Saturday, May 19, 2012


hello america!!! obama said his stimulus worked &, the following link is but another example of why it did not/is not/&, will not work...see here........

obamas stimulus was like trying to patch a very old leaky patch one area then another area leaks so, you patch that area & another area leaks...over & over & never dawned on him that the whole roof should be replaced......

if we are to learn anything from our disastrous economic collapse it's, we have to allow the laws of BUSINESS 101 work. the states, city's & county's will always be able to work out something (they always have) to avert filing for bankruptcy, unless they just keep on spending & paying out those outrageous union retirement packages. business's that do bad, need to be allowed to fall, regardless of their size---america will pick sup the pieces: always has/always will. yes, the unemployment lines will get longer & a lot more people will be hurting however, the system will fix itself quicker.

take gm & chrysler for example; they should have been allowed to file for bankruptcy without any federal aid. they would have had to do what the other 'too small to bailout' company's have to do. they would have had to downsize; slow their production down; maybe move to a 'job friendly' state; sell off some of its 'so-called' assets; rework the unionized labor contracts; get rid of the old management & hire better management; suspend their sponsorship ads; merge with another it is, nothing has really changed......the union contracts are going to hurt them again.......

obama, this is a prime example of what i am talking about---they don't need a bailout &, if worse comes to worse, a lot of people will be out of work however, somebody's going to come in & take over, even if it's in another the way obama, you have to click on both links to see how america takes care of america.........

how many times do you have to patch that roof before you realize that patching it isn't worth it????


hello america!!! this is what i will never understand about our congress---why do they wait until the very last minute to address issues they know are coming????

judging from what obama & the dems have been saying, they want to raise taxes on the rich. obama has already said he wouldn't sign off on the 'bush tax cuts'....if you care to remember, obama approved the cuts at the last minute last year, keeping family's & business's in doubt.

this issue should have been addressed earlier in the year & already resolved....congress reminds me of how a lot of americans are.......they know christmas is coming & wait until the week before to do their shopping......


hello america!!! perhaps we can now fully focus on the real issues facing this great nation, i.e;
1.....the economy
2.....the jobs market---creating jobs
3.....the national deficit---pay it off & stop raising the debt limit
4.....the immigration overhaul---make it fair for everyone
5.....the entitlements programs overhaul---social security, medicare, medicaid &, public assistance
6.....the housing market---keep people in their homes
7.....the banking industry---allow banks to loans more
8.....the irs overhaul---scarp it & start all over
9.....the gender-equality issues---male/female/& others
10...the mighty military/dod---has to be the best, has to have the best
11...the energy issues---drill more & safer & explore other alternatives
12...the foreign policy issue---do we even have one other then apologizing & bowing
13...the high costs of school tuition's & student loans---lower the costs & reform the loan
14...the education issues---setting & enforcing the standards
15...the retirement packages for retiring public workers---they have to pay what the private citizen pays
16...the unionized labor vs private employees debacle---gov't can't support one over the other
17...the rights of the individual states---to identify & fix their own problems
18...the size of federal gov't---streamline it
19...the federal gov't spending---reduce it
20...the veterans---upgrade their benefits
21...the violence, drugs, gangs, & crimes issues (especially in our schools)---stronger laws/zero
22...the abortions issues---only females should have the choice
23...the separation of religion & gov't---redefine the policy
24...the obamacare debacle---have to wait on the supreme courts decicion
25...the valid id card issues---require everybody to have one
26...the united states policy---what it is
27...the environmental issues---taking better care of mother earth, her forests &, her animals
28...the media---regulate them to report the news truthfully, without a personal slant or omissions
29...the voting issues---everyone should have to prove they are who they say they are/no exceptions
30...the gridlock in congress---make it easier to recall those that don't do the will of the people
31...the federal gov't intrusion---keep them out of my life unless absolutely necessary
32...the natural disaster issues---provide for as many as is possible
33...the race issues---treat each race fairly/no exceptions
34...the nasa issues---restore it to lead the world

america, i may have left some out & you may some that are not listed but, i think i covered the main ones.


hello america!!!  here's your daily jobs situational posting...amazing, even on saturday's, there's something new.
good people, i do hope you are checking out the above link, never know when you might see your job on their &, it's also a good indicator of what's really happening out there without the spin..............

i don't have to add anything to the following links---they say it all.......


hello america!!! thank you obama---this is just what we needed....

more teacher's putting their voices & body's to another 'fake' cause. they should be in classrooms teaching our children on how to become productive citizens &, if they don't have a class to teach, they should be in classrooms learning on how to teach better.

ok, let's settle this thing once & for all:::::::obama, come up with a flat tax across the board & call it a day.... those making up to $25,000 pay so much & take it up in $25,000 increments; close every tax loophole there is for everybody & everything; stop all deductions for everybody; if you didn't work, you don't get a return, to include the EIC for want to talk about fairness---then make it fair for everybody.

fairness---what a joke. teacher's have us paying their salaries & they get the luxury of not having to pay their own fair share for their own healthcare---we pay it. then they get tenure & we have to buy their contracts out in order to get rid of them. plus they have those great retirement incentives. kids are coming out of school 'dumber' & they want more. as i said, fairness---what a joke.

this 'take from the fat-cats & give to the poor' is what is wrong with this country. i don't want a hand out...i just want what i earn (ed). in these dire times of rising food prices, food stamps come in handy & medical would be a GODSEND...obama & teachers, do you realize we have people collecting public welfare that don't even try to look for a job? they are content with handouts.

what's sorry about this is, you teachers should be out in the community's trying to find those people 'jobs' not on protesting lines asking for more free should be ashamed of yourselves.

i sincerely wish that those fat-cats would stop doing what they do do for this country for just one lousy month---just one---& then, when the needy come knocking on your door, please address their needs without griping or turning them people make me sick because you're the ones that pass those homeless people everyday & pretend they aren't there.


hello america!!! under obama, we are losing our respect & he has no clue as to get it back....latest case in point, the country of france....see here....

the above shows how phony obama is...he will honor the french leader's promise to his own people but will not honor the repubs pledge of no new taxes to their own people...go figure....

obama moved the g8 meeting to camp david to accommodate russian president putin & putin blew him off & sent an underling instead. regardless of what all obama tells you, the russians are quite upset over our proposed missile defense system plans in europe & have actually threatened us with military intervention...

ah, the things obama just doesn't have the heart to tell you....