Friday, January 20, 2017


hello america!!! this says it all---


hello america!!! all of my numbers come from our department of labor (dol)/bureau of labor statistics (bls)---

while many give credit to obama for adding/gaining all those jobs to our jobs markets, true math proves just the opposite & hey, the following numbers come from the same gov't agencies that obama & company use (they just don't/won't tell you about all the negative numbers)...

obama has not 'created' 15 million jobs & if you do the math from you'll find that out for yourself or, you can rely on my numbers---which are:::
from feb 2009-dec 2016, 15,620,000 jobs were created however, there were 16 months of negative jobs growth (-4,279,000) & that has to be subtracted from the 15,620,000 which leaves 10,983,000 jobs created in an 8 year period---now, before you start pounding your chest about that being a good thing, follow this logic...

for the month of dec 2016, we added/gained 156,000 jobs per however, for that same month, we also had -1,291,000 initial unemployment claims filed per ---scroll down to page 6 & look at decembers numbers---those are jobs lost---subtract the gains from the losses & you'll start to uncover the facts (which are really staggering) that nobody ever tells you about per the depart of labor site--- (click on 'BEGINNING YEAR', INSERT 2009 & CLICK SUBMIT, look at the left-hand column NSA & scroll down---those are jobs lost on a weekly basis you never hear about because all they tell you about are the jobs added/gained)---i actually started obamas count of lost jobs from feb 2009---it's called 'willfull deception' which far too many of you are willing to accept by not doing your own homework or challenging what you're told...

let's keep it simple---if you care to discover the truth about our jobs growth (or lack thereof) simply compare obamas jobs added/gained, follow this link &, you should be comparing it to our jobs lost with this link again (click on 'BEGINNING YEAR', INSERT 2009 & CLICK SUBMIT, look at the left-hand column NSA & scroll down---these are the dates i used---2/7/2009-12/31/16 during which -151,229,887 unemployment claims were filed & no, i cant guarantee you that i didn't make any mistakes, however, my math is good enough to tell you that i won't be off by much...

good people, there is no way to put a positive spin on 151,229,887 people out of work over an 8 year period---that's not to say they remained unemployed or, for how long, however, the data doesn't show them going back to work---if anything, the data shows that 140,246,887 didn't &, the gov't stats back that up---obama didn't start counting the jobs numbers until after his first 15-18 months in office which is just wrong on all accounts &, please bear this in mind, the way our unemployment rate was measured was changed (jan 2010) which omitted counting certain groups thus automatically lowering the rate (& you thought the repubs were lying about that)...

america, please quit relying on others to tell you 'their facts' & research the info for yourselves because as obama said, he added/gained 15 million plus jobs, but, he so willingly & conveniently forgot to tell you about the massive numbers of jobs lost...