Thursday, November 9, 2017


hello america!!! 'gun control'---regardless of which side of this issue you're on, GUNS DO NOT KILL PEOPLE---PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE!!!

before you even think to respond to the above, follow this...
1.....guns are either obtained legally or illegally PERIOD
2.....guns have to be picked up & loaded PERIOD
3.....guns have to be aimed/pointed at somebody or some thing PERIOD
4.....guns have to have the safety off (those that have them) before they can be fired PERIOD
5.....guns have to have somebody or something press the trigger to fire them PERIOD

whether you're legally shooting a deer or illegally shooting another person, withdraw any sequence from the above & the gun is rendered harmless PERIOD...

good people, chicago's (YTD) stats are---2,647 people were shot of which 559 of them died---eliminate any one of the above sequences & the stats would read 'ZERO SHOT'---somebody had to run through those sequences to effectively fire those guns because the guns damn sure won't fire themselves...

every time there's a shooting, the dems & left-wing media cry out for stricter 'gun control' & then ignore the facts---i.e; the recent deadly mass-shooting in texas---there are laws on the books that should have prohibited the shooter from legally obtaining a gun (s) however, the air force dropped the ball by not entering his information into the national data-base---unfortunately, 26 innocent people paid with their lives for that colossal screw-up but, the dems & left-wing media are not going after the air force...

america, chicago reportedly has some of the strictest gun laws on the books & yet, they have our nations highest totals concerning gun-violence---if you can figure the 'why' of that out, please let me know---look, we have all of these laws & regulations in place but, we have far too many different agencies &, they don't always coordinate with one another in a timely fashion (that's why 9/11 & several other atrocities have occurred)---somehow, we have to fix that...

what we really should be talking about is how to 'identify & fix' the people so willing to take the lives of others because that is the very root of our gun-problem---people that want to kill others will always find a way to do so regardless of what laws we put on the books to prevent that &, just so you know, simply threatening criminals with extended jail time is not a deterrent---most people that do 'anything' illegal know that it's wrong long before they do it &, that runs from jay-walking to renting a truck to mow people down---it's like you being late for work & yet you try to make up that time by speeding (all the while knowing you're wrong & yet, hoping you don't get caught)---in 100% honesty, it's the actions of people that cause the deaths of other people regardless of the 'tool' they utilize to do it---&, if you disagree with that, answer me this---when was the last time a knife in your kitchen draw magically appeared in the street & cut somebody's throat??? or, when was the last time a truck (without a driver) turned itself on & mowed down some people far from where it was parked???

&, another thing---there is no such thing as 'bad people'---nobody was born 'bad'---we have people that (for whatever reason) do very 'bad deeds'...

the next time you hear a person yelling for more gun control ask them this---if you were to get caught in the middle of 2 gangs gun-fighting, would you rather have whoever was attempting to rescue you show up with or without guns???

the dems & media sound like they want the firemen to show up to a burning house without water--(DAMN, CAN I JUST DROP THE MIC & WALK AWAY NOW???)