Wednesday, August 14, 2013


hello america!!! i'm so glad we don't have 'free speech' in this country---wait a minute, that 'free speech' depends on who's doing the talking...check this video out...

can you remember sen harry reid using the senate floor to say somebody told him that gov romney didn't pay taxes? can you remember the ad attack on rep paul ryan...

so, what in the hell is wrong about this...aug 10, 2013

when you have americans doing this...

& this

& yet, the very same people that speak out about the clown making fun of obama are silent on all the rest...

look you idiots...when you fight to keep GOD & prayers out of our schools & homes, (etc), &, you allow the late-night talk hosts to make fun of public officials & obama, how can you suddenly draw a line & say something has crossed the line. when have you ever heard obama condemn the burning of our flag in the muslim country's??? where was your pathetic voice when they made fun of pres bush???

WAKE UP!!! you all raise hell about a clown & yet, you're extremely silent on the scandals that have rocked the obama admin....


hello america!!! as long as the congressional hearings are on-going, more info will come out that obama & company would rather keep concealed. if these scandals were truly 'phony' obama & company would not be stonewalling the investigations---they would welcome the truth to come out---however, that is not the case. it seems that every day we learn of another 'disappointing developement' that makes the press; or, to put it another way, doesn't make the press. if the following is true, obama should have been the first to tell us...  on the other hand, benghazi happened just before the elections &, if what we now know had of come out before people cast their vote, obama may very well have lost. from obama on down, the truth about what really happened in benghazi & why should be allowed to come out. please, after you read the above link, scroll to the bottom of that page & click on some of the related issues...

as far as the other big scandal, our irs, every day we learn of something new. the following was revealed during the congressional hearings...

then you have this...the irs may have shared personal data with the fec &, hold on to your seat, we have this & there must be something to it...

now mind you, we have obama that said these all these scandals are 'phony' &, that's after he first acknowledged them as problems....

we still don't have the full story on the gun-walking program however, you be the judge.