Sunday, May 5, 2019


hello america!!! i did ask you to stay tuned to my naming the various groups of people that should all be voting for the trumpster come 2020---so, here they are...

1.....employed americans & job-seeker's...

women's unemployment rate (&, you can go all the way back to 1948) 

hispanic unemployment rate (&, you can go all the way back to 1973)

black unemployment rate (&, you can all the way back to 1972)

national unemployment rate (&, you can go all the way back to 1948)

if you care to remember, under obama, jobs were just not available &, obama was the main cause of it because of obamacare, regulations, the war on coal, fed gov't backing of corporations they chose, etc; etc; etc---yes, i know, it all started with bush & our housing markets collapse but hey, how many of you know the TRUTH about that??? educate yourselves by clicking HERE...

obama has always claimed that he 'inherited this mess' & yet, he was a sitting us senator from 1/2005-11/2008 & you've never ever heard him give credit to bush for trying to get congress to do their jobs to avoid the collapse---more importantly, he failed to do anything either---but, i digress...

simply put, if you're working & keeping more of your hard-earned dollars, you have no business voting for somebody that wants to take that away from you...

2.....all of our uniformed service members (to include our first responders)...

the trumpster has highly praised all of you for your service &, for the military, gotten you raises & better equipment---he truly has your interests at heart & seemingly, those seeking to replace him don't & many have publicly stated so---the trumpster recognizes that we can't exist as a nation without you...

why would you cast a vote for somebody that doesn't support you or what you do for america???

3.....our down-trodden communities...

prior to the trumpster being elected---when was the last time a sitting president offered to send in fed assistance to help rid you of the drugs & gangs that plague your area??? when was the last time a sitting president designed plans to improve your infrastructure??? when was the last time a sitting president actually did something about all of our 'convicted criminals' to help them in their return to our 'hoods'??? when was the last time a sitting president even tried to give you 'school choice' for the betterment of your child's education??? when was the last time a sitting president actually caused your areas employment opportunities to increase??? when was the last time a sitting president allowed you to retain more of your own hard-earned dollars...

look, some of what the trumpsters opponents say sounds wonderful but, more importantly, that rhetoric is specifically designed for you to vote for them---'free college' for all; a 'living wage' for all; 'free medicare' for all; 'student forgiveness' for all---while those things sound nice, the reality of paying for them is the problem because, when you tax the rich more, prices go up &, in reality, we're the ones left 'footing the bill'---the other sad part of this is, when you 'force' the rich to pay more, they do even less charitable things that do benefit us---when the gov't forces the 'rich' to pay more, we suffer in ways that are often ignored...

why would you cast a vote for somebody that wants you to have less so that they can impose more control on &/or over you??? people...

seemingly, every elected dem official & the dem-controlled media want the whole world to know that the trumpster is a racist & yet, his actions belie their rhetoric---what has he actually done that has hurt us as a people??? his tax cuts & jobs act has helped us; his work at restoring jobs for us is excellent; his 'first step act' benefits us; his efforts to rid our 'hoods' of drugs & gangs aids us greatly; his efforts to give us our own choice of schools for our children is greatly down-played; his efforts to rebuild our infrastructure has been met with a lot of negativism---his actions have greatly helped us (as they have all of america) & yet, the race-card continues to be played by the dems to get you to support them...

the trumpster was never 'racist' until he ran against the dems---stop listening to them & judge him by his actions...

5.....all americans...

more of us are working; more of us are having better success with our 401's; more of us (social security) are getting more 'cola' (cost of living allowances); more of us have a 'brighter future'...

why would you vote for anybody that will not allow our growth to continue???

good people, regardless of all the negative rhetoric about the trumpster, he's doing a great job for our country---if our congress would actually look at the problems our southern border poses, they might just get around to fixing it instead of blaming the trumpster for it---at present, the dem-controlled house of reps is hell-bent on finding something to try & impeach him &, sooner or later, they'll go far enough back in time & get him for jaywalking when he was 8 years old---they fear this man because he's doing what america needs done---what's truly amazing is, he's doing it in the face of tremendous opposition...

why would you replace him???