Tuesday, September 27, 2011


hello america!!! i listened to obama yesterday & i'm left with one thought---he really doesn't give a crap about those living at or below the national poverty level. he 'harps' about congress needing to pass his 'jobs bill' but, let's be perfectly honest...if the bill is passed, most of those infrastructure jobs will go to unionized labor & the rest will be given out as favors to friends, family & political supporters. very, very few of them will be given to black or spanish company's. for that matter, i wish somebody would look up the stats on obamas last stimulus to see who got what &, i'm willing to wager that the vast majority of that stimulus money went to white people, & thus, unionized labor.

obama doesn't care about "LOWER CLASS AMERICA" & he's made that perfectly clear from day one---all of his 'bills' & all of his speeches are directed at "MIDDLE CLASS AMERICA". when have you ever heard him say that he won't raise taxes on the poverty stricken? when have you ever heard him say this bill will hurt the poverty stricken?

with all the different ethnic groups grumbling to obama about something they don't like, he treats the blacks the worst..when have you ever heard him tell the spanish to quit complaining? did you ever hear him tell the jewish people to quit complaining. did you ever hear him tell the gays & lesbians to quit complaining? for that matter, he's never used that tone with the doctors that don't want obamacare or the 'teaparty' people. but, you heard him tell that to the congressional black caucus & those people applauded him, & today, someone was on foxnews from the naacp defending his remarks. it is not a good thing when you are too ignorant to realize you've been slighted.

oh, before i forget, the majority of obamas foto ops are done in rural america & you've never heard him tell those people to quit complaining.

here's a link>>>>>


hello america!!! on thursday/9-1-2011, i wrote wrote a piece tittled "OBAMA, YOU'RE A FAILURE" & in it, i posted a link about coca-cola investing 4 billion dollars in china. today, i find that coca-cola is also going to invest 3 billion dollars in russia. the ceo went on to say that foreign country's are more business friendly then we are & he explains why. here's the links:::::


america, instead of obama blaming everything on others, he should be inviting company ceo's that invest overseas to the whitehouse to figure out what he can do to keep those dollars here. because of obamas lack of leadership & inability to admit his failures, this nation is about to lose out on a 7 billion dollar company investment & that's just from one company....think of all the others that are doing the same thing & you have to ask yourself why. you also have to ask yourself, what is obama doing to keep that money (JOBS) here where & when we need them the very most.....

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


hello america!!! if obama was serious about raising the taxes on the rich, why didn't he bring this up in previous meetings with all the all those company 'big-whigs' &/or the sports teams that he invited to the whitehouse? he recently had the greenbay packers there but, instead of telling them he wanted to raise their taxes & close the loopholes they hide their money in, he joked with them.

obama had a perfect opportunity to confront the weathy (face-to-face) & get their feel about his plans. instead, he would rather wage his fight far from the battle front. when he had that fund raiser in ny with the very wealthy, i'll bet he never got up & said a word about how he wanted to take more money from them unless they were filling his campaign coffers.

obama has been down this road before &, if my understanding of this is right, his own party failed to raise the taxes on the rich.

here, check this link out & follow it up by doing your own homework on it....

knowing that he stands very little chance of pulling his proposals off, he'll fall back to blaming the repubs for this failure.

Friday, September 16, 2011


hello america!!! obama stated in his speech to america, in the well of the house, that entitlements programs need to be addressed. why is he now backing off from that?

we all know that we cannot continue down our past path for these programs & yet, obama & the dems refuse to deal with them. however, do not get me wrong---i don't want congress to change any of these programs that will cause more americans to suffer more then they are now. BUT, something has to be done &, it has to be done now. so, come on & take a little trip with me & let's deal with reality as it is & not how we wish it were....

the fed gov't is taking in less money due to the employment/unemployment problems we now face, & yet, they are still paying out for the entitlements programs, which have all have a 'death date' as it stands now if nothing is done. this is the main problem & now that we've identified it, we have to come up with a solution & obamas 'jobs bill' is not the answer. so, where does that leave us??????

with at least 14 million people out of work, one can only reach the following conclusion::::put americans back to work & the fed gov't will take in more money, &, if they take in more money, some of these entitlements programs can remain unchanged.

so, how do we put more americans back to work??? yeah, i know. we should not only strongly enforce the regulations we burden businesses with, we should also create more. & yes, we should raise their taxes & close their 'tax loopholes'. we should keep the rich from writing off their contributions to charity's & we should raise their taxes also. we should heavily tax those 'jet owners' & 'big boat owners' &, we should raise the gasoline tax & create a mileage tax for everybody. we should print more money to keep the teachers, cops & firemen employed &, we should start an 'infrastructure bank'. also, we should extend the unemployment benefits period, make it easier for americans to get food stamps & welfare benefits. we should continue to bail out those banks that certain politicians deem 'to big to fail' & we should give our money to those 'greening of america' company's that we refuse to know anything about. yeah, we're on a roll & while we're at it, let's sneak in another 'tax increase on tobacco related products & alcohol'. oh, & before i forget, let's just force obamacare on americans however, let's give those high-end company's & unionized company's waivers----we don't want to create a "HARDSHIP" on them. did i mention that we should sell guns to people we already know shouldn't have them---we need that extra money. & DURING ALL OF THE ABOVE, OBAMA SHOULD CONTINUE TO HAVE THOSE DINNERS AT $35,000 PER COUPLE.

