Tuesday, August 15, 2017


hello america!!! it's being said that it's trump's fault for the violence that occurred in charlottesville, va over the weekend (what a shock) &, yesterday, i wrote about who was to blame for it, CLICK HERE---however, the left just won't stop attacking him---they claim he didn't respond forcefully enough or say the things they wanted him to say---on the flip side is, if he had of responded within 10 minutes of learning what happened, the left would have accused him of not taking the time to gather all the facts before responding---you know it as well as everybody else knows it...

the left said his words towards north korea were reckless rhetoric & yet, not a one of those idiots will give him any credit for forcefully confronting them which, at this point, seem to have worked...

what the dimwits on the left have so conveniently failed to say is, obama started 'the war on police' which has continuously been omitted from any of their coverage about cops getting shot---& yes, i remember when obamas friend was arrested & obama said he didn't have all the facts & proceeded to say that the cops acted stupidly & then had his friend & the cop involved sit down for a beer at the white house garden---for the record, obama's been hell on the police ever since...

now, back to trumps comments---i was satisfied with what all he said during his first speech about what happened in charlottesville because both sides were at fault for actually taking it to a physical level after being allowed to do so because of the in-activity of the police---when one shows up at what's supposed to be a peaceful protest wearing a protective outfit, the cops should have acted immediately & that probably would have kept everything in check---in hindsight, it's like the authorities wanted something happen & were very slow to react...


hello america!!! let's keep it real---the kkk (& a slew of other hate groups of all colors/religions/etc) exist &, realistically, are not going to disappear simply because we wish them to---instead of listening to the left-wing media, you should be doing your own search of the kkk's history & the dem party---they are one in the same---always have been/always will be &, what's so sickening about that is, you continue to blindly & strongly support them---i'm here to tell you that the dem party is all about control---i'll actually prove that in this writing...

look, american history is being rewritten before your unopened eyes (by politicians/media/& our education system) &, unfortunately, the rewriting is going unchallenged---somehow, we have masterfully evolved beyond the point of questioning everything &, we do this in spite of being in the fastest information age of all time---thanks to technology, you have all of these wonderful gadgets at your fingertips & yet, you only read the headlines from one side & base your opinions on that rather than actually looking at both sides of the issue---i.e; i'm telling you that the kkk was the 'birth-child' of the dem party & far too many of you, steeped in willful ignorance, will deny it while far too few of you may actually research that accusation---regardless of which side you align with, you should try finding out because you might just discover that i am either a blithering idiot or that i might know a little something-something...

i'm intelligent enough to know that 'fair' doesn't always equate to 'right'---hell, rain on a picnic isn't 'fair', however, it is 'right' because we need that water regardless of your cooking on the grill or not---& yes, i can relate hatred to the above (yeah, i'm retarded) because without 'hate', we'd never know 'love'---besides, both are taught to us from birth (go on, deny that)---this beautiful world (that my GRACIOUS LIVING GOD gave to us) is a world built on 'opposites' &, the dems are the opposite of the repubs---please, make no mistake on that---hopefully, some of you will understand that as this writing continues---regardless of how you may feel (&, regardless of how detestable it may be), the kkk has the right (under present law) to 'peacefully protest & or march' just as much as the gay right's movement, the blm group or the black panthers,etc---if we shut down one of them, we'll end up shutting them all down & by then, we'll realize we are rewriting our constitution & weakening the image of an america for all---no matter what the issues or the groups involved, you'll always have the pro's & the anti's...

throughout the 'factual' history of freeing people of color from slavery, you have the repubs that were for their freedom verses the dems that were against their freedom---DON'T EVER GET THAT TWISTED---hell, we even fought a war over it called 'the civil war' or, 'the north against the south' or, 'the yankees against the confederates' or 'the blue coats against the grey coats' &, no amount of rewritten history should allow you to ever forget that---let's keep it real---just about every piece of congressional legislature favoring the rights of people of color was opposed/filibustered by the dem party to include the civil rights bill & segregation---it's really pathetic how quickly you forgot that...

contrary to popular opinion, welfare was not created for people of color (check your history) &, people of color had to go to court to fight for their right to be included in it---by this time, i can only hope you know which party opposed them---the downside of welfare was/is, the dems found that they could 'control' the downtrodden with it & hey, they're excellent at using ads like 'throwing granny off the cliff' every time the repubs even mention it which ignites fear of losing it to those that are on it...

