Thursday, March 5, 2009


hello america! the ford motor company is struggling just like the rest of them but, they are struggling without federal bailout funds---they refused to take the money &, i applaud them for that. on the other hand, gm has recieved bailout funds &, seemimgly, are in worse shape then ford. in fact, a statement was released by gm to the effect of 'if this doesn't work, we will have to liqudate'. that's good news for americans that opposed the bailouts in the first place.

&, i don't need to hear any crap about giving obama more time---you do what you wish with your money but, don't jerk me on mine---obama has had enough time to do something to stem the flow other then talking.

in case you missed my point: aig is failing very badly & we keep giving them money. their stock is down to fifty cents a share. citibank is all but gone & we won't get any of our money back from either of them. but, we're going to continue to give both of them of them money until they do fall.

america, this country still has plenty of money &, if those companies fall, someone will step up & buy them & turn them around. that's the american way.

when the government stops all this bailing out crap, our economy will start to turn around. but, until that happens, we'll continue to throw lost money at these companies & they'll continue to downsize. now, tell me how wrong i am.


hello america! do you remember obama on 22 sept 08 saying he will get rid of the agencies that don't work? mccain told you then that obama was going to grow government &, sadly, that's what he's doing. i have yet to hear him name one agency that has to go because they are not working---not one.

you can call me all the names in the book but, common sense says you get rid of the old problems before you create new ones but, it seems like every other day, he's naming somebody to a newly made position &, the bottom line is, they may get vetted & confirmed but, some of them have their own problems...for instance: on tuesday at the ways & means hearing, sec of treasure was asked if he would consent to public hearings about his tax problems & allow irs to make his record public. his response was lengthy & condensed it was: yes, he would but, the meetings will be behind closed doors. speaking of him, he was asked several times where the money was going to come from to pay for obamas programs---he hasn't answered that question yet. &, on wednesday he stated under oath that the irs was going to go after those owing back taxes. yep, this just tells me he is the wrong one for this position. but, according to obama, he was the only man that could do this job &, therefore, forget his past problems. cnbc aired the hearings live & i imagine you can get a copy of them to see for yourself why we are going to continue to fall. other then all the negative crap he spoke about, i was left with the knowledge that his favorite saying is, "& this is important". remind you of anybody?

&, regardless of who obama appoints, they all have one thing in common---to include the democrats---that this administration will be transparent--------what a crock....if you're not living in a cave, you've had to have seen some of our elected officials telling us that the 'pork projects/earmarks' are not being hidden from us. GREAT-just what i needed from the first black president of the united states to tell me. yes, there are projects in the bill that shouldn't be there but, we are being transparent about them so when we shove them up your butt, be sure to use a lubricant.