none of the above will create jobs or put america back to work & that's the bottom line. with unemployment at 9.1% &/or 14 million people out of work, we can do a lot better then obamas 'jobs bill' & i can only hope the repubs don't cave in to it.

america, don't be fooled by obama...if he really wanted america to get back to work he would have lifted all the red-tape that is keeping us from drilling for our own oil:::that alone could put a million people (country wide) to work & help us with our foreign dependency on oil. he would rescind the regulatory measures that are hampering businesses &, he would offer them bigger & better reasons for hiring: he would increase tax breaks for businesses & he'd continue the pres bush tax cuts for another 2 years. he would 'shrink' the fed gov't overnight regardless of whose toes he stepped on &, more importantly, he would be honest with america about his role in our economic downfall.

the bottom line about obamas bill is, he cares about the unions & says the hell with the rest of us &, if you don't believe me, ask yourself this----who stands to benefit if this 'jobs bill' is passed???

obama & his admin are a bunch of liars & i will not use another word to describe them. they say the very recent special elections have no reflection on obama & yet, obama once told us he didn't follow the 'polls' & yet he hired a team to do just that.

Monday, September 12, 2011


hello america!!! several weeks ago, obama announced he was going to come out with a plan to get america rehiring again...he then spoke to the american peolpe from the well in the house...& then said he would be releasing the fine details later. i have a big problem with this & here's why.............

2 1/2 plus years ago, obama knew we had a big jobs problem but, to listen to him, it seems like he just realized it. it's like me knowing i've had a leaking roof for months but, i just got around to telling my wife i'll submit a proposal to her in a few weeks as long as she can assemble all of her family & we'll do it at their house. but, when i explain my proposal to them, i'll tell them in the near future how we're going to pay for it but, it will not add to the family budget. WHAT A CROCK!!!!

obama says his plan will be paid for & won't add to our deficit but has not told us where the money is coming from...things that make you say "WTF".

after all this time, one would think that he would have had his proposal completely ready to include where the money was coming from &, according to his spokesperson, he didn't want to put too much on us at once...just color me stupid----thanks.

now that we know what he is planning to do, it has to remind you of his first failed stimulus. obama wants to give the states more money & that's going to the public workers--the police, the firemen &, the teachers/aka the unions. the money that's going to the infrastructure projects will be going to unions....& that should tell you how much he cares about you, the elderly, the handicapped, &, those living below the poverty line.

his proposal will not create jobs & that's what we need. there doesn't seem to be anything in it to incenticize businesses to hire. &, while it may allow some to retain their jobs, the states need to work on their own budgets & problems----they've been doing it since this country was first created.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


hello america!!!      HAPPY LABOR DAY!!!!!!!!

i just watched & listened to obamas 'campaign' speech while he was in detroit &, as i expected, there was nothing new in it. he's going to give this big speech on jobs but, nothing new will be in it except different words---you know, change the wording because the american people are too dumb to understand.

obama, if you propose anything but the following, you will be sealing your fate as a failed leader::::

you have to give businesses a 'certainty' for the future by scaling back regulatory measures; you have to cut &/or lower their taxes; you have to provide 'real' incentives for them to hire; you have to allow the 'bush tax cuts' to stand as is for the next two years; you have to allow our goods to enter & leave this country at the same rate as those of other country's; you have to allow businesses to rise or fall on their own without your intervention; you have to stop supporting labor unions because they only make up about 7% of the work force, not to include public workers; you have to honor 'right-to-work' states; you have to object to allowing easier ways for unions to form; &, you have to allow oil drilling to resume without all that B.S. it goes without saying that you will seriously have to cut gov't spending & downsize their size.

now, if any of your speech focuses on the above, i look forward to hearing it but, i'm almost certain that your speech will be very simular to your past speeches & failed policy's.

it took you 2 1/2 years plus to get to this point about jobs &, i fear that you are just using jobs to try to get re-elected because, if you really cared, you'd have been on top of this problem from day one,,, not obamacare; etc, etc.

what i find the most interesting about your detroit speech is what you didn't bring up; i.e.....how come you didn't remind those union workers (& all of those americans that watched you on tv) that you're the one gave them obamacare with waivers? how come you didn't remind them that you gave them that stimulus that did not do what you said it would? how could you have spent so much time & energy on both of those projects that you signed into law & fail to mention them???? that speaks volumes...

