Thursday, August 18, 2011


hello america!!! do you realize obama wants to 'spend' more of our money to try to get us out of this economic rut? it didn't work the first time he did it &, it won't work now. only a true idiot would repeat their past mistakes on a bigger level.

to 'create' infrastructure' jobs is great on paper & speaches however, if the fed gov't funds them, they can only be funded for a brief period of time.......they will never be 'self-sustaining'. they will provide temporary employment only. most of out states are in no position to fund these jobs without severe cuts, which would mean more layoffs/firings at the state level. ask yourself this, how long will obama be able to fund road repairs & bridge building?

this all sounds great but, at whose expense will the funding come from unless obama is just going to print more money? if i remember correctly, the federal government is broke which led to the debt ceiling raise. &, i just can't see congress (either party) giving obama the go-ahead to put us further in debt with china.

somebody needs to find out just how many people are still actually employed because of obamas first stimulus....