Saturday, November 12, 2016


hello america!!! i said i'd get back to all of that negative anti-trump protesting so, here it is...

first, if any anti-trump protesters are blocking traffic, harassing &/or harming others or, destroying property, they're wrong & should be arrested, PERIOD!!! their negative actions will always drown out their concerns...

second, where are the dem 'so-called leaders' & left-wing media at in condemning &/or trying to quell the negativeness of the protesting??? their repeated silence is louder than all of the anti-trump protesters voices combined & yet, they couldn't wait to denigrate trump for just saying he wanted to punch somebody in the mouth...

third, yes, hillary was defeated & yet, it took 8 hours for her to confront her supporters---had she of won, she would have given her 'thank you-we won' speech around 2:30am where her supporters were gathered awaiting her??? however, her campaign manager, john podesta was quick to tell the supporters to go home---what kind of happy horse crap is that???

fourth, the media needs to tell the truth on all it covers because, had they unbiasedly done their jobs without inputting their own feelings & beliefs in the mix, all people would have been better prepared to accept the results---as of 7pm/est (on election night) they were still 'talking up' hillary while 'talking down' trump & now, they're blaming the 'pollsters' for it---hmmm; those were not 'pollsters' manning those big maps telling us which states hillary would carry...

fifth, trump supporters are being denigrated for casting their vote in his favor---i.e; i'm a misogynist for voting for trump because he's a man (my reasons for him just don't count) & yet, what about the women that voted for hillary simply because she's a woman (wouldn't that make them misandries???) we could continue the name-calling for the next 20 years & never get anything resolved---somehow we have to bury the hatchet & get along...

sixth, certain dems are coming out & saying they can work with trump to move our country forward & that's a plus for all americans...

seventh, when are all those big-mouthed celebrities leaving my country---they didn't say it jokingly so don't joke about i now---pack up, get the hell out &, stay gone...

eighth, think whatever you wish to but, give this some honest thought---trump won & will be our seated president come january 20th---i've no doubt that he will do some things &/or say some things that will even piss me off but, for whatever it's worth, i'm willing to give him a chance to make america great & hey, we have a multitude of problems that need fixing in order to get there & yes, i'll be on here to speak my mind (good or bad)...

ninth, protesters, protest with class & do it legally---&, for you that side with the protesters, that could have been your family member dragged from that car & beaten; that could have been your car that was vandalized; that could have been your store-front windows smashed &, it that needs to stop before the bullets start flying because it may be one of yours that stops that bullet...


hello america!!! while i am extremely happy that a repub (donald trump) won the white house, i'm also extremely upset that people have taken to the streets to voice their displeasure with the election results in the negative way they are presently going about it & hey, i'll get back to this in a my very next post...

look, trump beat out 17 other repub candidates (regardless of his rhetoric or methods) to put himself in the position he's now in &, know this---he had to fight his own party that did everything they could to stop him///he had to fight the dem party that did everything they could to stop him///he had to fight most of the media that did everything they could to stop him///he had to fight the many groups that organized to do everything they could to stop him///he had to fight all the celebrities that did everything they could to stop him///hell, he even had to fight the pope who spoke against him (BUT, THAT WAS OK WITH YOU THOUGH)///he had to fight all the pollsters that did everything they could to stop him///he had to fight obama & the first lady that did everything they could to stop him///finally, he had to fight hillary who did everything she could to stop him---the man (REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOU MAY THINK ABOUT HIM) is a winner & now, he has to fight all the organized activist's that are doing all they can to derail him...

look, to me, you have to be a very special kind of stupid not to want:::
lower taxes
school choice &/or vouchers
smaller gov't
more jobs/better jobs
less regulations
better & truly affordable heathcare
better secured borders w/wo the wall
less drugs, gangs & violence within our own borders
equal foreign trade deals
the very best military in the world
foreign countries paying us their fair share
unity as a country of one (with no exceptions)
restoration of the american dream
better care & more choices for our vets
enforced vetting of foreigners entering our country
holding all of our gov't officials accountable (regardless of influence or position)
better support & training for our police forces
securing our social security system for the present & the future
rebuilding our infrastructure
more home ownership
restoring 'greatness' to our country & what our flag truly represents
all political party's working together (with the white house) to do what's good for our country
making the needs of america first over the needs of other countries

i say give trump a chance because the greatest thing about him is, he is not a politician &, more importantly, he will be the first president that's not beholding to lobbyist's & special interests groups...