Monday, October 15, 2018


hello america!!! the following post is in direct response to those 'people-of-color' that are upset with kanye west's comments at the white house with the trumpster---bear in mind that these are the same people that don't have an honest idea about what's going on in our country (at least they pretend not to know) &, without knowing them, i'll bet they are either liberals &/or dems...

kanye talked about the senseless violence in chicago & what he thought was needed to combat it &, you mock him for being honest---to the uninformed, he spoke the truth---he talked about 'single parenting' in the hood & you mocked him---he talked about needed jobs in the hood & yet, you still mocked him---he talked about the senseless violence we're inflicting on each other &, you mocked him---he talked about the police being forced into certain situations & our responses to them &, you mocked him...

these are the latest chicago 2018 homicides stats that you so blatantly ignore...
467 total homicides of which 359 of them black/59 of them hispanic/63 of them female &, for all of you that love to jump on that 'hate-the-police' bandwagon, the chicago cops killed at least 4 people & have wounded 10---per which is backed up by other chicago web sites & media, however, don't just take my word for it, google chicago homicides & choose for yourselves...

if you care to remember, the trumpster offered to send the feds into chicago to help with the gangs, drugs & violence but was turned down---in fact, dem mayor (rahm emanuel) declared it a 'never trump city'---please think about this---chicago asked for fed help for the 560 plus car hi-jackings (2018) but not for the violence---JUST SO YOU KNOW, there have been (at least) 3,691 chicago homicides under that same dem mayor since 2011...

the above are just not 'talking points'---they are the facts that our black & hispanic elected leaders (& many, many others) refuse to address---the trumpster has addressed them but, you refuse to acknowledge him because you're so hell-bent on following what the dems program you to say & think---so yes, it bothers me when i see somebody being dragged through the mud for telling the TRUTH...

the people &/or groups of people that criticize kanye for speaking out are the same people that post all those 'prayers going up' for our celebrities when they die & yet, they don't have crap to say about all the black/hispanic homicides that occur on a daily basis---hell, the left-wing media doesn't even cover them unless they somehow become 'sensationalized'...

because i'm such a nice guy, i'd suggest that you try listening to all that kanye said for yourselves &, you can do that by clicking on this link---

quit letting the left-wing media, celebrities & dems 'control' how you think---search out the facts & make your own decisions---people of color, you don't owe the dem party anything---if anything, they owe you because of the deliberate way they have suppressed your growth as a people &, that's a debt you'll collect from them...

be honest with yourselves & each other &, once you arm yourselves with the truth, you'll be surprised at how much voting power you actually have---8 long years under obama & company should be proof enough of what the dems truly crave & hey, your interests aren't a part of that---they crave power & they do whatever they can to obtain it &, they attack anybody that gets in their way to include kanye...

blacks & hispanics (thanks to the trumpster) are far better off now than they were under a black president &, you owe it to yourselves & your people to go out & vote people into office that will support his agenda because true math never lies & hey, i'm here to tell you that the dems want so badly to undo everything that he has accomplished...

look at the TRUTH---the dems are so busy talking about how the trumster is so bad for you & that he's doing everything wrong but, have you ever heard them talk about a plan to provide even more jobs??? or, how they will combat the drugs/gangs/violence we witness every day in our communities??? or, how they will combat our immigration problems??? or, how how they will make other country's pay their fare share??? or, how they will lower your taxes even more??? etc, etc, etc, etc...

vote for those that will actually do something positive for you...