Monday, August 7, 2017


hello america!!! it may look nice when you paint over rotted wood, however, it's still rotted wood &, if you sell your house without repairing the cause for that rot, you'll have deceptively passed on all the problems that rotted wood incurs---if you can now picture that rotted wood as a main roof support beam, you know it's just a matter of time before before the problem exacerbates & that beam crashes down...

i'm here to tell you that obamacare is akin to that rotted wood & painting it just won't fix the problem---you'll have to tear the roof off, find & replace the beam & then, replace the roof---sound familiar???
it reminds me of 'repeal & replace'...

the repubs dire predictions about obamacare (since its inception) have all come true &, what's worse is, they've been telling us for 7 plus years about their plans to 'repeal & replace' (CHECK THAT, WHAT'S WORSE IS THEIR FAILURE TO 'REPEAL & REPLACE' IT SINCE THEY GAINED FULL CONTROL OF OUR FED GOV'T)---that alone is an enormous disappointment...

look, i had problems with the very idea of obamacare from the beginning & i still have problems with it---i don't believe our fed gov't should be involved in our healthcare system to the point of 'forcing' us to obtain healthcare coverage & than 'mandate' what that coverage must/mustn't include---nor do i like that there are 'exemptions' for some but not for others---nor do i like our representatives (& staffers) receiving subsidies for their coverage (they make too much money)---nor do i like all the lies told to us about obamacare & yes, they were lies (it would be affordable; you'd save $2,500 a year; you could keep your doctor; you could keep your plan; you'd have several plans & insurers to choose from; the cbo scoring; the young & healthy would enroll; it would insure all of those that didn't have insurance (48 million at that time); etc, etc, etc)---by the way, even aarp thought obamacare was a 'blessing' which is further proof that anybody can be duped...

you'd have to be a very 'special kind of stupid' not to know that obamacare is 'unpaintable' & yet, the dems tell you that it can be 'REPAINTED' &, news flash, their idea for 'repainting' it is to give the insurance company's more of our money so that they will stay in &/or return to the markets (i'll bet the cbo didn't score that)---furthermore, the dems have had 7 plus years to better/shore-up/fix obamacare, however, all they did was support all the suspensions/delays & continue with the obamacare lies---they are united in their denial that obamacare is dying/dead which should tell you just how much they're concerned about 'main-stream americans' because they are the 'real people'...

the dems are also united in their usage of 'scare-tactics' &, a perfect example is this:::if there are only 10-12 million people presently enrolled on obamacare, how in the hell will 22-28 million people lose their coverage under the repubs plan??? &, before you even attempt to answer that, medicaid & obamacare are 2 different monsters but, you'd never know that if you only listen to them...

good people, let's keep it real---the dems steadfastly refuse to do anything about obamacare that includes any form of 'repeal' &, seemingly, the repubs don't want to do anything about it that doesn't include 'repeal'---we have a standoff &, on top of that, the repubs have a few rino's amongst their party---something will have to done about obamacare because, as it presently stands, far too many americans will be caught up by the financial greed of the remaining insurance companies &, neither party or the cbo are talking about those americans that won't even have a company to insure them---& no, universal healthcare is not the answer because we have about 330 million people living here & hey, that's a lot of people...

regardless of what all you hear, coverage needs to drastically reduce:::
1. the cost of all medicines
2. the cost of all medical procedures
3. the cost of all hospital stays
4. the cost of all er related visits
5. the cost of all doctors

above all else, coverage has to---
1. be centered on the patient & their doctor/hospital
2. be available across state lines
3. include those with pre-existing condictions
4. include pcp visits (at least 2 per year)
5. include all americans & allow them to form blocs across state lines
6. offer no exemptions
7. offer subsidies for those that don't meet a certain financial threshold 
8. control the rising cost of premiums & deductibles 
9. most importantly, truly be available & affordable to all...
10. be gender & age designed

i'm positive that you could include more & hey, please feel free to do so---i'm one of the few that believe that any suggestion is better than none at all...