Saturday, June 30, 2012


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...   don't you wish it would stay quiet like it is today?

well, let's just get to it...i'am on record for disliking (i'm being nice here) obamacare. i know it will not do all of the things obama says it would &, i know it will do a lot of things obama said it won't do...however, there are some provisions in the law that i strongly support---but that's for another day.........obamacare was 'sold' to america with a vast amount of lies &, by a vast amount of liars, starting with obama.

let's start with the 'penalty' vs 'tax'....obama & company said the mandate was not a tax. obamas own lawyers that argued the case before the supreme court, argued that it was. the supreme court has allowed obamacare to stand because the mandate is deemed to be a 'tax'. obama & company are again trying to say the mandate is not a 'tax'---the supreme court even outlined why it is a tax & not a 'penalty'. good people, no matter how obama & company continue to lie over the 'wordology' (like that word?), if the IRS is collecting the collecting the money, it's a tax. pure & simple---they only collect 'tax' related money. so, let a new era of lying begin................see here.............
if obama & company 'honestly' feel the 'mandate' is not a 'tax', send the law back to the supreme court & have them fix the wording..................

you were lied to time after time by obama & company that no taxes would be raised on the middle-class. you might want to go back & re-ask them about that...this way, they can lie directly to your face. there are a total of 21 (so far) 'tax' increases associated with obamacare & yes, middle & lower class america will feel a lot of them...the very sad part of this is, obama & company knew they were deliberately lying to you...
&, here's another perspective..........
by the time all of the 'fine print' is sifted through, you'll realize that you've been lied to---i can only hope you realize it before this november.......

when you look at the links below, you'll have a better idea of how you've been lied to. why would you create a law with 'loopholes'?

obama ran around the country telling you we needed his obamacare 'now'. it would be affordable & bring down the costs of healthcare. it would allow you to keep your present healthcare provider----&, we have since found out, he did not speak the truth (WHAT A SURPRISE)....

regardless of what lies obama tells you, if you're employed & your employer stops your healthcare coverage plan (yes, they'll pay that paltry 'tax' penalty), you're going to be forced by obamacare to either obtain your own coverage or, get your own or, rely on obamacare (if you meet the requirements). the kicker is, (this is the truth) you'll pay that 'tax' if: you can't obtain your own healthcare coverage.

who can forget nancy pelosi, then 'dem speaker of the house' saying, "we have to pass this bill to see what's in it"...well, now you're seeing. obama & company set your ass up---there's no other way to put it. &, you were told it was for all americans & then you had/have this............    basically, obama is telling you that his obamacare is great for all americans but, it will create a 'hardship' on unionized labor. please, if you didn't, go back & read the whole article. & since i've been accused of making this stuff up---check this out---
&, i guess i'm making this up also..........

so, let's try to be objective here...obamacare is 'good' for americans & yet, it's not good for unionized workers or those that have morale/religious objections or those that are well off....makes sense to me---however the bottom line is this:
1...your employer drops your healthcare coverage (& the law makes this exceptionally reasonable to do) can't afford 'gov't acceptable healthcare coverage on your own (google the prices) make to much to get on the obamacare coverage plan--all is not lost--
obama is going to 'tax' you to make you give him the dollars you so desperately need...NO PROBLEM, you can get around that by not saying anything----better think again----------see here because i can't make enough of this stuff up..........................................................................................

america, i love you & i want so very much for us to not only survive, i want us to excell at everything in all fields &, if the makes me butt heads with the obama & his agenda for us, so-be-it----&, while we are at it, let's be real. how in the hell can you 'double count' money & come up with honest facts?

we all have 'people of age' that are going to be severely effected by obamacare...rather then 'make this stuff up' i defy you to 'twitter', 'facebook', 'email' or 'call' obama & have him explain why taking $500 billion from america's senior's, isn't going to hurt them..........just how many branches must you cut from the tree to find out you cut too many??????????


hello america!!! obama has failed to 'jump start' our economy &, he has failed to present any plans that will instill confidence. we are in worse shape then before he was elected &, his rhetoric about adding more public sector workers (gov't unionized labor) will just add more problems at all gov't levels. while teachers, firemen & policemen are essential, their contracts are 'killing' the states, city's & community's all across this land. those 'lucrative' pension plans have come back to really hurt us & obamas plan to add more of them just compounds the problem.......we are way past just heading in the wrong direction---under obama, we are lost

i told you that dodd & frank were bad for this country (when i first started blogging) because of their opposition to calls for stronger regulatory measures against fannie mae & freedie mac by pres bush. looking at where we are because of them & others (obama, stand up & take credit for your part), i knew that the dood/frank bill was not good for america &, i'm slowly being proven correct in my reasoning. this is going to force banks to pay the fed gov't to fund research about themselves & just who do you think that cost is going to be passed on to???? good move obama---just hurt us some more.....


hello america!!! the following links are just more reasons why obama should be fired this november...

let's start here---remember the 'arab spring'? if you care to remember, obama wanted hosni mubarak out as the leader of egypt &, even though he was warned that what he said wouldn't happen, has happened. the president of egypt is now islamist mohammed morsi & the muslim brotherhood is happy...this is what he wants to do........our middle east policy is seriously flawed......

well, when you don't know exactly what to do, you end up doing very stupid things.......

how in the hell does this make us stronger? how does this help our border issues? somebody should tell obama & his admin that this is america & we don't run & hide. we meet the problem head on. that in itself is obamas problem... he refuses to meet the border issues head on......


hello america!!! here's your daily jobs situation...   one day, when obama is gone & most of his regulations & policy's are reversed, america will get back to the job of putting america back to work. obama may talk about fixing the problem but, that's all he's doing...just talking about it. well, he's also refused to accept blame for his failed american policy &, continues to blame pres bush & the repubs for the lack of jobs. he & his think-tank of 'super-smart-idiots' just can't figure out what to do to get our economy turned around. &, since obama can't see that the stimulus didn't work, he wants 4 more years to do what he's done already...the kicker is: he expects different results without changing anything.... HMMM----must be something in that harvard water. how can one man have so much 'book learning' & have no common sense???

i am now beginning to wonder about his harvard attendance because i refuse to believe that he cannot see that his stimulus did not work/is not working/ &, will not work. surely, somebody must have told him that already, at least i hope they did...&, for him not to change to a different approach borders on stupidity, a complete lack of leadership, a complete lack of 'no how' or, a complete lack of comprehending & accepting his failure.

if i can sit here & see that::: regulations, tax uncertainty, business penalty's, obamacare, an obama pro union admin &, the obama promise of 4 more years of the 'same' failed american policy are actually hurting job growth & consumer confidence, why can't obama see it?

well, he doesn't see it &, i hope he sees his way out of the whitehouse come this november........