Thursday, April 30, 2015


hello america!!! yes, all lives matter as well as how all people are treated---it should not be based on skin-color, religion, gender, size, political affiliation, sexual preference or, geographical location---all people should be treated with care & respect until they put themselves in a position to harm or steal from others...PERIOD!!!

that said, police & other arresting authorities know the difference between 'enough force' & 'excessive force' &, while we can't live without them, we shouldn't be condemning all of them for the actions of a few---there's bad apples in every bushel & it's up to us (as a people of one) to force our leaders to seek them out & comply with whatever the law demands, however, we need to use peaceful tactics instead of violence---violence will only be met with more violence & none of us need that just to make a point...

baltimore will probably erupt in violence & more destruction this weekend because a report the police were suppose to release friday, will not be released---that's the equivalent of pouring gasoline on a fire & expecting no reaction---couple that with the report that claims freddie gray harmed himself & you can almost see baltimore going up in flames...who can look at what is going on & not SMELL a cover-up in the making???

yes, freddie gray's death could have (& should have) been prevented &, it was a tragedy, however, no amount of rock-throwing, property destruction or looting will change one iota of his demise---in fact, those negative actions will only serve to offer our 'so-called leaders' ample fodder to politicize gray's unfortunate death & allow them to renew their 'wrongful finger-pointing' campaign...

good people, the focus should remain on gray's death but, the monday night 'thugs' have shifted that focus...what happened there should never have been allowed to occur & i honestly believe the mayor is completely at fault here &, since she's an elected democrat, i know you won't take my word for it so, click HERE---plus, there are those within the police force saying she gave the 'stand-down' order---&, she supposedly was in contact with obama & holder (just like hillary & benghazi)...

obama & others are now talking about baltimore's (as well as other city's) poverty level as the root of the problem & they're trying to blame it on the republicans---i have some disappointing news for them as well as other democrats---both senators representing maryland are democrats (mikulski-1987 & cardin-2007) &, 7 of the 8 house of representatives are democrats (hoyer-1981, cummings-1996, hollen jr-2003, ruppersberger-2003, sarbanes-2007, edwards-2008, delaney-2013) & lastly is repub harris-2011---the gov (hogan) is a white repub, the mayor (stephanie rawlings-blake) is both black & a democrat---the police commissioner (anthony w batts) is black------so please, color me stupid but, how in the hell are the repubs at fault for the poverty levels in baltimore???

where was obama & company during his first 2 years in office asking congress to act on the blight of all of our 'baltimore's??? where were the conversations from obama, holder & sharpton calling for helping the black people of america???

if this unfortunate incident is going to be blamed on the repubs, the dems need to look hard & long in the mirror because they 'SQUANDERED' their opportunity to help the people that needed their help the i've often written, don't take my word, do your own homework &, while you're at it, please tell me how many of those 'shovel-ready jobs' ended up in the 'hood'???

black people, know this & research it, obama made no promises to you & you weren't singled out during his campaign speeches---in fact, he bloviated about helping the middle-class & completely ignored those that live south of their status---besides, he said 'middle-class is a state of mind'...

let's be honest, the baltimore's of our country have been allowed to fall out of favor for decades---they were promised jobs but, they got welfare instead..................

Sunday, April 19, 2015


some of you are so quick to post cops killing blacks, black-on-black beat-downs, black females twerking, selfies displaying your bottles of alcohol & yet, you're MIA when it comes to this CLICK HERE---news wasn't always like this---

the innocent killings of our young & helpless seems to not be a 'major newsworthy topic' & i can only assume that is why obama, sharpton & holder (& others like the naacp) aren't on the airways lambasting the violence of black-on-black homicides...however, let a white cop kill a black person & they're all over it---

speaking of all over it, where are all of those demonstrator's at??? wait a minute, they're right HERE...i'm sorry, i thought they were grouping up to protest our young & helpless being murdered...

look, let's keep it butt-hole simple---if the major news outlets don't 'blast' these senseless killings on tv & the radio, they seem to slip under the radar---it's like they've become 'acceptable' & not worthy of major airtime...

we are a 'fickle' people---we've ALLOWED our community's to become rife with violence, gangs & drugs & we expect the police to do a much better job of policing them & yet, we don't support them---we can't wait for the bad ones to show up & do something stupid---NO, i'm not calling for 'community vigilantes', however, i am calling for our community's to honestly get together & help the police better police them---when a crime is committed, we tend to not see anything, not hear anything or not know anything & then we ask why aren't the cops doing a better job---far too many us remain silent when we know where the gangs, drugs & guns are...

there is no reason for a 1 year old of any color to die because of a gunshot...PERIOD---nor is there any reason for a person to take the life of one...PERIOD!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


hello america!!! there are so many conflicting statements being made about our 'deals' with iran & cuba that one is left scratching one's head---however, based on a pattern of lies having come from obama & company, i'm inclined to believe everyone but them---& yes, i have some serious questions...

what deal could we possibly make with iran that doesn't DEMAND the following:::
1...release all american prisoners forthwith
2...stop all support of terrorist organizations & training forthwith
3...allow announced/unannounced inspections of all sites forthwith
4...stop all nuclear testing forwith
5...stop all suppression of human right forthwith

&, once those demands are met, we can all sit at the table & talk about lifting sanctions & if not, we can take it to the next level & flatten those bomb making shelters at will...

what deal could we possibly make with cuba that doesn't DEMAND the following:::
1...release all american suspected fugitives from justice forthwith
2...stop all support of terrorist organizations & training forthwith
3...stop all suppression of human rights forthwith
4...stop pitting russia against us forthwith

&, once those demands are met, we can all sit at the table & talk about lifting sanctions & if not,we can ratchet up the sanctions...

since obama & company say the sanctions have worked/are working/will continue to work, why negotiate from a position of weakness???

