Thursday, April 18, 2013


hello america!!! i have reached the point (concerning gun control) where being nice & polite doesn't pay. so, before i get into it, let me say this::::
#1.....any gun control proposal has to have a workable plan to take (& keep) illegal guns off our streets & out of the hands of gangs, criminals &, the mentally challenged.
#2.....a minimum of 15 years prison time needs to be added to anybody convicted of a crime with a gun & must run consecutive to any other sentences.
#3.....a minimum of 10 years prison time needs to be given to those caught with illegal or stolen guns.
#4.....a minimum of 15 years prison time needs to be given to those caught selling guns illegally.
#5.....assault-type weapons must be banned from the general public.
#6.....a minimum of 15 years prison time needs to be given to anybody convicted of altering a gun to convert it to an automatic.

i'm sure congress can add more mandatory prison time to other gun related crimes, i.e; having a legal gun in the home & having it found in your vehicle when you're just driving around. yes, we're going to over-pack our jails however we can build new ones as needed. it sure beats creating more burial space.....we have to get serious &, by adding more mandatory jail time, the thugs would get the message in short time.

now, i am against 'background checks' so, i'll use obamas own argument against them: those applying for a gun would need to prove who they are & this would create an undue hardship on those that don't have & can't afford gov't issued id cards.......obama, surely you can remember how dead-set you are against people being able to prove who they are...........


hello america!!! while a lot of you are caught up in the tragedies that occurred in boston & texas, let's not forget that another national tragedy is constantly happening (week-after-week-after week)---JOBS---or lack thereof. the new jobless claims came out at 352,000 &, although obama talks about jobs, his inaction belie his words.

obama promised you jobs back in 2009 & you elected him twice to deliver on that promise. he shot down gov romney's plans for putting america back to work; he refused the advice of his own appointed 'jobs council' & eventually fired them; he's refused to pressure the dem controled senate to act on the house-passed (jobs related) bills just sitting there; &, he still blames everything & everyone else for the lack of jobs.

& just think, we have 3 more years of this to look forward to---you have to be thrilled to know that obama will give you food stamps long before he will give you a job.