Friday, April 22, 2016


hello america!!! enough is enough & we passed that point a long time ago---when i see this CLICK HERE i get upset because this is america-PERIOD!!! unfortunately, it doesn't stop there because we also have THIS...are obama & company really as stupid as they appear to be that they can't learn from the mistakes of others READ HERE...

our 'main-stream media' doesn't want to get involved with these 'religious' issues in fear of crossing that 'politically correct' line & that keeps a lot of what's occurring around our country from being known on a broader scale---where's foxness or cnn on THIS??? yeah, call me whatever you wish to, however, teachers can't wear their crosses exposed while in our schools because they are religious symbols & yet, muslim women have the right to wear their burqas which are symbols of theirs...

on the surface, most american muslims seem to be peaceful & tolerant, however, their religion teaches that there is only one true GOD & that HE is ALLAH &, you either believe that or you're branded a 'disbeliever' for which there are severe penalties &, there is no middle ground---instead of even trying to debate this with me, just ask obama what is the penalty for 'disbeliever's'...

i am tolerant & accepting of others that may think differently than i do but, i draw the line when you try to force me to accept your ways & customs---if some of the muslims wish to live under 'sharia law', they should go to a country that practices it---don't demand it from me...

perhaps this might help educate some of you---READ HERE &, for those that would like to learn even more, i strongly suggest you obtain an official 'QURAN' & find out if there's any truth to THIS...

here is a little more for to READ...&, it is all over the world CLICK HERE...

when you look at the boston bombings or san bernardino, we need to be on high alert because we may never know who will pick up a gun until it's too late---AN EXAMPLE...


hello america!!! obama & company told us it would be affordable---READ HERE... which makes me ask this; just how many more lies are awaiting us??? we know (at least some us do) that several obama 'suspensions/delays' will be kicking in soon & all hell is about to break out...besides, when you have this occurring HERE...the writing is on the wall---

the sad part of this is, obama & company spent all that time to ram this law down our throats (without any repub support) & squandered those first two years in doing so...


hello america!!! if you click on the following link, you'll find further evidence of why donald trump should be our next president---CLICK HERE...when you compare all the financial support jeb bush had to donald trump's & you see the outcome, it has to make you wish our country could run that way---spend less & get more...


hello america!!! this is an extremely tragic story READ HERE, unfortunately, there will be no major protests---obama & company will remain silent about it---&, most of the media will allow it to fade away...for whatever reason, black-on-black crime does not fit their narrative &, seemingly, we have become too desensitized to it to raise any hell---just further illustrates why our country needs to change the direction we've been heading...that said, let a cop shoot a person of color (rightly or wrongly) & see how we all go crazy...