Wednesday, August 19, 2009


hello america! the following will read like a school closings alert: medicare/broke; medicaid/broke; welfare/broke; fannie mae/broke; freddie mac/broke; amtrac/broke; postal system/broke; social security/broke; states/broke; cities/broke; immigration/running amok; border security/running amok; fda/running amok; 'cash for clunkers'/broke & running amok; faa/running amok; 'TARP'/running amok; the american dollar bill/broke & running amok; crime/out of control; drugs/out of control; gangs/out of control; banking industry/broke & running amok (& getting to raise credit card rates before the fed crackdown); obama administration/running amok:::if you don't know where i'm going with this, you're not an american.

we can't & shouldn't trust our federal government to do anything that will truly help us & moreso, the present regime. the 'checks & balance' system is way out of whack. with the dems & obama having control, this country is sliding down that slippery slope & the only brakes are the repubs & the peoples collective voice, which congress seems not to care about until election time.

america, if you really listen to what obama & the dems are saying about their bill & then read the bill for yourself, you'll come to the realization that somebodies lying to you. after all the examples listed above, can any of you honestly tell me you have enough faith in any part of our government to run america's healthcare system? put the pressure on your elected officials to get this bill right for the good of the people or use your voice at the election box.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


hello america! this is just a continuation of why you just can't trust obama...on 18 july 2009 he said any healthcare reform bill must contain a public option or he would not sign it. he campaigned for this. & now, 15 august 2009, he clearly says it doesn't matter if the bill has or doesn't include the public option.

in less then 30 days he's changed his mind & it's not because of the publics concerns about this bill. this bill is a political issue & that's the bottom line. ask those dems that support this bill that will be up for re-election in 2010. the passage or non-passage of this bill will determine which party will be in control of congress. as of right now, (according to the various polls), the majority of americans are against the bill & if their elected officials vote for the bill, they will be replaced.

the whitehouse press is doing everything they can to downplay obamas flip-flopping but, the truth is out there for all to see. they are trying to tell you that what obama said isn't what he said. the words came out of his mouth & they can spin it any way they want to but, they can't retract what obama said.

if you think this bill is good for america think of this:::AARP has lost 60,000 people since july 1st.
obama went on tv & said that AARP supported the bill & his staff has said he misspoke. AARP has said that they support some portions of the bill but not the whole bill. obama said the medical profession was on board with this bill & there is now conflict amongst the AMA concerning this bill. obama said that insurance companies were on board with this bill & yet, there's a backlash from then concerning this bill. obama blamed the repubs for the townhall uprisings & we all now know that that is pure bs. obama even started a whitehouse website to allow people to 'snitch' on people expressing negativity towards the bill---that site has since been taken down (big thanks to FOXNEWS)---but, by law, the whitehouse has to keep those emails for X amount of years & then they will become public.

obama has senators out there staging townhall meetings & getting press time in support of this bill.....america, the senate has yet to write their bill. how can any senator defend or attack something that isn't even there yet?

now back to obama:::the whitehouse & media are treating him just like they did when he bowed, in a greeting overseas, & they all said he was reaching down to pick something up. if you saw the tape, he bowed...end of story. &, the man i can't trust isn't even man enough to say 'yes, i bowed but only as a show of respect'.

i didn't, don't, can't &, won't trust him &, the most of the dems are just as bad. repubs, don't think you're getting a free ride here----many of you are just as bad.

pres bush may have had his faults but, he stuck by his guns. pres clinton said he didn't have sex with that woman & stuck by his guns. obama doesn't have any guns to stick to---he won't even write his own bills!!!he leaves it up to the dem controled house.

trust him, i think not!

Saturday, August 15, 2009


hello america! it's called trust & when obamas name & the word trust are in the same sentence, it's an's become that way with arlen spector & the word's become that way with nancy pelosi & the word trust...but, my main concern is with obama & i'll tell you why.

