that's a fact. i listed just six of obamas failed crap but i could easily go on as could you. please see obama for what he really is & tell me what he has done for the greater good of this nation....PLEASE TELL ME!!!!
obama would rather lie to you then tell you the truth about something so simple as the debt ceiling. he has said that he cannot promise social security & veterans checks will be delivered after august 3rd if the debt ceiling isn't raised.....good people, this is simple a big lie----no, it's not a mis-quote or a mistake on the teleprompter----it's a big, bold-faced lie. it's a scare tactic & nothing more & the repubs (if they had any sense) should challenge him on it by not raising the debt ceiling. so what?....we default & our credit rating goes down-----so what? we need to put a big pair of scissors to our national credit card until we rebound from our present 'home-grown' economic problems & we will never get there if we continue to borrow. we need to go back to the drawing board. &, obama is not the one to "LEAD" us there----after all, he stops 'oil drilling' here & then promises brazil we will be their number one oil buyer. it's like he's saying 'america, we can't & won't depend on foreign energy any longer but, let's just depend on brazil for their oil' &, you & the pro-obama news media accept this as 'gospel'.

if congress & obama do nothing about the debt ceiling, who, to include obama, has told you that we are not solvent with social security until 2037? all of that money is accounted for & can go to those that are supposed to receive it. why scare them with lies?


hello america!!! before i get into this & loose my train of thought, i want you to bear in mind that obama & the dems shoved a stimulus & obamacare down our throats without repub support. in all that time they controlled the whitehouse, the senate &, the house, what did they ever do to try to stave off the current debt ceiling problem? i know you can't answer that but, you could tell me that they recklessly spent our money with promises of getting us out of our current problems. all of their promises (& actual attempts) have failed miserably.&, what's even worse, they have shot down everything the repubs have put forth.

from obama on down, the dems have nothing in writing & yet, they want to raise taxes, spend more of our money &, do nothing for or to any of the entittlements programs. they had plenty of time to have done something positive to prevent this showdown but, they did nothing & are doing nothing....they are looking to 2012 & i honestly hope they get 'fired'...

to see & hear nancy pelosi talk about what americans are talking about at their dinner tables is a joke. she didn't care what they were thinking when she helped cram obamacare & the stimulus down our throats & she doesn't care now. where is her blueprint for raising the debt deiling? where is harry reid's? where is the dems blueprint?

obama talks a lot but, as a harvard grad, one would think he could sit down & come up with his own blueprint. he could put something in writing & offer it to the american, that's beneath him. however, someone writes all that crap he reads from his teleprompters but no one in his admin can write a debt ceiling blueprint.

& then you have rep jackson lee running her mouth about 'racism'. if one is to believe her, the 48 dems that all voted "NO" to raising the debt ceiling in 2006 were racist towards pres bush. somebody should give this wingnut a dictionary & highlite what racism is-----&, apparently she's too dumb to realize that when you have blacks, whites, hispanics & others all voting for or against the same thing, it's pure stupidity to claim racism.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


hello america!!! i have always told you that obama is a liar & by now, you've heard of him saying 80% of americans favor increased revenues in the debt ceiling battle.....none of the polls, either on the left or right, back this up. please do your own homework on this issue---(yes, i could provide a link)---& it will lead you to many other things that the pro-obama news media won't willingly expose about obama.....what the hell, i'm a nice guy, so here are two links...................

it's ironic that in 2006, obama & all 48 dems voted against a debt ceiling increase under pres bush &, here's a link to that..........

it is really amazing that obamas "NO" vote in 2006 was just a "symbolic gesture" & a way of 'sending a message' which means, he was just playing 'politics' then which is something he doesn't want the repubs to do now.

ok america, let's just assume that his "NO" vote was a "symbolic gesture":::something he now wants you to believe was a mistake (BECAUSE HE'S FACING THE VERY SAME PROBLEM THAT PRES BUSH FACED):::if we give him that, how does he explain that "raising the debt ceiling is a failure of leadership" (his words---not mine) without admitting that his very own leadership has failed this great nation???? as for you pro-obamaholics, you might justify his "NO" vote but, you cannot justify his words or their meaning.

