Sunday, May 29, 2016


hello america!!! why is it that hillary & bernie say they can now 'fix' our country??? are we supposed to forget both of them have been in politics for decades???

let's keep it real---they both were in a position to have looked into the housing markets collapse warnings from PRES BUSH & yet, neither did anything---they both ignored the warnings & now blame the repubs & pres bush for all that ails us---HILLARY HERE & BERNIE HERE...

both bernie & hillary are 'do nothing people'---

bernie was chairman of the senate committee on veteran affairs (jan 13-jan 15) & the system is still plagued by multiple problems &, if he couldn't fix the va system, he damn sure can't fix america...

hillary was sec of state (jan 2009-feb 2013) & many of our present 'world-wide problems' can be put directly on her inability to accomplish anything of note---in truth, she was a failure...

neither of them have experience creating jobs & hey, we need jobs; a much stronger border; enforcement of our immigration laws; better trade deals; enforced protection for our constitution; &, we need to make our needs & interests number one, PERIOD!!!