Wednesday, May 18, 2011


hello america!!! isn't it great that obama had his obamacare bill passed? isn't this exactly what we needed? this has to be the best thing that happened to america since the boston tea party, right? well, i must not have gotten the wrong message because i've got several questions that you should also be asking.........

if obamacare is for all americans, why are waivers being issued? why are the reasons for those waivers issued the exact opposite of what obama told us? most importantly (america please give this some serious thought), why is it that the vast majority of those waivers are going to the very same groups that so vehemently supported obama & his running around the country campaigning for his obamacare (good people, i'm referring to the unions & you know this)? &, who can forget all those 'townhall' meetings & the unions opposition to them? or, who can forget obama putting those doctors smocks on those doctors to promote obamacare?

the obamacare bill contains 2000 plus pages & was given to those that had to vote on it just hours before the vote---just after the 'backroom deals' were completed---one deal involved congressman gutierrez's vote for the bill with the understanding that obama would next tackle immigration reform ( i wonder how gutierrez now feels since he's been 'used'). america, let's be honest---look at how long ago the bill was passed & now, obama wants to 'weakly' push for immigration overhaul. this is pure bullcrap---he needs those hispanic votes & will promise them the world but, the fact is, obama had plenty of opportunities to pass an immigration bill because the dems controlled both the house & the senate for his first two see how they crammed obamacare down our throats without the repubs.........i can only how gutierrez feels now & i wonder how much faith he now has in obamas words:::::::::::

but, back to obamacare....anti-american nancy pelosi stood in front of the cameras & said "we have to pass this bill to see what's in it". well, now that 'we' see what's in it, 'we' don't want it but, because 'we' are just the little people we're supposed to accept it.

i said it before it became law-------obamacare is no good for america & if you have any doubts, why are unionized company's seeking & getting waivers? ask yourself this also:::if obamacare is good for all americans & the whitehouse issues waivers for one group, why can't they issue waivers for all americans? there's something terribly wrong here & with this bill. either it's good for everybody or it's no good for anybody. what is so hard to understand about this? if the whitehouse issued 1300 waivers & the vast majority went to unionized company's, there's something very wrong with this bill. there's also something very wrong with nancy pelosi's district getting 20% of the waivers.america, all you have to do is google this info for yourselves---don't take my word---it's all out there for you to find.
ask yourself this, why would a hign-end business (a spa) need a waiver? ask nancy, i'm sure she will know.

america, obamacare will create one of three things only::::company's will drop offering healthcare to their employees (& that means they will have to get healthcare on their own) or, they will continue to offer it & raise what the employees pay into(& that means the employees will take home less)  or, they will continue to provide the coverage & end up bankrupt. say what you will but, businesses cannot afford obamacare &, america can't afford obamacare.

something you should never forget is, the unions which support obama & his obamacare are the main ones getting the exemptions. &, if they can't afford them, how in the can you?

good people, you should look the bill up & read it for yourselves,,,it's only 2000 plus pages long & you have to make a decision on it within hours....


hello america!!!! i didn't forget you & i do apologize for the silence. my every day world has changed dramatically & i am soon to retire which will allow me more time to blog. i am still me.

america, i am so proud of all of you that showed up at the polls this past november & gave control of the house to the repubs. also, i do thank each & every one that voted regardless of who you may have voted for.
obama is still obama & the dems that control the senate just won't change their ways. the american people spoke but, the dems didn't have batteries in their hearing aids. it's up to us to make sure they listen at the next election.
i've heard that the recession is over. can anyone tell me what part of it is over??? i & millions of other americans must have missed that memo. jobs are still hard to find; banks still are not making loans like they used to; americans are still losing their homes; we're still losing jobs to overseas because it costs companies more to manufacture here then there; healthcare is more of a joke now then it was before obamacare; oil prices are going up & the price of goods is going up with them; our pay isn't going up & the cost of living is going sky high; the deficit is growing at an out of control rate & obama & other dems have the fortitude to say that the recession is over. i knew obama was an idiot & a liar even before he took office but, i never thought he was blind.


