Tuesday, August 18, 2009


hello america! this is just a continuation of why you just can't trust obama...on 18 july 2009 he said any healthcare reform bill must contain a public option or he would not sign it. he campaigned for this. & now, 15 august 2009, he clearly says it doesn't matter if the bill has or doesn't include the public option.

in less then 30 days he's changed his mind & it's not because of the publics concerns about this bill. this bill is a political issue & that's the bottom line. ask those dems that support this bill that will be up for re-election in 2010. the passage or non-passage of this bill will determine which party will be in control of congress. as of right now, (according to the various polls), the majority of americans are against the bill & if their elected officials vote for the bill, they will be replaced.

the whitehouse press is doing everything they can to downplay obamas flip-flopping but, the truth is out there for all to see. they are trying to tell you that what obama said isn't what he said. the words came out of his mouth & they can spin it any way they want to but, they can't retract what obama said.

if you think this bill is good for america think of this:::AARP has lost 60,000 people since july 1st.
obama went on tv & said that AARP supported the bill & his staff has said he misspoke. AARP has said that they support some portions of the bill but not the whole bill. obama said the medical profession was on board with this bill & there is now conflict amongst the AMA concerning this bill. obama said that insurance companies were on board with this bill & yet, there's a backlash from then concerning this bill. obama blamed the repubs for the townhall uprisings & we all now know that that is pure bs. obama even started a whitehouse website to allow people to 'snitch' on people expressing negativity towards the bill---that site has since been taken down (big thanks to FOXNEWS)---but, by law, the whitehouse has to keep those emails for X amount of years & then they will become public.

obama has senators out there staging townhall meetings & getting press time in support of this bill.....america, the senate has yet to write their bill. how can any senator defend or attack something that isn't even there yet?

now back to obama:::the whitehouse & media are treating him just like they did when he bowed, in a greeting overseas, & they all said he was reaching down to pick something up. if you saw the tape, he bowed...end of story. &, the man i can't trust isn't even man enough to say 'yes, i bowed but only as a show of respect'.

i didn't, don't, can't &, won't trust him &, the most of the dems are just as bad. repubs, don't think you're getting a free ride here----many of you are just as bad.

pres bush may have had his faults but, he stuck by his guns. pres clinton said he didn't have sex with that woman & stuck by his guns. obama doesn't have any guns to stick to---he won't even write his own bills!!!he leaves it up to the dem controled house.

trust him, i think not!