obama (another dem puppet) had a chance to become one of the greatest presidents of all time had he actually delivered on his campaign promise to create jobs---instead, he went out of way (because of the dem party) to do just the opposite &, his sole purpose was to create a bigger gov't because a bigger gov't equates to more power/less individualism/more gov't dependency---in truth, he actually relaxed the rules for enrollment to many of our 'entitlements programs' (to include obamacare)---the dem strategy is, the more people you have dependent on gov't assistance, the more control you have over them &, they are extremely quick to remind you that if you vote for the repubs, you'll lose that assistance (fear tactics that actually work on the willfully uninformed)---now, some of you are so hyped on what the left-wing media tells you that you cannot see the forest because of the tree---here is obamas final 8 year period of jobs numbers---10,983,000 jobs created vs 151,229,887 lost---you do the math, i did & you can find the numbers & gov't sites HERE...

it's really simple, the dems would rather have you depend on them than give you a job &, they're always the first & loudest to use the race card---the best example i can give you is their failing obamacare---they force you (obamacare individual mandates) to buy a product that they don't want for themselves & then tell you that it's good for you...

yeah, i knew that at least one of you would tell me about all the dem 'people of color' politicians we presently have &, worry not, i have a valid response---during the days of slavery, you had the field negro & the house negro---it hasn't changed---the house negro was an upgrade over the field negro & was used to try & control them &, they were/are good at it---well, as usual, i'm here to impart truth---&, when i look at the dems 'people of color' politicians, all i actually see are 'house negros' doing their masters bidding &, not being one to shy away from the truth, i'll tell you why...

here's but 3 examples...
1.....congresswoman, maxine waters (d/ca-1990)---there have been 383 la county homicides this year alone & hey, 212 have been latino/106 have been black---she does not talk about them until it's time for re-election, she'd rather focus on throwing shade at donald trump---her time as an effective rep of the la county people has passed---to the old school & the young, i say she is (by all accounts) a 'HOUSE NEGRO'...&, in case you have doubts about my facts, CLICK HERE  CLICK ON 'GENDER' & READ IT FOR YOURSELVES---before i forget, the mayor is a dem (eric garcetti) &, i say that because there is a serious pattern here that needs to be revealed---out of our 50 states, california is tied for 37th in unemployment at 4.7% (black-9.7%/latino-7%) & maxine waters isn't talking about that either---however, she is constantly in front of the cameras talking negatively about trump instead of supporting him & his efforts to reduce crime & increase hiring for all communities & americans---judge her for yourselves, CLICK HERE...& then tell me what all she's done for people of color...

2.....congressman, danny k davis, (d/ill-1997)---there have been 442 chicago homicides this year alone & hey, 64 have been latino/339 have been black---he does not talk about them until it's time for re-election, he'd rather focus on throwing shade at donald trump---his time as an effective rep of the chicago people has passed---to the old school & the young, i say he is (by all accounts) a 'HOUSE NEGRO'...&, in case you have any doubts about my facts, CLICK HERE ---before i forget, the mayor is a dem (rahm emanuel) &, i say that because there is a serious pattern here that needs to be revealed---out of our 50 states, illinois is tied for 37th in unemployment at 4.7%---judge him for yourselves, CLICK HERE...& then tell me what he's done for people of color...

3......congressman, luis gutierrez, (d/ill-1993)---he also represents chicago so don't think i'm being unfair---he's but another 'HOUSE NEGRO'---judge him for yourselves, CLICK HERE...& then tell me what all he's done for people of color...

good people, i could continue this all day &/or night, however, i hope the above examples will suffice---i've diligently done my home work on all i've written about & could easily add to list of non-performing politicians---for that matter, just click on this, http://www.ontheissues.org/default.htm & insert any politicians name to see what they have or have not done & how it impacts america (as a whole) & people of color---regardless of the outcome, these same people will be asking for your vote come election time & will be telling you about their plans to make you a successful american &, unfortunately, far too many of you will blindly support them...

before i forget, look at the cities with the highest homicide numbers & you'll find a dem mayor---i.e; chicago, ill/last repub mayor was 1931---detroit, mi/last repub mayor was 1962---philadelphia, pa/last repub mayor was 1952---baltimore, ma/last repub mayor was 1967---st louis, mo/last repub mayor was 1949---compton, ca/last repub mayor was 1963---just look at where those cities are today &, do you really want me to list them all??? dem mayors tell you what you need/want to hear & then do nothing for people of color to climb the ladder of a better life---in fact, they do nothing except talk about the violence---PEOPLE OF COLOR, IF YOU ALWAYS DO WHAT YOU ALWAYS DID, YOU'LL ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU ALWAYS GOT (i don't know who first wrote that but it's as true as wrinkling your nose when you smell crap---you owe it to yourselves to vote smarter because re-electing the same party over the years has cost you everything you're supposed to hold dear...

in closing, think about this:::the repubs have been trying to mandate valid/gov't issued photo id laws for years, & the dems have successfully fought them off at every turn---that is fact, however, ponder this, what can a person of color legally do in america without a valid id card???