Tuesday, July 12, 2016


hello america!!! first & foremost, i must say that the democrat party excels at 'name-calling' & utilizing 'fear tactics' far better than the republicans---why this is i don't know but, it's true...

republican donald trump has been called 'racist' because he wants to build a wall between us & mexico &, he wants to ban travelers from the middle east until we can figure out what is going on with who we're allowing in & where they're coming from &, he didn't denounce former kkk grand wizard david duke fast enough---what is wrong with you people??? are you that daft that you allow yourselves to be persuaded by the national media & others so quickly without even examining the facts??? well, if you are so willing to brand trump a 'racist' you must also include hillary clinton as one & here's some video proof from NUMBERSUSA...my, my, my---look at how things suddenly change...but, let's not stop there---obama knew the problems illegal immigration caused & expressed his thoughts &, i can only hope you read the whole article here THENEWAMERICAN.COM...

there's the kkk & david duke incident that trump finally denounced, however, we have the counter to that with hillary & her high praise for former kkk 'exalted cyclops' member & a senator, robert byrd & you can read it from the ANONEWS.COM...

you must be a 'special kind of stupid' not to recognize all the potential problems that may face us from accepting middle east refugees &, per judicial watch, you can read it HERE...we're allowing people into our country that we know nothing about & that's stupidity in action...

hillary talked about carrying hot sauce with her wherever she goes while talking to black people; she embarrassingly tried using a subway transit card to prove she's one of us; she tried imitating our voice; she advocated for the clinton crime bill while calling black people 'super predators' &, she still has the audacity to call trump a 'racist'---good people, learn your facts...

hey, just for emphasis, CHECK THIS OUT...


hello america!!! after seven & a half years under a black president living in our white house, our once beautiful nation is once again embroiled in 'racism' &, unfortunately, we are as divided as ever before---now, don't get it twisted because i'm not blaming obama for all of our racial problems (they existed long before he was even born & they'll continue long after he's gone) however, i am blaming him for purposely pumping gasoline on the flames...

obama set the tone regarding how we perceive police actions within our communities when he said 'the police acted stupidly' HERE'S THE VIDEO OF IT &, this occurred in july 2009---i'm sure you've heard all the negative comments he's uttered ever since about 'police actions'---so yes, he set the tone &, equally yes, some police have acted stupidly...when, since 2009 to the present, did he ever set up a dialogue between the police & the communities they serve to quell our nations racial division??? hell, he's even gone as far as to say that the police have too much tactical weaponry...

good people, nobody is denying that we have a racial problem &, we always will but, instead of inciting everyday people with foolish rhetoric, shouldn't we all just calm down & deal with the problem as rationalized adults??? shooting at cops & unarmed citizens only escalates the violence, distrust, fears & racial feelings & accomplishes just the opposite of what is needed---perhaps the most important thing lost here is, the citizens cannot win a 'war with bullets' against the cops...

something else lost here is, the left-leaning 'so-called leaders' (obama included) seem to go out of their way to inflame us to violence &, if you know your history (something they don't teach like they used to), community violence against the police & establishment leads to tighter gov't control over you---the dems are excellent at subterfuge & you'll be so steeped in hatred towards the cops that you won't know what happened even after it happened...

& yes, while people of color have been killed by cops, more white people have lost their lives by cops but, our biggest problem is the violence within our own communities committed by our own against our own &, from obama on down, this subject is taboo---they go out of their way not to talk about it & the media refuses to give it the daily, all-day coverage it so rightly deserves...

let's keep it real---when others talk shit about us or to us, we're either ready to go off on them &/or we actually do go off on them &, we chalk it up to our being human & provoked which is something we don't afford our police---they're expected to be better trained & to exhibit stronger restraint while ignoring all of their humanness---far too many of us know that many people from our own communities have been killed simply because of running their mouths---while i don't condone police brutality in any form, i do realize that our police are human & can fall victim to that at any given time---if they do, let them have their day in court & don't condemn the entire police force because of the negative actions of a few...