Thursday, October 31, 2013


i just don't know why people still support obama...what part of honesty do they not understand? as americans, regardless of your race or religion, when you get repeatedly lied to, you should rise up to demand only the truth. for you blind supporters, why don't you go to the obamacare site & check the 'estimated prices' for obamacare---it is expensive &, for some of you my age (64), what do you need maternity & newborn care for? 
yes, some of you will qualify for the reduced costs through tax credits, however, when i look at what coverage you can get, there is not one of the plans offered on website (see plans now) that offers you full coverage so, there' going to be out-of-pocket expenses that will have to be paid assuming you can get by the co-costs & deductibles. simply put, obamacare offers you the following plans only:::catastrophic-covers less then 60%; bronze-covers 60%; silver-covers 70%; gold-covers 80%; platinum-covers 90%---but, don't take my word for it, go to the site & see for yourself---
it would have been more feasible to raise taxes & convert everyone to medicaid...