Monday, December 18, 2017


hello america!!! the idiots, of which there are far too many say donald trump is a racist, a homophobic, a misogynist, a islamophobic, a xenophobe (just to name a few) &, that he's for the rich only---that being the case, the following must not apply to anybody from any of those groups...

1.....40 fed prosecutors (in addition to those that have already been sent) are being sent into some of our most violent communities to round up the drug-dealers, gang-bangers & criminals so as to make those communities safer---aren't you glad that none of the people trump discriminates against reside in any of those communities???

2.....the national unemployment rate is 4.1% (you'd have to go back to dec 2000 & beyond to find a lower percentage---for black people, the unemployment rate is 7.3% &, averaged over the last 11 months rounds out to 7.5% (something that never happened under obama)---which tells me that only white american 'deplorable'/'un-educated' people are employed...

3.....under the new tax cuts & jobs act bill, all americans benefit---a single filer will have a $12,000.00 standard deduction---meaning your first $12,000.00 is not taxed &, whatever you have left will be taxed at a lower rate---for head of households & married couples, your standard deduction is up to $24,000 but, you can SEE THE RATES HERE...unfortunately, the bill does not apply to those that trump discriminates against...good people, READ THE ACTUAL BILL HERE---FOR YOU THAT DON'T HAVE THE TIME TO READ 1,097 PAGES, HERE'S AN EASY BREAKDOWN... quiet as it's been kept, on 12/12/2017, donald trump signed the 'national defense authorization act for 2018' into law (congress votes on the funding of it next year) & basically, it's about a 'bigger, better, badder' military & yet, it gives all of our military members a 2.4% raise---however, that raise (& other benefits of the bill) don't apply to those that trump discriminates against---here's a summary of the bill---READ IT HERE...

5.....from the very beginning of the trump era, financial america has responded quite favorably because of his regulation rollbacks, gov't purchasing & contracts, tax rhetoric &, other policy changes &, our gdp (gross domestic product) is the proof of his efforts---businesses are booming &, when the tax reform is signed into law, our growth will be unlimited---but, i'm sad to say, all of those business-owners, workers & 401k owners on the trump haters list will not be included...

6.....when i saw the quick response from trump to help all of those areas hit by fires & hurricanes, i was looking for the media to tell me that nobody that trump discriminates against lived in them...

7.....donald trump is proposing a $1 trillion dollar infrastructure plan that will earmark some of that money for 'fixing up' some of our down-trodden communities---i'm so glad people on trumps discrimination list don't live in any of them...

8.....trades deals & foreign services---let's keep it real---we need to have our trades deals benefit us & hey, they aren't---trump is in the process of renegotiating every one of them so that the playing fields tilts in our favor &/or is level---he is also renegotiating how we provide services for foreign country's at our own expense---in time, he will get them to pay us their fair share & hey, when our gov't has to pay less out, they need less of our dollars to do so but, alas, i just don't see those on that trump discrimination list benefiting from his actions. choice seems to be a dicey subject but hey, which one of you would not wish you could remove your child from a 'bad' school & enroll them in a 'better' one??? that alone seems like a 'no-brainer', however, when the tax bill becomes law, there' a little section in it that give individuals a way to save money in a 529 savings account for their child's education---currently, you could only save for college but under the new tax plan, you'll be able to save for k-12 private schools (including religious ones)---i must have missed the fine-print where it says that only applies to those not on trumps discrimination list...

10...trump is actually doing wonders with our va (veterans affairs) (something previous administrations only talked about)---but, i can't imagine any of those on that dreadful trump discrimination list will reap any of the benefits he's brought about...

what a fickle & conflicted people we have become---what's good for our country is good for all...

good people, do not allow yourselves to be deceived by those that knowingly fear trumps abilities & plans to make our country great again---he is a complete threat to their power over you because, if trump is just halfway successful, your need for them will expire & hey, they will use every trick known (& not known) to mankind to try & prevent that success...

while i'm at it, just how many people on that trump discrimination list prospered under the last 2 presidents???