Saturday, March 28, 2009


hello america! i really believe that most poeple want world peace except those that are willing to strap a bomb on themselves & blow up their own people in a produce market or funeral home.

that being said, peace has a price that not many are willing to accept. seemingly, this great nation is now included in that group. &, obama is the one to thank for that.

throughout the history of this great nation, we have always been able to rise to any & all threats against us &, we did that because we always had the very best...our ships, our tanks, our planes, our weapon systems, our troops & generals, &, most important of all, our heart. our desire, as a nation, to remain free & aid others in their fight for freedom, is the cornerstone of our heritage. & now, we have an inexperienced leader that has no military experience at all, leading us in a time when the rest of the world is taking potshots at us.

&, his response to the threats against us, is to ask the defense department to reduce their budget...that is senseless. it's like asking a legless person to use their wheelchair less.

please, click on the following 2 sights & read what russia has been up to while obama just talks...

now, i've said before that i'm not a war-monger however, i do believe in hit-before-being-hit. if we don't keep pace with russia & china, we will not have that advantage &, that puts us at serious risk. actually, we need to stay ahead of them when it comes to our weapon systems-both offensively & defensively. that, & that alone, has kept us relatively safe from invasion---what part of that does obama not understand. instead of inviting china & russia to the dinner table, he should be revamping our military & their capabilities.

& another thing, i have a problem with george bush & his collateral damage crap & anyone else that thinks like that. when we do go into another country, we should do so without being handcuffed by our own government---that is what led to so many fatalities in iraq:::our government handcuffing our own troops. pure BS. if another country comes over here, do you think they will care about collateral damage? common sense says that if somebody breaks into your home to do damage to you & yours &, you shoot back, &, some of the bullets hit your neighbors home yet, you stop the bad-guys, are you really going to cry about the damage done?

obama is a punk---he needs to stand up & do the right thing for this country & scalling back the budget for the defense department is not the answer. please contact him any way you can & tell him so. also tell him that now is the time for him to increase their budget.


hello america! i'm still waiting on obama to come out & say he will return the money he received from those companies that have received TARP funds. he made such a big thing out of the AIG execs getting their bonuses (which i think was wrong) & yet, he continues to remain quiet on the subject of them financing his campaign. if it's wrong for the execs to get their bonuses, it is equally as wrong for obama to keep their money & he should be forced to return it. that goes for all the sitting elected officials &, more so, for our house of representatives who were so quick to pass a bill taxing the bonuses.

in all the talk floating around washington on how to crackdown on how TARP recipients do their business, there has not even been a peep from any of our lawmakers that would crack down on their receiving money from those companies.

again, we are experiencing the double standard that has always been a part of washington---do as i say but, not as i do. obama should lead by example, not just by mouth. he even froze certain salaries of his staff because of the present economy &, congress elected not to receive a cost of living adjustment this year. & yet, not a word has been uttered about returning any of the money they received from TARP recipients. why not?

the following figures come from the CENTER FOR RESPONSIVE POLITICS & are for obama only::::::::::::::::::
2...FANNIE & FREDDIE/$126,349
3...GOLDMAN SACHS/$983,245
4...MERRILL LYNCH/$289,822
7...JP MORGAN/$613,658
8...GENERAL MOTORS/$57,684
9...MORGAN STANLEY/$490,873
10.BANK OF AMERICA/$257,517

TOTAL::::::$3,954,916.00::::::return it obama & this list is by no means complete.