Wednesday, June 20, 2012


hello america!!! the economy gets lost in the other news story's but, i'm here to keep it on point.

obama is airing ads that attack gov mitt romney's job as a massachusetts governor & his job at bain's capital.   in short, gov romney did a better job as the leader of mass then obamas done as the so-called leader of america. as for his record at bain's, even dems, to include pres clinton, have come to his rescue. so, what's the point of the ads & the waste of money on them knowing that the accuracy of them is inaccurate? i can only imagine that some people will see them & rate them as true...bear in mind that these are the same people that, if obama said drinking muddy water was good for them, they'd be flocking to the watering holes.

when is america & the media stand up & demand answers from obama? when are they going to pin him down for definite answers as to where are the jobs? good people, you should be tired of him joking at the jobs not being that shovel ready; blaming it on pres bush, the repub's, overseas events; &, now saying, he needs more time for his efforts to take place.....all bull crap................he told you that his stimulus was needed 'right now', 'immediately', 90% of the stimulus was going to small business's', 'money would be going out the door immediately to those that needed it most', 'it did everything it was designed to do' &, i've got the videos to prove those words come from obama---------------since then, he has scaled it back quite a lot to, 'it wasn't designed to work in 4 months to, it needs more time.

we are out of time---obama himself said that if he didn't get the economy under control in his first 3 years that he would be a one term president.......america, come november, please prove him correct on his being a one-termer....he has fired all the bullets & has no ammo left to help us & 'four more years of the same' will not help this great nation one iota...i know it, you know it & he knows it. defend him all you want but how in the hell is hiring more teacher's, firemen, & policemen (all gov't jobs) going to turn the job markets around? how does infrastructure spending (mostly union jobs or the same company's you see every year fixing our roads & bridges) help the job markets open up? how does investing in 'green technology' (i am still waiting for at least one success story from the first investments) encourage more 'help wanted' signs from employers?
how does investing in job training (it honestly didn't work the first time) help the economy when there are no jobs for that training?

it sounds great & reads great but, in reality, it did not/does not/will not work. more importantly, obama knows it but, he can't change his tactics now or he runs the risk of having to admit to the american people that his first plan failed. &, there's nothing wrong with admitting failure as long as you try to make the necessary corrections to keep that failure from occurring again...however, obama will never apologize---it's just not in his makeup...

four more years under obama is not even fair to this country......................


hello america!!! what i find most fascinating & riveting about the 'fast & furious' investigations is, the dems don't seem to want the so-called 'truth' to come out. the real truth will never be allowed to come out thanks to obamas inserting 'executive privilege'. the dems have sided with ag william holder at every step of the way.  how obama can claim this 'privilege' when he told america that he nor his staff had any part of this operation. so, what is in the 'requested' documents that the whitehouse does not want submitted to the commission investigating the 'fast & furious'??? we may never know...

we now know that none of the 17 dem committee members voted to hold holder in contempt which is simply astonishing..they are telling the american people, & the whole world, that it is okay to lie to congress; that it is okay not to comply with their subpoenas; that it is okay to obstruct the investigation; that it is okay to 'stonewall' congress...what a message when they, myself & everybody else was a witness to the hearings.

good people, the repubs are not 'which hunting' here. holder did the things that the committee found him in contempt of &, he has no one to blame but himself. he entered the room lying about knowing about 'fast & furious' & the lies piled up from there.

the country is in bad shape when the dems ignore what holder actually did, & what compounds it is, it's all documented---it is way past the point of 'he said/she said'. it's even sadder when obama got involved by issuing executive privilege. congress is the one responsible for roger clemens being found in contempt & was recently found 'not guilty' on all count in a court of law.

&, at a time when 27 house passed jobs bills are just sitting at the senate awaiting action, obama keeps blaming repubs for the jobs problems while the senate majority leader, harry reid, would rather devote the senates time into fixing professional boxing in lieu of the recent manny pacquiao/bradley decision...true story.


hello america!!! 18 continuous months of hearings (lies, obstruction & stonewalling all by the office of the attorney general); one american death (border agent brian terry) caused by two of the guns from the program; several guns from the program found at crime scenes; many, many mexican deaths & crimes due to these weapons; obama & his admin denying they had any knowledge of the program; ag holder refusing to invoke executive privilege; contempt of congress scheduled against holder; holder agrees to meet with congress members to avoid hearing; requested documents still not presented from the ag's office; day of scheduled hearings, whitehouse claims executive privilege..........if you caught a fish, left it in the sun for weeks, it would not smell as badly as this story.  &, if you were to visit the whitehouse, you'd find the source of the stink.

from the beginning, i did not think that holder would have allowed 'fast & furious' to proceed without somebody from the obama admin giving the's executive privilege assertion 'proves' that obama or somebody in his admin had knowledge of this operation.

obama, or somebody in his admin do not want certain documents getting out & there because they will prove embarrassing to obama. personally, i think he had prior knowledge of this operation but never though congress would dig as deeply as they have dug.

in truth, if the office's of the attorney's office & alcohol, tobacco & firearms were the only ones involved, obama would have let them be fed to the wolves...that way, he would look awfully good, honest & fair. however, by exerting the privilege, obama does not want something 'damaging' to come out---it's just that simple. 

i am actually watching the contempt proceedings against holder as i write this & i find it sad that the dems support ag holder & are against the proceedings. they have to know that they were lied to. they have to know that holder blew them off & refused to give them the requested documents. & now, they are trying to defend holder's actions while condemning the actions of the commitee...good people, regardless of how congress arrived at this point, the truth (or lies in this case) of the matter is: william holder, attorney general for the united states of america did:::knowingly lie under oath; refused to submit requested documents; stonewalled the congress of the united states of america &, he should not only be held in contempt of congress but, he should also be held in contempt by the judicial system.

i can only hope that the american people can see this for what it has really become----another gov't cover up from the very highest level in our fed gov't.......&, while we do our monday morning quarterbacking on the story, please remember, border agent, brian terry, died because of this operation & his family is owed answers as to why, who knew what &, when did they know it........

by the way, are we still supposed to trust holder to investigate the whitehouse leaks???