&, obama claims he will win any debate (with whoever the repub nominee is) about the direction this country is heading::::::::::will that include topics about the following????????????????
1......obamacare--how it was forced upon us/how it's cutting 500 billion dollars from the seniors/how it will force people to pay more for less/how it will force people to change their plan/how the doctors that wanted it are closing up shop & joining hospitals/ how it was so necessary for americans & yet, the majority of waivers have gone to unionized company's
2......the obama stimulus--how it was forced upon us & created or saved all those millions of jobs/how it bailed out some banks but not others/how it bailed out chrysler & gm & that we will never get all of our money back/how it bailed out unionized labor & not the 'free market'
3......the obama promise of high ethical standards & an open & honest administration/
4......the obama promise of change & how washington conducts its business
5......the obama promise to close 'gitmo'
6......the obama foreign policy-----this is a sad joke because it seems like it changes day-by-day
7......the obama promise to get rid of the federal agency's that don't work & strengthen the ones that do
8......the obama promise to cut the federal budget in half during his first term
9......the obama promise to cut gov't spending & yet, he increased the gov't
10....the obama promise of immigration reform
11....the obama promise of 'reaching across the isle'-----another sad joke
12....obamas american policy----where is it & what is it?

america, i could go on & on & on but, you got the message.....obama is a liar & a failed 'so-called leader' who does not deserve a second chance. & for all of you that want to play the 'race card' what has obama done for you????

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


hello america!!! dems blame the repubs, the repubs blame the dems &, obama comes along & blames both party's. then he says that social security & veteran checks might not go out aug 3rd. who can believe him after the debt he's accumulated under his watch? i can't & don't. after all of his wasteful spending, he now wants to become fiscally responsible? pure crap.

& again, some of you say i'm being too hard on obama & i say, american are not being hard enough on him. he appointed a 'debt commission' & here's who was on it & when.....

&, as we all know, he blew them off. he even skipped a meeting with his commission & that should show you how serious he is about getting the our debt under control....

had obama acted on his own commissions advice, we wouldn't be here now wondering what's going to happen with our debt. obama dropped this ball & no american should allow him to get away with it. here is a look at what was recomended......

so, while all you obama diehards continue to blindly support & follow obama, &, that's your right, i ask you to open your minds up & see where this country is heading with him. & then ask yourselves, at the current rate this country is not growing, will your children & grandchildren be better off with obama in office for another four years? &, before you answer that, feel free to browse through my blogs because i have presented obama as a lawyer for acorn contributing to our economic mess; i've presented obama as an elected official to washington ignoring pres bush's warnings for stronger regulatory measure against fannie & freedie; i've presented evidence that when america is faced with a problem, obama runs from it & finds others to blame.....even now he's still blaming pres bush for all of our troubles.

america, we do not need four more years of someone at the helm that refuses to be our leader....

Monday, July 11, 2011


hello america!!! if i'm not mistaken, didn't obama sign a bill that was supposed to make 'higher education' more affordable to our citizens? well, obama bailed the 'education system' out & you see the results in just about every county in this country---it didn't work then & it isn't working now. so, obama gives the states & education system money to 'save &/or create' jobs & they in turn raise their tuitions----what a lovely system we have here.

good people, can you tell me why we need to 'bail out' colleges? most of them have 'programs' that enable them to make millions of dollars using their students without having to 'pay' them. look at what they make from football, basketball &, baseball alone....i don't have all the figures but, when you factor in tuition fees, lodging, books &, meals , etc-------i can't understand why they need federal dollars at our expense. some colleges are at the very top when it comes to making money in sports &, just to name a few::::take
ohio state football, michigan state football, notra dame football---it's a big 'money making' business. just look at the packed stadiums during the 'big' games & the sponsors of them &, we glue ourselves to the tv when then play. the games are scheduled for 'prime time' tv & they make money for the colleges that don't pay the students for their physical talents & then bitch when the  boosters' give them a free dinner. you don't have to take my word on it----but, the next time you schedule your activities around 'march madness' remember what i said. on the other hand, you have colleges that don't have 'big' sports events but, they do just fine. maybe i'm crazy but, did you ever hear of a college filing for bankruptcy?

