Tuesday, January 16, 2018


hello america!!! let's get right to it---the dems are extremely slick at head-lining their 'talking points' & yet, when you peel off the layers of all of their rhetoric, you'll begin to discover exactly what they are up to---but first...

the dems claim trump is racist & yet, his actions prove to me that the dems are just full of crap---he's never made a 'racist' statement, however, when his words get truncated by the left-wing media & others, i can understand why their 'followers' are so willing side with them---JUDGE HIM BY HIS ACTIONS!!!

by the way, did you know about THIS??? & yet, trump's 'so-called shithole comment' is spot-on for the condition of haiti---it is a 'shithole' for many reasons but, don't take my word for it, take the word of those celebrities that were supposed to leave our country if trump were elected president---none of them ever mentioned haiti as the country they were relocating to (HMMM???) or, you can read about haiti's condition from a much more credible source CLICK HERE---hell, i've even had some of my haitian friends tell me how 'shity' their home-country was/is & that they never want to go back there---but, why stop there, which one of you wants to raise your children there??? &, for you that still doubt the condition of haiti, the following was written oct 2010 but not much has changed READ HERE...

NEWSFLASH!!! if trump is a 'racist', i can only wonder how all of those people that the trumpster discriminates against will be singled out so as not to benefit from:::
1.....a 2.4% across-the-board military pay raise effective 1/1/2018
2.....a tax cuts & jobs act law with a much higher standard deduction; lower tax brackets; &, other benefits effective 1/1/2018
3.....a continuously rising stock market which benefits individual stock owners/401k & ira owners/etc
4.....company bonuses & higher wages (simply because of the new tax law)
5.....a booming jobs market
6.....a smaller fed gov't
7.....better & fairer foreign trade deals
8.....less regulations on businesses
9.....a hire america/buy america policy
10...a stronger & better equipped military
11...ridding our communities of drugs, gangs & violence
12...a foreign 'america first' policy
13...making our country safer by all means proposed
14...appointing conservative judges
15...making our nation energy independent
16...making america great again

let's be honest, all of the above benefits all americans & hey, this is another NEWSFLASH!!! donald trump only became a 'racist' when he decided to run against the dems---HMMM???

another thing you never hear about is the 'urban revitalization coalition'---now why is that???


hello america!!! on sun/14 jan i posted the following, CLICK HERE & had said i would follow it up---this is that follow-up...

in that post i told you that the dems are not good for america nor are they good for people of color---their actions constantly contradict their rhetoric (which in the world of realism is known as lying)...

when was the last time you saw the dems actually do anything positive for people of color &/or america??? i know you've heard them talk a lot about the 'doing' but, after you elected them, they refused to 'do' anything that actually benefited you---you can find examples of that whenever you look at all the suffering occurring in our communities (24/7/365) compared to what they once were---& hey, all that reside within those communities bear the effects of their 'not doing'...

good people, there's just no 'sugar-coating' stupidity---nor is there any forgiveness given to those that deliberately lie &, when one judges 'actual deeds' verses 'confusing rhetoric', one will discover the 'TRUTH'---which brings me to this---the dems are calling trump & the repubs 'racist' because of 'daca'---my VERY LAST POST  provided you with all the facts so you could educate yourself on the issue...

as is usual, all the dems have to offer are 'fear tactics' & 'name-calling'---they want congress to draw up a bill that only deals with the 'daca recipients' receiving amnesty & then, they'll come back to the table to work on our other immigration issues (yeah, a hamburger today & i'll pay you tomorrow)---whereas, the trump & the repubs want the southern border wall funding; funding for additional border security personnel & equipment; a stop to chain migration; &, a stop to the immigration lottery process included in that bill---bear in mind, the deadline for congress to act on 'daca' is 5 mar 2018 (48 days from today) so, there's plenty of time unless you only listen to the dems & left-wing media...

look, you'd have to be a certain kind of stupid to think that passing a 'daca' stand-alone bill solves anything other than granting approx 800,000 people some form of amnesty---in a few years, if it took that long, we'd have the same problem or even worse---we need all the above listed issues in that daca bill & even then, we'd still have a problem with the remaining estimated 11 million people here illegally---what do we do with them???

the dems have ulterior motives for wanting the 'daca recipients' granted amnesty & i prove it to you in my very next post---please stay tuned...