Sunday, October 7, 2012


hello america!!! there are some things you can't explain with words: such as; obamas debate performance. the dems & the pro-obama baised media outlets are now trying to give you every reason for gov romney looking good while obama looked bad. as has been the case since obamas 1st day in office, none of them will tell you the truth about anything.

rather then obama & company just coming out & saying that obama had a bad night because he was off his game, they're going to continue to resort to name calling & false attacks on gov romney. in truth, obama had a bad night because he could not defend his 4 year record...

how do you defend that 23-24 million people are unemployed or underemployed? how do you defend that there are 46-48 million people on food stamps? how do you defend that you promised america the national unemployment rate would remain below 8% &, here it is, 4 years later, it finally dropped to 7.8%? how do defend that your vision for america's future is 4 more years of the same? how do you defend that while you say you have the interests of the middle class at heart, they are hurting the most under your policies? how do you defend that while you promised to make us energy self dependent, your actions belie that by your promising brazil $3 billion for their oil &, you've all but shut down all drilling on fed lands & the waters? how can you defend bailing out chrysler & gm when america has a tied & true system in place that allows them to help themselves (just look at ford)? how can you defend that prices are continuously rising at the pump, at the grocery check-out lines &, the costs of services has risen, all under your watch? &, if the costs go up, the taxes on them go up as well &, guess what, there are more middle class people people paying those taxes then the upper 20%......

how can obama defend a failed 4 year record when he never told you in the very beginning that he would need 8 years &, he's on record for saying he would cut the deficit in 1/2 by the end of his 1st term---it ain't happening. he's also on record for saying that if he didn't get the job done within his 1st 3 years, this would be a one term proposition. he's also on record for calling pres bush "unpatriotic" for adding to our national deficit in 8 years while he has added more in just 4.

america, obama continues to blame everybody but himself for our problems however, he told you in 2008 that he was the only one that could help us...if this is help, we really don't need him.....

obama never had his failed record thrown back in his face like gov romney threw it &, he didn't think he would have to defend it. good people, you just can't defend failure, no matter who you are. yes, there are those that will try to give excuses for it &, obama didn't even try to to do that...