1.....obama said his cabinet would be held to high ethical standards & yet, he's hired people embroiled in scandals, tax evasions & lobbying & has made an excuse for every one of them
2.....obama said he would not grow government & yet, he's expanding it at an alarming rate & he's doing it in such a way that the people he's appointing as 'czars' only have to answer to him-so much for upholding the constitution
3.....obama continues to say he inherited this mess & yet, not once has he maned up & taken credit for contributing to the fall of the housing market because of his actions as a lawyer with acorn in suing citygroup under cra in 1993
4.....obama continues to say he inherited this mess & yet again, not once has he maned up & taken responsibility for his extremely passive stint as a senator in washington
5.....obama said he wouldn't sign off on bills containing 'pork' & yet, he signed the tarp bill into law that contains billions of pork dollars. he then went on to say he would 'scrutinize' all future bills before signing them & then signed the budget bill into law containing even more billions of pork dollars
6.....obama said he would not raise taxes on the middle class & yet, one of the first bills he signed was raising the taxes on tobacco products &, even if you use his 'fuzzy' math formula, you'll find there are many more middle class tobacco users then wealthy class users
7.....obama said he was the only one that could fix america's economic problems & yet, here it is 6 months later & it ain't fixed. to be honest, it's worse. obama rammed the tarp bill down our throats with the promise of getting the money out the door immediately & yet, the majority of the money is just sitting there doing nothing for us. you don't have to take my word---just look at that caterpillar plant in illinios obama used to promote his tarp bill. unemployment is still on the rise; homes are still being foreclosed on; banks still aren't lending; imports are up while exports are down; businesses are still folding; the states & cities the tarp bill was supposed to help are still in dire straights; &, the american people are still hurting
8.....obama promised to promote bipartisan support in washington---his attempts at this are a joke &, he should be given a rating of 'U' for unacceptable. you can't invite 8-13 of your own party & just 1-3 lowly members of the other party & expect progress---this was just 'see-through' window dressing---where in obamas history has he ever been the first one to 'reach across the isle'?
9.....obama says america needs this healthcare reform bill & yet, i am far from convinced he's even read it. &, if i ever get a shot at asking him some questions, i know that they will do worse to me then 'joe the plumber' but, i relish that opportunity. it may be his bill but we all have questions such as: if obama is going to prohibit doctors from investing & owning healthcare companies (& yes, i can understand why) why is congress allowed to invest in the very same companies they regulate &/or allocate federal funds to? &, if we are not to be taxed to pay for this bill, what in the hell does "The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax" mean? as an individual, if i don't have government acceptable healthcare insurance, you're going to impose a 2.5% on my income? you're going to exempt non-resident aliens from individual taxes? something is very shady here concerning 'taxes'
10...obama says 'buy america first' & then impliments a program that gives the foreign car makers the advantage. ask obama why he makes americans pay for a program that allows them to turn in their american clunkers & buy new foreign cars? then ask him how this helps the american automakers.
11...obama couldn't wait to lift the executive ban on overseas abortions & education thus freeing the american taxpayers dollars to pay for the program. in this sorry economic period, this is something that could have waited until better days. so, i/you must ask obama how this helps those americans that have are struggling now?
12...obama promised to get rid of the programs that don't work & yet, his aunt is still here (illegally) & living off of america. she has another hearing coming up in the beginning of 2010. obama, this immigration program isn't working like it should be & yet, why havn't you done something about it?
13...obama got all this money for education & schools & yet, he never once addressed the 3 main problems with our education system which are: 1-the enviornment the students live in; 2-the enviornment the students travel through to get to the schools: 3-the enviornment within the shchools. obama, no matter how many coats of paint you apply to rotted wood, you still have rotted wood

america, obama has had plenty of time to open the shroud of secrecy surrounding his past & has yet to do so. we still know more about osama bin laden, joe the plumber & sarah palin. I didn't trust obama in the beginning & i've come to distrust him even more. obama, why won't you open your college records to the american people? when the media & my government can tell where bin laden went to school & his grades & then turn around & can't tell me about obamas, my warning bells go off.

america, i'm very sorry to say, you've been duped. when you go to buy a new house & look in the backyard & all you can see is ragweed, guess what? no matter what the homeowner may tell you, when you open that back door tomorrow, you won't be seeing rose bushes & elm trees. obama has lied to us: i know it, he knows it &, you know it. how can you continue to trust him?

Friday, August 14, 2009


hello america! here's your chance to call or prove me see obama & all of these politicians having these townhall meetings but, HAVE YOU EVER NOTICED WHAT THEY DON'T HAVE THERE? they don't have the 1,000 plus pages there. the dem are arguing about what's not in the bill while the repubs are arguing about what it does contain. &, the media shows seem to be the only ones that have the bill in front of them when they talk about it. how can you argue over a hastily written 1,000 plus pages bill relying on memory or what your staffers told you?

america, if you've been doing your homework, you'll know that there are some pretty serious discrepancies between what the dems are saying is not in the bill & what is really there. from the poor to the wealthy, the young to the old, this bill will effect every american living &, those yet to be born. we cannot afford to let our government screw it up. we have the power to voice our concerns & opinions to our elected officials &, if they listen, let them know they will not get your vote in the next election.

i look it at this way:::if you're for the bill, it's only because of what you've heard from the dems---not because you read it. i strongly urge all americans to read it & then ask their elected officials to explain it.