america, if you care to look at this rare tidbit, you'll find that 'higher learning' is expensive just to get in & then, you have all the other costs:::::

obama, this is why we shouldn't bailout teachers or the system

Saturday, July 9, 2011

OBAMA----9.2%:::what say you now!!!!!!!!

hello america!!! the truth is right---it might not be what you want to hear---&, i have not lied to you since i started doing this blogging &, i'm not going to start now::::::9.2% unemployment rate & it doesn't look good for the future.

the truth of the matter is: obama lied to you; nancy pelosi lied to you; harry reid lied to you; barney franks lied to you; charles rangel lied to you &, all those dems (& a few repubs) lied to you. &, what's worse, they continue to lie to you to this day. they all ran around this country lying about how their stimulus was going to immediately create millions of jobs.....they ran all around this country lying to about how obamacare was going to immediately create all those jobs.....they ran around this country lying to you about how they knew what was better for you (both as a country & an individual) then you knew. &, they are still running around lying to you.

if you care to remember, the dems took control of the house & senate nov 2006 & obama was sworn in 20 jan 2009---------just look at us now. but, allow me to break it down with the truth......

what did the dems do that 'saved' us from today (& remember, obama was one of them until nov 2008)?
i can tell you that they jumped all over pres bush but, this comes from one of those left-wing pres bush bashers & i was surprised to find it giving any credit to pres bush.

america, the truth is based on fact & the fact of the matter is: the dems fought pres bush every step of the way when he was calling for stronger regulatory measures against fannie mae & freddie mac & what's worse, the repubs didn't help him either...............
both party's could have put the brakes on todays economic problems had they have only listened & heeded pres bush's warnings. hindsight being 20/20, they should hail pres bush as a man ahead of his time, not the man that brought this country down. but, that would be asking them to do the impossible----they would rather spend their time continuing to lie to you & blame others for their failures. case in point: obama would rather lie to you about his having inherited this mess rather then tell you he (& others like him) are a big reason we're in this mess.........
obama hasn't said anything about this & the pro-obama biased media won't even mention it but, he is a very strong supporter of 'sub-prime-loans. so i reject his having 'inherited' this mess from pres bush. he (& many others) not only helped get us into this mess, as a senator in congress, he did nothing about it &, what's worse, as he campaigned across the country, he continually blamed pres bush & still does. &, regardless of what you may think of him, he's not manly enough to 'man-up' to any of the above.

then you have nancy pelosi saying (yesterday) that it's been 185 days since the repubs took over the house & she had the audacity to say they haven't presented a 'jobs bill'. &, she did so with a straight face---freakin incredible. as speaker of the house she had at least 1,460 days (4 years) to produce a 'jobs bill'. where is it?
maybe it's because she's old & senile, plus she was fighting for her speakership, that she forgot they never produced one either. what an idiot!!!

let's not forget harry reid. he's had five plus years as the senate leader & you see where we are. but, to let him tell it, it's all the repubs fault for our problems. what a crock of crap. ask him if he's man enough to blame whoever it was (pres clinton) that loosened the reigns on CRA (google it under WIKIPEDIA). i wish no harm to this man but, i do wish a crack in the floor would swallow him down. but, he should be happy----he got his state that 'high-speed' rail system at our expense.

america, i could go on & on & on. i won't bore you with the details----you've now received the 'facts' & the facts will lead you to the truth &, the truth can & will stand by itself----it doesn't need alibiing.

so, we're right back where i started from-------------------------------------------9.2% unemployment & that figure relates to 14 million plus people (plus millions more they can't account for) out of work & yet, obamas mouthpieces say this will have no bearing in the upcoming elections because you're too stupid to remember the numbers. that's as bad as nancy pelosi telling us we have to pass the bill to see what's in it &, they're the ones that wrote it.

