Sunday, July 14, 2013


hello america!!! last friday (12 july 2013) i called our welfare department in harrisburg & asked the following:::::::::
question...when can i sign up for obamacare? answer...january 2014
question...where would i sign up? answer...she didn't know
question...what do i have to do to sign up? answer...she didn't know
question...who can sign up? answer...she didn't know
question...what will obamacare cover? answer...she didn't know

i was (& still am) against obamacare for a myriad of reasons---my biggest problem with it is: anything obama has touched has failed. everything he & his flunkies said about obamacare is becoming untrue, & seemingly, everything the repubs said about it is becoming reality. the dems ran from it in the last mid-term elections &, they will have to run from it the upcoming one. obamacare was unworkable from its inception & now that it's about to fully be implemented, the cracks in it are transforming into giant canyons. before i continue, here's some more problems with obamacare in addition to the many i've been telling you about for over four years.

&, add this to this mix...

nobody seems to know what's actually happening with obamacare to include obama & the dems that were responsible for---as confusing as obamacare already is, add this to the mix...   in hindsight, perhaps they should have read the bill before they passed it.

there is no disgrace in admitting defeat however, there is no honor is denying the truth...when you lie to people to pass a bill &, you continue to lie to support it, the truth can't help but be revealed.