Thursday, August 13, 2009


hello america! to listen to obama & the dems, you'd think that anyone voicing displeasure with the heathcare reform bill was un-american. if you are stupid enough (& some of you are) to believe that, then, you must also believe that obama was un-american when he voiced his displeasure with the iraq war. he & congress voiced their displeasure daily concerning pres bush---was that un-american? this is no more then an attempt to silence those that have grave concerns about this bill. after all, what is more american then be able to voice your displeasure with congress except the american right to do so.

these townhall meetings are truly showing america that the dems don't have the answers. they write these bills & try to rush them through before they are read so they won't have to face the backlash. voting on any unread bill should be unconstitutional.

this bill needs to be put under a microscope & honestly broken down for the american people---apparently, this is the very thing obama & the dems were trying to avoid. however, we can thank those in congress that opposed this bill (blue-dog dems, the repubs) & the media (to include those that were pro-obama biased during the elections).

i have the bill on my puter & I am having a hard time understanding it. it appears that the writers went out of their way to camouflage what they were saying. this bill needs to be simplified & honest.

america, i can best sum up what the problem is by saying this:::if this bill is the "ALL THAT" of healthcare reform bills, obama & congress could easily convince us of this by giving up their present healthcare & joining the one they are trying to impose on us----end of debates & skepticism. by them not doing this leads one to the old adage that what's good for the gander is not quite good enough for the goose.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


hello america! in one of my earlier posts, i said that before obama is through, this country would be wishing pres bush were still in office. that day is quickly approaching.

today, i woke up to foxnews live discussing the 'cash for clunkers' program. i was, & still am, firmly against this program. for one thing, it's not for america's benefit. ford focus was the number one selling car under this program but, toyota has claimed that spot. this program should prove once & for all to obama that american's want the most bang for their buck & (unfortunately) ford, gm & chrysler ain't it. gm & chrysler aren't even in the top 5 so, how is this program helping the us automakers? toyota is 1st, 3rd, 4th, & 5th. i must have missed the part where toyota became america.

when you compare the foreign-made cars with american-made cars, you have to look at the price, mpg's, comfort, style, warranty, maintenance, etc:::&, you have to admit that the foreign-made car is a better value &, even moreso with obamas program.

& then, check this out, the 'clunkers' that are turned in are destroyed. those charity's that have had those 'clunkers' donated to them in the past, are already hurting. "WAYS TO WORK" won't be able to help a lot of people with new cars. individuals won't be able to get parts to keep their 'clunkers' running.

let's keep it real:::obama started this program to boost the sales for gm & chrysler; not ford & toyota & (as is becoming a pattern with obamas programs) it 'ain't not' working. & obama wants to dump even more money into it. obama, you can convince me your program works when you can name the specific gm & chrysler automakers that have grown because of it...don't just throw out numbers without specifics---something you excell at.

&, then you have this: the whitehouse wants you to contact them when someone talks negatively about obamas healthcare reform bill. so they can silence you??? or, do to you what they did to 'joe the plumber'. obama already wants to stifle free speech.

&, have these townhall meetings where the dems don't have the answers to the questions & then turn around & blame the repubs for staging the they not read the bills they are trying to promote? do they not see that obamas approval numbers are going down (minus 7 points in the last 30 days)? do they not hear that nancy pelosi says she doesn't care about popularity numbers & yet, you won't hear her say that come election time? do they not hear charles rangel say americans don't care about the 'pork' in the bills & yet, you won't hear him say that come election time? do they not hear the harry reid say he will push the bill through with or without repub support & yet, you won't hear him say that come election time?

now there are those of you that think that whatever is said negatively about obama & the dems is made up by idiots & those plotting against america...i'm here to tell you that i love my country & what my country stands for. i'm also here to tell you that if you saw any of the news concerning the townhall meeting with arlen spector & kathleen sebelius, you'd understand why america is showing its frustration---basically, spector said the bills are broken up & given to the staffers to read & sebelius said that if the legislatures don't read the bill, the voters should tell them to. &, in response to spector saying they must pass this bill quickly, sebelius said the senate hadn't even wrote it yet.

america, we owe it to ourselves & the generations to come to get the right people in washington that will do our bidding---not their own...