had obama not have done any of his bailouts, we probably would have been well on our way to prosperity & american growth..........he will never admit this---it's not part of his being an american. he won't tell the truth about how his policy's have failed & 'hand-cuffed' our economic growth'. & neither will those that have supported him. no, obama & the rest of his surrounding idiots would rather 'spend' more our money rather then do the 'right' thing for our great nation. however, the facts support the following: increased federal spending does not lead to prosperity & that my good people is the biggest problem with obama & his kind...
they lie to us about how they know better what our money will do for us then we do.

obama, let's just say that you did inherit this mess, how do you explain how you've drastically compounded the problem? all of your policy's have failed & that crap about you acting when you did or we'd be worse off
is like telling an alaskan native that you have snow for sale-----it's pure crap & i can only hope that america feels as i do, & that is, that you not only don't deserve four more years, you have not earned four more years.

Friday, July 8, 2011


hello america!!! let's talk obama tax increases & how that should cause you great concern.....only an idiot would tell you that raising the taxes on the wealthy & businesses won't affect the middleclass. unfortunately, we have many of those very same idiots running this country.

let's run through a few scenarios::::::if you are accustomed to living a certain lifestyle, own a business &, the federal government, state, city or county, raise your taxes, your profit will be deplenished &, that means those luxury trips & lavish dinners will have to come out of your pocket, & there's no way you can have that.
so, you raise the price of your goods or services to combat that raise &, guess who has to pay those higher prices? that's right!!! all the people that use those goods or services & that includes the middleclass.

here's another one:::::if you own an apartment building & the government raises the taxes, don't you raise the rent on the residents?

think about this::::if certain goods are made in cali & the tax is raised on them & they have to be delivered to new york, will you still pay the same price as before the raise?

america, the free market is in business to make money (regardless of the business) & when they have to pay more, we have to pay's always been that way & will always be that way. if you start a painting company, you expect to make a profit &, when the government starts eating into your profit, you charge your customers more to compensate...........this is business 101. the problem with this is, you can only raise your prices so much until your customers decide you're no longer affordable, & bam! you're out of business.

look at your banks......when they have to pay more, you have to pay more.....if you're overdrawn they charge about $35 for paying the overcharge, $10 for the 'paperless' work &, $5 a day while you're overdrawn. the fees are ridiculous......

when gas prices go up, the food costs go up as well as everything else that travels on gas.

america, please don't let obama fool you-----he's already snuck several tax increases on us that do affect the middleclass & the pro-obama media won't tell you about them....obamas chips program raised the price of all tobacco & related products; he's caused us to pay more for our alcohol beverages; obamacare has already raised the cost of healthcare (please google it yourself).

we cannot afford four more years of obama-----because of his lack of leadership & his failed policies, he's failed to help those living 'paycheck-to-paycheck'. actually, he's done just the opposite of helping them.

obama, let's be for real:::::you looked america in the eye & said your obamacare mandate was not a tax & yet, you argued before the appelate court that it is a tax.

raising the tax on the rich & closing the 'loopholes' jet owners is a bad move......they will find a way to keep their lifestyle &, we'll be the ones that will suffer because of it.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


hello america!!! it really makes me sick that obama took the time to denigrate rep paul ryan for his wanting to overhaul medicare/medicaid & now, here he is telling us that he wants to make cuts in them (as if this was his idea). he's already cut them by 500 billion dollars plus (effective 2014) because of his obamacare but, the pro-obama media seems to think this little fact isn't worth reporting to you.

if you care to remember, ryan's bill passed in the house but the dems in the senate shot it down (thanks again harry reid for supporting the seniors however, you did get your 'high-speed' rail service for nevada).

so, here we are again, damn near at zero hour & obama wants to try to cut 4 trillion dollars from the deficit over many years......what it wrong with this man & those controling the country. we need something that starts cutting down the deficit tomorrow----not 10/12 years down the road. we need to act now about now because tomorrow is not promised to any of us. whatever obama, the dems &, the repubs work out has to start the day after they approve & pass it. it has to include immediate, massive cuts in federal spending &, if it comes to 'laying off' government workers, so be it (welcome to the real world).

