Friday, April 20, 2012


hello america!!! why can't obama be honest with the american people? why can't he 'man' up & say he tried but, his policy's failed to stimulate the economy? he has to have seen or been told about the unemployment claims going back up & the housing market going back can he be serious when he reads from the teleprompter that his actions 'stemmed-the-tide'?

what tide??? people are either still unemployed or are still losing their jobs; people are still losing their homes; banks still aren't loaning; company's are skeptical about hiring...&, the best he can come up with is to offer you food stamps? i'm sure that may help some however, it won't help those that have no home to eat in...rather then extend unemployment benefits, you'd think he be bending over backwards to get you a job. his own jobs bill failed to pass the democrat controlled senate &, they have the majority & yet, they couldn't even get all the dems to vote for it &, his budget got shot down also----97 to 0...

obama is a can you convince yourself he's for you when he wants you to buy a $50.00 light bulb & a $40,000-$50,000 chevy volt? his energy policy is a big bust:::our money he gave those green company's is either lost (solyndra & others), going over seas or, it costs too much for us to buy the products. if you're struggling to keep your job & pay the bills you now have, how in the hell are you going to afford to put solar panels on your home??? another thing, all those energy saving, squiggly light bulbs that he wants you to buy are made in china (by GE).

yet, he says, 'buy america' & then sends his 12/13 year old daughter to mexico (i don't think they are a part of america) for her spring break. &, don't forget, 'tighten your belt'.

he can't control his own secret service people---just look at those that were able to crash his party's & look at the mess they're in now.

he can't control the gsa & their spending &, THOSE ARE HIS PEOPLE!!!

obama wants to distract you from his failures & that's why he's ramping up the rhetoric on class warfare. he does not want you to remember his stimulus & obamacare or any of his other failed policy's. &, you have to know, he's hoping that he won't have to defend any of his failures in any presidential debates with romney.

some of you may side with obama that the repubs in congress are the problem &, if that's your position, there's that bridge to no where---just get on it & drive because obama has your back. &, the fact about congress is, there are quite a few dems that don't share obamas view on everything. 67 of them sided with the repubs on tuesday's vote---see here---

plus, there are about 30 house passed bills awaiting senate action &, you'd have to ask harry reid why they haven't been voted on...

so, i ask you....are you better off now then you were 3 years ago? &, is america better off now then she was 3 years ago??? from my point of view, i'm not & we're not...i feel we are leaderless. obama has not had the solutions to get us out of the very same problems we had when he was first elected. for him to blame everything that's wrong with america on everybody & everything else lessons his stature as a man. he wants 4 more years & i want to know what did he do with the past 3. oh, that's right, he's expanded the federal government, he's spent more money in 3 years then anyone else & wants to spend more &, he's over regulated business & the banking industry.

america is similar to a forest. yes, it may catch on fire & a lot of it gets burned to the ground however, it re-grows on it's own. america will bounce back once obama is out of office...


hello america!!! i warned you about barney frank & chris dodd a long time ago because they, along with harry reid & others were very instrumental in keeping pres bush from getting congress to put stronger regulatory measures on fannie mae & freddie mac, which may have averted our economy's fall. by the way, just so you'll know, this is something obama doesn't want you to see &, the dems hide from it &, the main-stream media covers it up like it never happened....see here...  

obama doesn't want you to see it because it means he'll have to find someone else to blame for our collapse. he'd also have to admit that pres bush tried to put a lid on fannie & freddie starting as early as 1991. &, obama should be blaming himself for that collaspe because he had a direct hand in it...see here... 

now that you know, back to frank & dodd.............they combined to get a bill passed called the dodd/frank bill signed into law...that bill is going to hurt us &, here's am inkling of what's to come...see here...

i did my own homework on both of them before obama was elected & you should do the same...

good people, be warned, obama is great at distracting you from the real issues of today. he is also very good at dividing the country with his rhetoric on class warfare. &, he's excellent at distorting the truth.

ask him about this agency that was created to do the 'end-around' congress & assess their own taxes...