Thursday, June 30, 2011


hello america!!! have you noticed that several places obama once visited are no longer in business? the following link is just one of many that have fallen by the wayside because of obamas failed economic policies &, i will be posting more as the days go by....

if you care to remember, all of obamas policies were supposed to 'help' this country---why aren't they working???? speaking of working, here's another link about our unemployment numbers.....

america, i don't know how much more of obamas failed policies we can endure as a nation but, as an individual american citizen, i've had enough. in fact, i've had too much. here is another link directly related to obamas failed policies.....

instead of blaming the repubs & pres bush for our economic mess, obama should 'man-up' & take  responsibility for our present problems. he says he 'inherited' these problems but america, he willingly ran for office so as to fix these problems & he failing miserably. but, he's not man enough to admit it. he'd rather blame others.

obama & the dems had total control of washington & didn't need the repubs for anything as was proved by the passage of obamacare. they knew we were heading for trouble & did nothing to stop it. what they all did, didn't work then & isn't working now. &, here's another link proving that....

obama 'bailed' out all those 'big' banks & they're still having massive problems & he's seriously lacking the 'leadership' skills to actually help them---or us. when he was 'bailing' them out, they were 'the fat cats' & now that he's re-running for office, he's courting them for their donations.......

here it is a month before out national debt limit deadline & now, obama wants to get involved. it would be one thing if he had a concrete plan but, all he does is use 'scare tactics' & blame the repubs....just another link......

america, obama doesn't have a clue as to how help this once proud nation regain its solid footing in these rocky times &, based on his failed policies, he hasn't earned the right to be employed for another four years.