obama grew the federal government at an alarming rate &, if the repubs are serious, most of that growth should be eliminated overnight. we don't need 'food police', etc; departments like that should go. we have several departments that all deal with food like the fda & others &, they should be downsized & combined to just one. our dot should be downsized & combined into one department. this should include all those
czars' obama appointed.

i can only hope obama & congress get the message & do the right thing.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


hello america!!! it saddens me that casey anthony will not do serious 'jail time' because i, like so many of you, believed she was guilty. that being said, the state did not 'prove' its case beyond a reasonable doubt & the jury did the right thing no matter how wrong we think they are.

firstly, had the state gone after a lesser charge, casey would be doing a lot of time, however, that's hindsight. to charge anyone with 1st degree murder & not be able to produce supporting evidence of that charge is another thing. to say the state over-reached for a guilty verdict on 1st degree murder is letting them off lightly. the state screwed this case up from the beginning (we'll get into this in a minute) because they speculated about what happened &, to include all the forensic evidence, they could not meet their burdon of proof.....& here's why:::::::::::::::::::
1.....the state could not directly connect casey to the duct tape
2.....the state could not prove the 'heart shaped sticker' was ever on the duct tape
3.....the state could not prove the duct tape was the 'murder weapon' due to lack of DNA & fingerprints
4.....the state could not prove that casey had or used that shovel
5.....the state could not lift fingerprints or DNA from that shovel
6.....the state could not link casey to the 'death scene'
7.....the state could not provide 'credible' experts to testify about the smell of death
8.....the state could not provide consistent witnesses to testify about the smell of death
9.....the state could not link the autopsy to the cause of death which was muffed
10...the state could not provide consistent witnesses to describe the 'crime' scene
11...the state could not provide concrete proof about the stain in the trunk of the casey's car
12...the state could not prove the time of death
13...the state could not prove the manner of death
14...the state could not prove where caylee died
15...the state could not prove when caylee died
16...the state could not prove who killed caylee
17...the state had to impeach several of its own witnesses
18...the state could not counter the testimony of roy kronk's son

america, these are but 18 reasons (at least) for a not guilty verdict. the jury did their job & the state failed to do theirs-----so, if you have a beef with the verdict, blame the state for not proving their case.

although jose baez made stupid 'opening' statements about what he was going to prove, the burdon of proof was not on him or casey----it rested soley on the shoulders of the state &, they couldn't & didn't carry it well. &, let's not forget that that 'sorry-assed' judge allowed the state greater 'leeway' then the defense. he allowed 'evidence' in that has never been admitted in any other court in our land. he 'shot down' the defense every chance he got-----so, if you say the deck was stacked:::it was but, it was stacked against the defense & had this verdict been 'guilty', casey would have had plenty of grounds for appeal.

my good people, this verdict was based on the evidence that the state of florida failed to provide----& that's the bottom line. in hindsight, we can all believe & or know that casey got away with murder but, that murder was never proven.

now, for all of those media outlets that had casey waiting for a needle before the trial, take yourself to bed &, when you wake up, put all of your resources together to find out exactly what did happen to little caylee. don't be on the 'air' beating up the jurors & the defense team  because they did their jobs &, if you consider yourself true americans---do yours & find out who did this & why....swallow your stupid pride & this goes out to all the nancy graces & bill o'reilly's that don't & won't accept the verdict because you had casey one step away from the grave at the hands of the state of florida.......

