Sunday, July 28, 2013


hello america!!! the pro-obama media blindly support obama & that's a fact. truth be told, if it were not for them, obama would have never won either election. so, it's no wonder that they continue to support him by 'ignoring' or 'down-playing' anything negative about him. this comes as no surprise to me---actually, i expected it...

anybody that actually believes that the 'scandals' rocking the obama admin are 'phony' & are just 'distractions' are idiots. PERIOD...

i defy the media to answers these five (there could be many more) questions as honestly as they can::::::
1. if border agent (brian terry) were your son, would you be satisfied with the answers you haven't gotten?
2. if your son was one of the four americans that were killed in benghazi or, one of those that had been wounded, would you be satisfied with the answers you haven't gotten?
3. if that had of been your own reporter (&/or news agency) that had had their phone & email records searched, would you be satisfied with the answers you haven't gotten?
4. if that had of been your own organization that had been unfairly targeted by the irs, would you be satisfied with the answers you haven't gotten?
5. how can you stay silent about the nsa going through your phone & email records?

we all know what your honest answer would be...look, quit 'slanting' the news & report it as honestly as you can. all of the five mentioned events began under obamas 'so-called' leadership & yes, he screwed it up. in a nutshell, obama is ultimately responsible for the actions of all of those below him & no side-stepping can get around that fact.

the scandals are not 'phony' nor are they 'distractions' &, above all else, they are not republican made. they should be investigated & reported honestly & openly...