& yes, congress needs to put country ahead of party but not at the expense of putting us further into debt as your plan will outline.

so, while you may go to the rural sections of america to plead your case for another four years, you cannot tell that young boy in watts, or in bed-stuy, why their mother or father can't afford to take them to the movies any more. you've ignored the plight of the middle-class & those below the poverty level for far too long---

Thursday, September 1, 2011


hello america!!! obama swore to uphold the laws of this nation & the following is not doing that: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/08/31/labor-department-agreements-protect-illegal-workers/

if left to obama & his admin, they'll come up with some plan to go & import the foreigners themselves because for them to cross the oceans in those little 'boats' is dangerous; to cross the river deviding us from mexico is dangerous; for the illegal people to have to walk through the deserts is dangerous; & for them to be packed into trucks, vans &, cars is not humane. i mean, i can see him coming up with some sort of plan to send an aircraft carrier to haiti & invite all of those that want to come here to get on board. obama, you can't use the arguement that illegal aliens are pursuing the american dream because they (1) are not americans, (2) they broke the law to get here, & (3) they should be deported & then allowed to try to gain american citizenship the right way.... 

what part of 'illegal alien' does obama not understand? he's supposed to have attended harvard & columbia, he's supposed to at least appear smart, &, he's a lawyer. but, above all of that, he swore an oath to uphold the laws of the usa &, by his circumventing the laws regarding illegal aliens & their deportation is in direct violation of those laws.

congress has the power to make or unmake laws---not obama---& the supreme court has the power to strike the law down or let it ride---not obama---& what's so sad about this is, the dems favor what obama is doing.

i guess obama is saying the hell with the written law: the hell with ellis island: the hell with all of those that had to learn our language & customs: the hell with the constitution of the united states.

i just hope that congress can undo what obama is doing to this great nation because to give illegal aliens the same rights as american citizens means they will be able to collect unemployment, health coverage &, more importantly, take away jobs from americans at a time when we need them the most.

obama, you can say whatever you wish but your actions are proving you to be un-american...you banned drilling in the gulf then go to brazille & promise them billions for their oil/you can't fix our econonmy & yet you & the leader of germany pledge to fix the global economy/you say you want to get a fix on the 'heartbeat of america' & then you visit the affluent communities that are still doing well/you blame everybody for your failures & lack of leadership & yet, we both know you had a bigger hand in our economy's downfall then pres bush.


hello america!!! you already know that it's just a matter of time before obama blames hurricane irene on one of his policy failures so, be prepared for it. in the mean time, obama visited the following solar plant   http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/09/01/MN1R1KU8G2.DTL & gave them 539 million dollars of ours & now, they are closed. 1000 plus people out of work & obama will only be able to recoup but so much of that money. i don't know who obama will blame this one on but i do know he won't stand up & take blame for his failed stimulus.

here it is 2 1/2 years plus with obama at the helm &, he's still blaming pres bush for our present economic problems. it's wrong & it's gotten old. he needs to 'man-up' & take full responsibility:::after all, he had a direct hand in our downfall  http://www.mediacircus.com/2008/10/obama-sued-citibank-under-cra-to-force-it-to-make-bad-loans/
(which started with our housing market) &, he ignored the warnings of the very same person he's blaming (pres bush)  http://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2008/10/20081009-10.html

i cannot understand why mainstream media won't put the above links on their front pages...however, they will go out of their way to slant the 'news' in obamas favor. they need to call him out on it instead of giving him a free pass.

in addition to the above, obama has to know that his policy's are what's hindering our economic growth. businesses are uncertain of the future because of obama & no matter how you 'spin' that, you can't put it on pres bush. &, here's something else obama can't blame pres bush for  http://www.hktdc.com/info/vp/a/intmk/en/1/2/1/1X07L25P/International-Markets/Coca-Cola-to-invest-4-billion-U-S--dollars-in-China-from-2012-to-2014.htm

instead of blaming pres bush, obama should be consulting with coca cola chairman & ceo muhtar kent about why coca cola is investing 4 billion in china & not here. but no, that would be the smart & responsible thing to do. however, obama would rather rant & rave about closing all the tax-loops & raising the taxes on businesses, plus, he wants to raise the tax on the rich. he also wants to make unions easier to form. his 'greening of america' is too costly &, you all know his obamacare is  another jobs killer. his wanting to extend unemployment compensation will only allow those on it to not have to honestly seek employment.

so, is it any wonder businesses are not hiring & that those that can afford to are investing overseas? besides, obama says one thing & then does another, such as...his stimulus was supposed to "create", then it was changed to "save or create", & now, it's been changed once again to "stemed". regardless of what obama may call it, it has failed miserably to live up all that democratic hype.

america, don't you find it strange that, for all rhetoric about the passing of the stimulus & obamacare, obama & the dems never talk about them?

you know what would make perfect sense is for obama to go that catapillar plant in peroia, ill & see just how badly his stimulus didn't help them &, neither has anything else he's done. if you care to remember which plant, check this out http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=6866995&page=1

