Thursday, March 28, 2013


hello america!!! i know you can remember all of those failed energy companies that obama bailed out. i know you can remember his visiting that caterpillar plant in east peoria, ill on 2/12/2009 in gathering support for his stimulus---perhaps you can also remember the ceo rebutting what obama said &, if you can't, here it is...

a lot has happened since that visit (20,000 plus layoffs) & caterpillar is still having its problems. you can read it here...

fisker received a $529 million dollar loan from obama & they're still having major problems as seen here...;

regardless of what obama says, economically, we are not improving. our jobs market is very chaotic & mostly negative & the numbers don't lie. here jan 2013...
this is feb 2013
mar 2013 should be released fri/apr 5th &, the news won't be encouraging.

it just seems that whatever obama touches, fails.


hello america!!! the depart of labor just released the new jobless claims & puts the figure at 357,000. while obama & company will blame the sequester for the high numbers, don't be fooled. we have been losing 1 million plus jobs a month for far too long &, it started long before the sequester. here is the govt's own report...

it doesn't matter how far back you search, under obama, our jobless claims have never been good although he said, 'we turned the corner' & now, he will blame the sequester & the repubs. however, we have been having a very serious jobs problem & obama has not helped nor will he help. but, he's good at spinning the numbers &, you & the media don't challenge him on's feb 2013 jobless claims numbers...
23 feb/344,000--16 feb/366,000--9 feb/342,000--2 feb/368,000=1,420,000 new jobless claims for feb 2013......when you add up march's jobless claims, they equal 1,395,000.

i may not be a rocket scientist but, i do know that regardless of how many were hired during feb & mar, we still lost 2,815,000 jobs in a 2 month period &, this number only reflects those filing for new claims....

good people that's two million plus jobs lost on obamas watch in just two months &, all he ever talks about is more infrastructure spending & hiring more gov't workers. that plan didn't work the first time & it still won't work...whether you agree or not, something has to be hindering us from putting america back to work & hey, all you hear about is: obamacare, obama regulations, obama taxes, foodstamps, public welfare, social security &, extended unemployment benefits..............employers talk about the first 3 & too many americans are forced onto the latter 4.

there is no such thing as job security any more..........workers are truly at the mercy of their employers who are at the mercy of obamacare, obama regulations &, obama taxes &, you asked for 4 more years of this!!!!