Friday, July 13, 2012


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...   i really hate to say this but, i told you that we will have to hit 'rock-bottom' before we can even think of getting out of this mess...good people, you really should give a loud 'THANK YOU' to obama for helping us get in this mess. & no, he was not alone. he, along with others, sued banks (under CRA) to force them to make loans to people that couldn't pay them back; those sub-prime loans that had everything to do with our economic collapse.
this occurred in the 90's &, obama also trained the acorn 'troops' to demonstrate in front of the banks---see here

do yourself a favor & google, 'obama sued citibank'---you'll be be surprise at what you may find......

on another note, obama has accused gov mitt romney of being an out-sourcer of jobs &, when the repubs looked into obamas record, obama & company denied that they out-sourced jobs & money but, after the pressure was turned up, this is what we have........

but, obama & company first had to lie about it which unfortunately, has been their policy from day one.


hello america!!! have you ever known the facts about an issue & end up in a debate with someone that doesn't? while you're able to quote figures, dates, & logic, their defense is to become more emotional & louder & they resort to name calling. it truly does amaze me at how people can argue about something they know very little about. case-in-point; obamacare....

it all started about 4:30 yesterday. i'm sitting on my porch drinking my MOLSEN ICE with about 4 neighbors &, we were talking about the olympics when this young couple came by asking if we were registered to vote. the neighbor to my left wanted to know why & the young lady said ,"so you can vote for pres obama". those were her actual words & that started the debate. he said he wouldn't vote for obama because his job was going to stop offering the workers healthcare coverage because of obamacare. well, the debate was on----5 for obamacare & 2 against it.

in short, the only fact the 5 knew about obamacare is, you couldn't be denied coverage because of pre-existing conditions (which is the best thing about the law)...they argued against taxes being raised on anybody because of it & that it would give everybody coverage...good people, they were the prime example of 'stuck on stupid'. the more facts the 2 of us brought out, the madder they got..........we must have argued for 20 minutes & they didn't get to sign anybody up..............

america, i'm not here to argue with you.......i'm going to tell you the truth as i find it & present it the best way i can.......that said, there are some very good things in obamacare however, there is more harm then good &, when you don't even read the law for yourselves, you're doomed to following in the footsteps of many that just read the headlines.

the law, as presently written, is going to effect each & every one of you. you may deny that but facts are facts. 

1.....the fed gov't is about to hire 4,500 workers to the irs to comb through all your records to make sure that you are complying with the law & before they're done, they even know how many sheets of toilet paper you use
2.....the fed gov't will be the ones to decide if your healthcare coverage meets their standards which have not yet been publicised
3.....the fed gov't will be the ones to decide what services you can & can't get &, that list has not been published yet either
4.....the fed gov't has a total of 21 new taxes in it & 6-12 of them will eventually filter down to all of us---that list is right here.......

if you truly wish to become informed about obamacare, do yourself a favor & read this--------------------

& lastly, if obamacare was truly for all americans, why do we have this discrepancy with obamacare waivers? labor unions representing 543,812 union workers received waivers compared to private employers representing 69,813 workers......a total of 1,231 company's have received waivers....the waivers were granted because obamacare would create a 'hardship' on the company's & workers...yet, they say it's affordable for you & you just might want to tone down your support of this law because it's really not an honest one as you will see here...