Tuesday, September 6, 2011


hello america!!!      HAPPY LABOR DAY!!!!!!!!

i just watched & listened to obamas 'campaign' speech while he was in detroit &, as i expected, there was nothing new in it. he's going to give this big speech on jobs but, nothing new will be in it except different words---you know, change the wording because the american people are too dumb to understand.

obama, if you propose anything but the following, you will be sealing your fate as a failed leader::::

you have to give businesses a 'certainty' for the future by scaling back regulatory measures; you have to cut &/or lower their taxes; you have to provide 'real' incentives for them to hire; you have to allow the 'bush tax cuts' to stand as is for the next two years; you have to allow our goods to enter & leave this country at the same rate as those of other country's; you have to allow businesses to rise or fall on their own without your intervention; you have to stop supporting labor unions because they only make up about 7% of the work force, not to include public workers; you have to honor 'right-to-work' states; you have to object to allowing easier ways for unions to form; &, you have to allow oil drilling to resume without all that B.S. it goes without saying that you will seriously have to cut gov't spending & downsize their size.

now, if any of your speech focuses on the above, i look forward to hearing it but, i'm almost certain that your speech will be very simular to your past speeches & failed policy's.

it took you 2 1/2 years plus to get to this point about jobs &, i fear that you are just using jobs to try to get re-elected because, if you really cared, you'd have been on top of this problem from day one,,, not obamacare; etc, etc.

what i find the most interesting about your detroit speech is what you didn't bring up; i.e.....how come you didn't remind those union workers (& all of those americans that watched you on tv) that you're the one gave them obamacare with waivers? how come you didn't remind them that you gave them that stimulus that did not do what you said it would? how could you have spent so much time & energy on both of those projects that you signed into law & fail to mention them???? that speaks volumes...

& yes, congress needs to put country ahead of party but not at the expense of putting us further into debt as your plan will outline.

so, while you may go to the rural sections of america to plead your case for another four years, you cannot tell that young boy in watts, or in bed-stuy, why their mother or father can't afford to take them to the movies any more. you've ignored the plight of the middle-class & those below the poverty level for far too long---