hello america!!! i don't know why i can see what's happening in our country & obama can't &, i don't even have a team of super smart idiots surrounding me. if his problem was just that he listened to all those idiots, the problem could be solved overnight because he could just fire them & hire some new super smart idiots.
the other problem is, & this is the big one, obama can't change. he's never 'led' on anything in his life & has no idea on how to do it now. please don't forget, we're talking about a man that couldn't even get into harvard without the help of a letter 'dear old percy' wrote to gain his admission there. this is the man that took credit for the asbestos removal in altgeld gardens in chicago but, he never played a big role in it. hell, he didn't even lead his own way to running for office---he was pushed into it.
all that being said, he's quick to lead when it comes to the teleprompters. well, since he likes to 'read' to us so much, have you heard him reading anything about the present status of our housing market? no? i didn't either but, i do know that even with all our money that obama sank into the banking industry & housing market, he should be up there reading his ass off to tell us why the housing market is getting worse. but no, that would be the smart thing to do, instead, he's telling company's to hire more...he's not giving them any tidbits but, he wants them to just hire more people & damn their profits. & this comes from a harvard grad??? &, a team of super smart idiots???
if obama is going to continue to repeat the mistakes of the past, our future is doomed. there's talk of bailing out the housing market again.......what? are they daft?
as for the company's, obama wants to take their tax breaks & tax shelters from them; then he wants to tell them what they can pay their ceo's, etc; then he wants to tell them who to fire & hire; & we all knows he prefers unionized workers over non-unionized workers & he's still pushing for his 50 plus 1 plan; then he wants to tell them where they can set up & can't set up shop. all of this just lends itself to our unemployment problems along with the fact that america is buying less & driving less. but, what do i know, i didn't go to harvard & i don't have a bunch of super-thinkers guiding me like obama does. &, please don't forget this: the unemployment benefits were extended, even part timers were allowed to make claims (which costs the states more).
however, i do have something they don't seem to possess---common sense---&, i do know how to apply it to 'life situations'. so, please check out the following & tell me what you think::::::::::::
let's assume i just lost my job---firstly, if i were in the market for a new house, those dreams have just been quashed. if i am paying a mortgage, those payments now will be damn near impossible to make. but, my main concern is filing my claim for unemployment compensation...this is another nightmare in itself---if i'm not mistaken, they go back 6 quarters & if enough has been paid in, i will qualify for benefits. (however, we have those scrupulous company's that take the money out of our checks but never send it in---thus i would not qualify & would have a prolonged fight to qualify) but, assuming that all was well with the finances, (the company may decide to fight me thus delaying my collecting financial aid) but, assuming me they don't fight me, i have a week of waiting from the day i first matter which way the ball bounces, i'm either going to get nothing or i'm going to get less then what i was bringing home when i had the job...&, if i apply 'common sense' to my situation, i'm going to start preparing myself, family & lifestyle for the loss of finances---that is, i'll decide what i can no longer afford & what has to go. this is obamas biggest problem---he doesn't know what to cut or what to scale back.
take the above scenario & apply it to the average either have a mortgage or you rent & this combined with less income should play a big part in what you do next. do you stay where you are & give up the new car for an older one? do you sell the washing machine & dryer? do you take your daughter out of dance school? for that matter, do you take your child out of private school &; enroll them in public school? do you still buy 'name brand' food & clothing or do you start shopping the thriftier stores? & what do you do about your cable package? we both know there are plenty of more things i haven't listed such as credit cards, healthcare, insurance but, hopefully, you get the picture. regardless of what you do or don't do will determine on whether or not you can keep your house.
obama & his super smart thinkers can't approach government spending like this. they seem to use no rational reasoning except to tell you to "tighten your belt", "buy smaller cars", "buy america", "eat smarter & healthier", "leave the fastfood places alone", "use smarter ways to use energy (even if you can't afford them)"---in the mean time, they'll continue to spend your money as they see fit...
obama expanded our national debt & he's uselessly spent a lot of our money on failed projects. he's grown government beyond imagination. the bottom line is, obama is bad for america & what's worse is, he's proved it to us. i can visualize him coming out next week & telling us we need to buy our own homes regardless of the economy...& he's a harvard grad---do they all come out of harvard so stupid & un-american?
the housing market can't grow until the job markets grows &; they can't grow until we spend more & we can't spend more until we get more & no, i don't want obama giving us more because it will cost us more...obama needs to stop 'helping' us & we need to 'ride-it-out'. america will turn itself around...we always do when we do it ourselves...


hello america!!! as i stated before, obama is not a leader...his actions have proven this time & time again. case-in-point:::

good people, we have serious border problems at both ends of the country---there's no way to sugarcoat it &, to ignore it is even worse. &, for obama to make negative campaign speeches about what he's done for border security & blast the repubs for wanting more done is ludicrous.

if obama were to ask the dems in Ca, Az, NM &, Tx how they feel about illegal aliens in their states that their tax dollars & jobs help support---would he still be joking? if he had the gonads to ask them how they feel about the crimes committed by illegal aliens, would he still want to offer them amnesty?
regardless of what all obama says he's done, he's not done enough:::americans are still dying along those borders; drugs are still crossing those borders; crimes are still being committed by illegal aliens on this side of those borders; illegal aliens are still crossing those borders & seeking safe refuge here; those border states have plenty of illegal aliens in their jails that we americans have to support with our tax dollars. so, you should know me by now america, exactly what in the hell has obama done in regards to our border security that allows him to joke about that same security?
obama said the fence is up---yes, parts of the fence are up but, it's far from being completed---if i'm not mistaken, the completion of the fence has been stopped. yes, he sent 'troops' to the borders but not the amount that was requested &, i know obama has to know best because he told us the surge in iraq would not work. i have to admit that i have no clue about the success of the two drones obama sent to the borders but, america, let's be for real---with all that mileage-
from Az to Tx, two drones just aren't enough. & with all the virtual security that was supposed to be installed, i've heard nothing for or against it.
america, if 'raising the fence', 'building a moat' &, 'putting aligators in the moat' will keep just one american safe, who in the hell does obama think he is to joke about it? Az has invited him to their border but he has yet to accept their invitation. he gloats about how safe he has made the border but, to prove it, maybe he should send his family down their for a few weeks.
good people, we just lost two border agents chasing illegal aliens & we captured 500 lbs of illegal drugs from the illegal aliens & obama says our borders are secure &, what's worse, he jokes about it. america, what joke can obama tell the families of those two border agents that will get him re-elected?
obama is a sorry-assed, fake leader. he does not represent what this great country needs.