Thursday, July 23, 2020


hello america!!! when you embolden people to do the 'wrong thing' without consequences, guess what, they will never surprise you by showing restraint...

look, let's keep it real---you have to be a very special kind of stupid to believe that the mayhem occurring in far too many of our communities is 'uncontrollable'---in truth, it's being allowed to occur by the elected officials in charge that lack the will & backbone to put a halt to it---they all have the means to put an end to it---what's even worse is, they blame everybody & anything else for their ineptitude...

when the police don't respond to violence, property destruction, looting &, attacks on police themselves, it's because they've been given 'stand-down' orders---those are the facts---couple all of that with communities refusing federal help from the trumpster while ordering their own police departments not to confront the mayhem only emboldens the perpetrators even more...

it's just a matter of time before our citizens confront this mayhem on their own &, when they do, those very same elected officials will be chomping at the bit to prosecute them---look at the couple in st louis that stood on their own property with guns to thwart the protesters from doing any destruction to their property---they've had their guns seized & are facing criminal charges---just for defending their own property (the governor has already pledged a full pardon if they are convicted)---but, NEWSFLASH!!! i told you this was coming a long time ago when the media & elected officials started blaming the gun for the violence & not the trigger-puller...

america, when ny bans large groups from public gatherings & then, exempts blm from that ban, that should tell you all you need to know about that political party & their media support---the same is true of those very same officials supporting all the protests (in all forms) & their medias sudden lack of covid-19 coverage during those protests---none of them were bitching about facemasks or social distancing during those protests...

another point of view is, several churches have been destroyed by fire with very little being said & yet, let a mosque get set on fire & the idiots in charge will be 'screaming' racism---&, there will be hell to pay if a planned parenthood building goes up in flames...

good people---i get it---what happened to george floyd was an atrocity &, as i've previously stated in other posts, those responsible should receive the harshest penalties allowed by law---&, therein lies the rub---yes, we have laws to prosecute those policemen, however, the present reforms that are being called for won't change crap one iota---if you want serious change, reform how convicted cops, politicians &, celebrities do their jail time---it's really simple---put them in general population instead of those 'country-club' type jails or 'protective custody'---when that message gets out, those police that are heavy-handed will reform themselves---& hey, we won't have to burn down crap to get to that point---besides, there's not one reform/regulation/law that we could collectively come up with to stop police racism/brutality---NOT A ONE!!!

something else you have to look at is, who's fanning the flames of racism??? the dems & their media---they are extremely quick to show you a 20 second video of what seems like police brutality while deliberately neglecting to show you the full 41 minute clip of the whole episode simply because they know you don't have the time to look it up for yourselves---unfortunately, you accept (as gospel & without question) what they tell you never knowing the full truth about how a 'seemingly innocent incident' escalated to a fatal one----for that, i fully blame us because if we collectively demanded more from our politicians & media, they would not be trying to cram their own agenda down our throats...

there's a TRUTH here that the dems & their controlled media willingly neglect to tell you---look at the communities that are having the most mayhem & you'll discover that they are dem-controlled & yes, that has a big impact on why their city's are in turmoil::::::
chicago---dem mayor lori lightfoot---428 homicides (YTD)
baltimore---dem mayor jack young---185 homicides (YTD)
la county---dem mayor eric garcetti---322 homicides (YTD)
st louis---dem mayor lyda krewson---135 homicides (YTD)
milwaukee---dem mayor tom barrett---97 homicides (YTD)
nyc---dem mayor bill de blasio---203 homicides (YTD)
detroit---dem mayor mike duggan---129 homicides (as of 6/18/2020)
washington dc---dem mayor muriel bowser---106 homicides (YTD)

that's a total of 1,605 homicides that those in control only pay 'lip-service' to---they've lacked the resolve to actually lower the homicide rates & yet, come election time, they'll feed you that bs about how they're the only one that can help you---OPEN YOUR EYES & MIND...

america, those mayors can/t/don't/ & won't lower their homicide rates in the best of times so, it's just about impossible for them to do so now---their very own 'liberalism' has rendered them incapable of providing the protection that far too many of their constituents actually need...

& yet, they'll denigrate the trumpster for even to suggest sending in the feds to restore normalcy---that's called 'stinkin-thinkin' &, more importantly, it leaves you defenseless &, if you don't believe me, just remember that homicide in the seattle 'chop-shop' zone that denied the police entrance to to investigate...

we are extremely quick to react to those 20 second videos & what the media constantly shows us without actually spending the time to wait for all the facts to develop...

cases in point!!!

the following video is very graphic concerning the shooting of 20 year old hakeem littleton who was shot & killed by the detroit police & within 30 minutes of that shooting, protesters were assembled & pelting the police with bricks, bottles & rocks---please, watch all of it---the first part of this video is the part the media loved showing us at normal speed---please, CLICK HERE...

&, who can forget how the police were treated for that appleton, wi shooting death of a bus rider---the whole thing was 39 minutes/52 seconds of video of which you only saw the very last of---CLICK HERE...

next we have the full video of rayshard brooks who was in that wendy's drive-thru lane asleep & ended up shot by the atlanta police---you be the judge because i already know you didn't see the full 43 minutes/1 second video so, see it HERE...

we also have 17 minutes/49 seconds of miciah lee in that sparks, ne police shooting---HERE...

&, we have the 15 minute/16 second video of the deadly police shooting of nash fiske in in wisconsin---HERE...

&, just for fun & to prove my point, we have an allentown, pa cop seemingly placing his knee on another person---wfmz continually showed us the 10 second clip in the beginning of its coverage which led to more local protests---see the full 9 minute/39 version HERE...

6 justified police reactions & yet, in each case, people were led to mobilize & confront the police based on the very first showings of the videos & hey, the media never said 'hey, we now have the full version'---they were, & are, so quick to jump on that 'police racism/police brutality' bandwagon at all costs & the hell with the facts...

there are three things that are vital to our well-being---life, lirberty &, the pursuit of happiness &, when our elected officials cannot provide that, it's way past time for them to go...

we are a nation of law & order & without that, we will never amount to much...