Wednesday, April 17, 2013


hello america!!! just like he did when his 'dream act' failed to pass the senate, obama will do the same for the  senate 'gun vote'---he will blame the repubs. 5 dems voted against the dream act then & 4 dems voted against the 'gun bill' today. both bills needed 60 votes to pass &, in reality, both bills failed because of the dems that voted 'nay', not the repubs...didn't know that did you?????????

before the blame game starts, the dems control 55 out 100 seats in the senate. had senate majority leader harry reid been able to keep his own party together &, had he voted 'yea', the dems would have only needed 1 vote from the repubs for the bills passage---instead, they got 4 repubs to vote 'yea' & 4 dems voted 'nay'. the bill failed 54-46.

the gun control issue was a joke from the beginning. yes, even i can see banning 'assault type' weapons however, they can be purchased illegally so, banning them & requiring background checks won't have any effect on those using them to do harm.

instead of obama running his mouth about the vote, he should be spending his time trying to come up with a workable plan to get guns out of the hands of the criminals & gangs.

&, you should laugh at that 7 bullets per magazine crap. can't you imagine the bad guys only loading 7 bullets in a 30 round magazine just to be playing by the rules?  &, if they did comply with that BS, what's to prevent them from having several 7 round magazines on hand? hell, a 6 shot revolver kills & maims people too.

it's a sad day when our senate can spend all this time on 'gun control' & not be able to offer anything to us that will actually help keep us safer &, for that, i blame obama. afterall, he's supposed to be the 'so-called leader'...where's his 'gun control' blueprint?

by the way, does anybody know how many deaths could be prevented by requiring back ground checks???


hello america!!! in regards to the boston bombings, we can argue about who did it & why however, for me, the essential question still remains: how did they do it? in this day & age of technology & heavy police presence, how could this be allowed to happen? wasn't anybody scanning the crowds & barriers near the finish line? didn't anybody see the 'suspected' backpack on the wrong side of the barrier? where were the 'bomb sniffing' dogs at?

i know it's early in the investigation however, immediately following the first blast, the area was flooded with police (wearing yellow vests with guns drawn) & responders---&, i mean immediately. the response time was fantastic!!! so yes, there were plenty of police at the finish line but, what were they doing to keep them from noticing a backpack on the wrong side of the barrier? hell, there are pictures of it---the before & after right next to what looks like a green, metal mailbox. on the other hand, why didn't the person taking the photos tell the authorities?

as i've previously written, the bombings cause more questions than answers............


hello america!!! we, as a people, are more than fickle...we are 'trend jumpers' &, we tend to pour our hearts out for our violent national tragedies such as: sandy hook & the boston bombings. perhaps it's the media that drives us that way with its 24/7 coverage of the sadness. another case in point, superstorm sandy.

facebook & twitter are on fire with people praying & asking for prayers &, (don't get me wrong) perhaps they should however, i can only wonder why we are so silent on the 500 plus chicago homicides (mostly people of color) in 2012 with 230 of them being children (mostly people of color). you should also wonder why it took took the killing of a 15 year old black female for the obamas to get involved??? i don't make this stuff up-you can read it here...

500 plus homicides in chicago & you didn't hear crap about 'gun control' nor did you read crap about it on facebook-------& yet, sandy hook happens & it's declared a 'national tragedy'. there is something very wrong with our thinking. now you can call me stupid but you can't tell me i'm wrong!!!!!!! during obamas campaigning, when did you hear him calling for 'gun control' because of the 230 senseless deaths of our young ones in chicago???? where was congress's voice on the matter???? where was the 24/7 media coverage???? hell, even our 'so-called' civil rights leaders weren't making a lot of noise until feb's rev sharpton in sep 2012...   & here's rev jackson this year...

good people, if it were not for that 15 year old's death, i strongly doubt you would have been able to read this or view the photos...

obama visited chicago this feb 2013 & he used the homicides in chicago to further his agenda for gun control...

look, i'm in favor of anything that will stop the killings of our people however, when obama & congress draw up a gun control bill that doesn't 'take' the guns out of the hands of those that want to kill & maim people, it's just a waste of time. let's be real about it---it's easier to get a gun on the streets than it is to legally buy one &, we all know that, in the future, criminals will be sure to only load 7 rounds in their magazines. what a crock!!!

while i feel for all those affected by what happened in boston, i also feel for those in chicago & elsewhere. if we can't change the mentality of those wishing to inflict harm, no laws on the books will ever stop the violence...&, just so you'll know, chicago is already on pace to top last years homicide count &, last year, we had 32,367 highway deaths........

united, we kill each other; divided, we kill each other; we can pray for others & not for our own &, you call me misinformed???