Friday, October 7, 2011

hello america!!! i very recently saw a post on my facebook page that upsets me---a young lady is going to support obama no matter what. this proves to me that she has not done her own homework on obama & what he has negatively done to our country. although i will never 'dis' anyone for who they support, i will go out of my way to try to 'prove' to them why they should or shouldn't support that candidate.

so, lady truck driver, this is for you.....&, others that share your view that obama is the 'one'.

obama is fake & not a leader &, i do agree with you that no one can undo in four years what others have built for decades. if you were to do your own homework on obama, you'd see that he has done "NOTHING" for people of color or living below the national poverty level. but, i am not going to 'preach' to you, i am going to give you the facts as they are...

as quiet as it is kept, obama (& others), as a lawyer for ACORN, helped us get into the mess we are now in. he sued banks & organized boycotts to force banks into making loans to those that were not credit worthy under the guise of CRA (thanks to pres clinton). please, let's keep it real----if i'm on welfare, you're not going to loan me $500.00 dollars, much less let me buy your home. &, if i only make $9.00 per hour, can i buy your house simply because i'm black or spanish? (DO YOURSELF A FAVOR & GOOGLE 'CRA')

here is one peice of proof that obama did the above &, please remember that he is on record for wanting to give loans to those that are not credit worthy (they call them sub-prime loans)....there are many others listing him as a lawyer for acorn.
if you care to remember, all our economic problems started with the 'downfall' of our housing market because of sub-prime loans, & fannie mae & freddie mac are the main culprits. it's as simple as that but, i don't base all my writings on just one peice of info...the following is futher proof that pres bush did try to head our problems off, starting in 2001 but, congress & obama ignored him-----

look at how many times pres bush appealed to congress to get our present problems under control & look at how many times he was ignored.

obama's not man enough to admit his roles in our problems,,,,,,he'd rather blame it all on pres bush & everybody jumped on that 'bash pres bush band wagon'.

you may support obama (&, that's your right) but, when the person you support says we are not better off now then we were four years ago, something has to make you wonder why not. the 'why not' is answered like this::::obama has crippled the jobs market severely....say what you will but, let's be for real. WILL YOU PARK YOUR CAR OR TRUCK IF IT MEANS SAVING A FEW BIRDS FROM AN OIL SPILL THAT MAY OR MAY NOT HAPPEN? ask that same question to the 10,000 plus people out of work in the gulf because of obamas mandates on our own drilling.

i've always liked & respected you & i ask for an honest answer to the following::::why did it take 2 1/2 years plus for obama to push for jobs? why did it take 2 1/2 years for obama to get serious about our immigration & border problems? when obama visited allentown, how come he was on lehigh street & not on second & gordon---& i don't want to hear that crap about security......none of his foto ops are in urban america---THEY ARE ALL IN RURAL AMERICA where they stop us for driving through after dark.

obama is a liar & i can prove that it----however, answer this & maybe i'll be done, just what has obama done (good) for us as a country-------i welcome your response, just don't curse me out.