Monday, April 13, 2015


hello america!!! seemingly, when a white cop kills a black person, the media outlets & us (you) get all bent out of shape---facebook, twitter, & tv go out of their way to tell us how much the cops are racist &, demonstrations (sometimes violent) spring up overnight---hell, some of our 'big-shots' (i.e; al sharpton, obama, william holder & other's) jump into the limelight to bemoan the (entire) police force...however, this goes unmentioned CLICK HERE---very few facebooker's take the time to post it & the media reports it as an 'afterthought'...have we become that desensitized to our youth's departing violently from us ahead of their time???

i'll take my chances with the cops any day compared to my chances with my own people---that, good people, is the reality of life in the streets, the parks, the clubs &, yeah, i'm saying it, sitting on your own porch minding your own business---

when i look at the senseless homicides around my country, i always end up looking at chicago---i just can't believe that all of those killings (of all people/by all people) don't get the same coverage ferguson received...the majority of those deaths were youthful people of color by the hands of people of color---

racism exists in all walks of life among all races---newsflash america, it's taught from birth, however, when you look at the cop-killings, just ask yourself this:::did that white cop wake up this morning thinking he would take a black life??? flip it around & think how many of those defying the cops said they weren't going back to jail---we have some bad cops just as we have some bad people & hey, they come in all colors, sizes, & religions---while i am in no way trying to justify all of the killings, i do want to point this out:::the vast majority of the victims were running/fighting/threatening because of their connection to crime---while many of us know that we've been pulled over or questioned, complied with requests & allowed to continue our journey with no harm or foul words---

all lives matter but we don't need the 'big-shots' to show up just because they can make the six oclock news, we need them to be out there 24/7---365....

you can see the homicides in chicago HERE & another one HERE...but please, don't forget about that 3 year old shooting a 1 year old in the head & watch, you won't see the 'big-shots' talking about it...

Friday, April 10, 2015


hello america!!! obama wants to bypass our congress & take his iran deal to the united nations---this is the same united nations that did THIS...seems counterintuitive to me but, what do i know???

we have obama & company saying one thing while iran is saying another &, on top of all that, iran is making 'demands' HERE...

look, i am not a war-monger & i honestly hope we can live a very long time without another one (& then, reality sets in)...since we continue to balk at putting our foot in somebody's butt, we are going to have one (or more) & sooner rather than later...we have allowed to many groups (& they all hate us) to build up because of our lack of forcible actions---words just won't get us to be where we need to be...

obama & company say we are safer not then before he took office but, an honest look around the world should convince you that they are lying to you---hell, you don't even have to go around the world to prove that, russia has ships HERE in our own backyard & they've been flexing their air-power muscle HERE...

when you sum up all the problems around the globe & judge our responses, you can't help but wonder how we became so weak...north korea ignores us; iran defies us; russia & china laugh at us; seemingly, we have lost the middle east & africa; we've thrown israel to the wolves; we've turned our backs on canada---& through it all, the obama admin puts up a good front---


hello america!!! this is just a follow-up to my last post & it's issued by our own state dep't---

just so you know...


hello america!!! with so much going on within our own country, it's hard to figure out how i have time to find out what's happening beyond our borders---but, try as i might to stick to one subject, other issues keep forcing themselves into my purview---case-in-point, THIS...

obama & company have been all over the networks talking about 'no man left behind' so, i can only surmise that american civilians don't qualify for that category...look, obama has blindly portrayed yemen as a success story but, it's just the opposite, however, you don't have to take my word for it READ THIS...just how low have we sunk when we have to tell our own people (abroad) to get help from other countries to get to safety???

we tucked tail & ran away from yemen (benghazi, iraq, syria, ukraine, egypt, central african republic, north africa---hell, there are more but, hopefully, you got the point)  & yet, while we have the most powerful army in the world we also have an extremely weak, non-military man in obama at the helm---

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


hello america!!! while i appreciate obama bringing back 'one of our own' (sgt bowe bergdahl) i have a problem with the way it all went down---obama & company portrayed their role in his return to our country as the greatest thing ever, however, i honestly believe they would redo it if they could but, you'll never get an apology from them (especially from obama)...

as a vet, it hurts to see how bergdahl was paraded as somebody that served with 'distinction & honor' HERE when all public evidence paints him as a traitor...

some of bergdahl's co-service members stepped up & called it right---right from the beginning---&, some media outlets tried to crucify dare they allege that bergdahl walked off the base on his own to seek out the taliban after obama & company said this man was not only an american hero but, he was also worth a trade for 5 bigshots from gitmo (without the consent or knowledge of congress), you can only imagine how those same media outlets had to acknowledge THIS HERE...

good people, this is the latest CLICK HERE...don't expect obama & company to apologize for deceiving you, that's what they do (&, they're good at it until caught)...they've known since 2009 what kind of person bergdahl was long before they made the trade for him but, to justify their actions, they lied to you...