Thursday, February 2, 2012


hello america!!! i'm back but still sick.

just finished reading a report about how the 'jobs market' is looking good. what are these people on? with 'bank of america' soon laying off 12,000-15,000 people:::with 'american airlines' soon laying off 10,000 people::: the 'us military' seriously down-sizing across the board:::& the 'post office' laying off people (just to name a few) makes me wonder how anyone can say the 'jobs market' looks good. the only good thing about the 'jobs market' is that company's will be hiring for summer workers in 2-3 months.

obama has not done one real good thing to help employers even want to hire nor has he done anything to keep jobs in the country. but he talks a good game & continues to blames others for his failures. i can only hope others can see through his BS as i do. case in point:::

obama decided not to allow the building of the pipe-line from canada because 'it needs more studying'...they've been studying this project for over 3 years---how much time do they need? he actually sided with his enviornmental supporters & turned his back on his union followers. regardless of 'how many' jobs the pipe-line would create, it would help put many to work & it would help reduce our dependency on overseas oil. the 'pipe-line' is a "WIN-WIN" for our economy.

however, obama will tell you how the repubs are keeping this country from 'growing' because they cater to the rich. oh, i get it...MUST BE THAT CRACKHEAD ON FOODSTAMPS THAT'S GOING TO START A BUSINESS & HIRE ALL THOSE UNEMPLOYED PEOPLE why didn't i think of that???