Monday, July 4, 2011


hello america!!! why are we still giving our money to country's that don't even like us? i can understand helping them with some sort of aid in the form of solid goods, if they really need it but, congress needs to shut the flow of money to them off. if you can remember all the accusations against pakistan before & after bin ladens death, no one in congress seems to feel we can trust them & they have proven they don't have our best interests at heart however, we still give them about three billion dollars a year. Why? i know we've been using their airspace & we run our ground supplies through there but, three billion a year?

pakistan doesn't even like us. they allowed bin laden to hide there for six years & complained when we shot him without their help. they allow others to cross the border, attack us, & they allow them to hide out. they don't want our drones going through their airspace & their government is crooked from top to bottom.

when congress reconvenes to get our federal debt ceiling in order, the money we dole out to foreign country's should very much be on the table.

here a link as to what we do dole out & to who we dole it out to.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


hello america!!! the following is an extremely touchy issue however, it is one that the feds & the states have to deal with &, they have to deal with it soon because things are getting out of here we go--

immigration needs to be over-hauled. if someone came here illegally, they broke the law & should not be rewarded with a 'path to citizenship' unless they can prove that their being returned to their country would actually cause them harm.

regardless of how one enters this country, if they do it illegally, they should be punished with immediate deportation unless they committed a criminal act at which point they should face those charges & then be deported.

our immigration laws have to reflect what is going on in 2011----we have to speed up the process on how we deport illegal aliens &, it's really a simple step & present history is on the side of this one....if someone crosses our borders illegally from mexico & we catch them immediately, we take them back to the border & that's that. why are we allowing them to languish in our jail systems for months & years? &, at our expense?

look, it seems hard & cold, but our laws need to be re-written immediately to reflect immediate deportation.
if illegal aliens are caught anywhere within our borders & we can "prove" they are here illegally----they need to go. damn all that 'due-process' crap. they don't deserve it & they never earned our 'due-process' system
&, we don't need to spend our money on their being jailed for long's really simple---bust them for being here illegally & BOOM, send them back home.

now, for congress to pass the legislation to speed up the 'get-them-the-hell-out-of-here' process, they will need the fortitude to withstand all the pressure the 'left-wingers' & other lib orgs are going to put on them.

we spend a fortune on 'captured' illegal aliens because our present system allows them to appeal their being deported & this should be abolished immediately....they are not american citizens & should not be afforded the same rights that we have as citizens. & that's the bottom line....

this is a link to another state trying to clean up it's immigration laws......


hello america!!! whether or not you like this is totally up to you but, some states are getting their financial houses in order without raising taxes.......please pass this message on to obama & all the dems that want to do the's a link on how ohio did it with a repub governor.........

obama wanted congress to stay in session until they reached a deal on raising the national debt ceiling &, guess who left town for the 4th of july holiday? obama took over the 'lead' on the talks between the dems & the repubs, had a few meetings with the dems, & then left town with nothing settled. what kind of 'leadership' is that? it kind of reminds me of when i was growing up------that 'do as i say, not as i do' crap.

america, we can balance our budget without raising taxes on anybody!!! it all seems common sense to me....
1.....we need to re-structure every entittlement program we have to reflect 2011, not 1950 or 1960
2.....we need to overhaul the pay, benefits, healthcare & retirement packages of all 'public' workers to include our elected officials in congress
3.....we need to overhaul our immigration laws by immediately "deporting" all aliens that are here illegally
4.....we need to stop 'giving' public assistance to those very same aliens but, not emergency medical care
5.....we need to stop giving 'foreign' country's money until we get our own house in order
6.....we need to immediately allow this great nation to produce its own oil & closely watch how they do it
7.....we need to stop 'bailing' out states & let them fight their own financial battles
8.....we need to stop unions from acquiring those lucrative deals at our expense
9.....we need to immediately cut back every federal agency
10...we need to stop bailing out the public sector & allow them to either sink or swim on their own
11...we need to immediately re-structure how we issue government contracts
12...we have to immediately 'freeze' all non-essential spending
13...we need to write & pass all future bills without any 'pork' in them
14...we need to immediately freeze all current tax levels
15...we need to immediately put americans back to work & back in their homes
16...we need to stop wasteful spending by either eliminating federal agency's or combining them

america, i'm sure you could add to this list however, if congress were to seriously devote their time to the above issues, we could get our federal government 'living within their means'. but, make no mistake, somebody will suffer but, in order to get to the top, you have to know where the bottom is.