Sunday, February 21, 2016


hello america!!! i'm going to set the stage for you this way---when bush left office, our national debt was $10.6 trillion & obama & company degraded him for it---in fact, here's obama then SEE VIDEO HERE & everybody (to include a lot of repubs) jumped on that 'bash bush bandwagon'...well, good people, if bush were 'unpatriotic' for what he did, what does that make obama who will have doubled our national debt by the time he leaves office CLICK HERE ---please bear in mind that both hillary & bernie want to raise taxes even more...this may bust your bubble & a lot of you will continue your refusal to believe it so, i'll link you to it here via FACT CHECK ...

we have been heading down the wrong side of the cliff for 7 years plus & electing another dem into office will be cementing our decline in stone as a great nation & as a people---look, you can split hairs all day long about stats & issues but, you just can't ignore the facts---we are a country of approximately 321 million plus people per our very own CENSUS BUREAU & per our debt clock (CLICK HERE), 161 million of them are receiving some form of gov't assistance---for those of you that can't do simple math, that equates to just over half of our population---that is totally unacceptable to rational thinking///the flip side of that is, there are those that think even more people should be dependent on our gov't (regardless of the outcome)...

in keeping it real, the dems want you dependent upon them because it will keep them being elected to public office---that is how they control you because every time a repub just mentions restructuring our entitlements programs, the dems are extremely quick to tell you how your granny is going to be thrown off the cliff &, unfortunately, you readily accept it as in point is obamacare---when the full force is allowed to take effect, all of you are going to regret it...when our gov't can force you to 'purchase' a healthcare plan with their 10 essential mandates in it or penalize you for not complying, that's called 'control'---yeah, i know, i'm wrong but, none of those who helped passed this bill into law want any parts of it...not the dems, not the unions, not obama, however, it's good enough for you (whether you want it or not), just ask nancy pelosi---even the blindest of the blind can now see that...&, for those at or below the poverty level, obamacare may seem like a 'god-send' but i'm here to tell you that it is not affordable---just think, obamacare was created for the needs of a few (48 million un-insured americans) & yet, we still have 41 million plus uninsured...HMMM???