Saturday, February 27, 2016


hello america!!! i never thought i would end up trying to discredit any repub running for office, however, when i see & listen to sen marco rubio (actually, he was my first choice for president), i realize he is not somebody i can trust to do as he says---just ask his fellow-state floridians...when he first campaigned for senator, he was 100% against amnesty for illegal aliens but he changed his stance & changed it again...he says what he thinks we need to hear...

you can read about that HERE &, i took the time to research politifacts ratings of his honesty &, good people, i was shocked at what i found---a half truth is still a lie &, rubio lies a lot READ HERE & is not to be trusted...i had so much times on my hands that i even looked up how rates him CLICK HERETHIS ...he was much more appealing to me as a candidate for president when i didn't know crap about him...

when i see rubio trying to pin donald trump down for more details on his plans---something i think none of them should reveal because they may have to alter them if they get elected to office---i can only wonder why...another thing i now have against him is his jumping on mitt romney's statement about trump's taxes---what in the hell does one's taxes have to do with any of this---it's something that is nice if the candidates release them but it's not mandatory by law....

Friday, February 26, 2016


hello america!!!
1...would you believe me if i told you that chicago has had 98 homicides (45 in jan/35 in feb) since the first of january???
2...would you believe me if i told you that at least 80 of them were people of color???
3...would you believe me if i told you that 64 of those homicides were people 30 years old or younger???
4...would you believe me if i told you the youngest victim was only 10 years old???
5...would you believe me if i told you a cop was reportedly involved in only 1 of those homicides???

yeah, i didn't believe it either but, i do my homework diligently---CLICK HERE & tell me i'm wrong...

in this day & age of technology, one would think that these homicides would be front page news but, they just don't get the same coverage as a cop killing a person of color (whether justified or not) &, with that stinking thinking i can only surmise that 'not all lives matter' ---the proof of that is in all the silence from obama & our 'so-called' civil rights leaders & groups as well as the media...people of color killing people of color does not fit their bs gun control narrative &, unfortunately, goes ignored---even worse is, we, as a people, ignore it because we've become desensitized to it...

when i see hillary clinton parade mothers that lost a child at the hands of a cop in front of cameras & call for gun control while ignoring what's happening in chicago, i know she only wants the people of color's vote &, she's politicizing the cop killings for her own gain...PERIOD!!!

look, if our gov't honestly wanted to stem the violence in chicago & other places, they could---they have the resources & man-power to do just that---hell, they could even call the national guard out to help our police patrol the communities that are the most violent &, there lays the rub---obama & company are too busy denigrating the police & are so quick to call for them to be prosecuted, regardless of the facts &, that feeds the public's fury &, even more so when they bring race into the equation...

here's another site that all americans should look at---


hello america!!! when i listen to what people have to say about donald trump or i see what people post on the social networks, i'm struck by how little they really know or understand---people call him racist for wanting to deport all the illegal aliens within our borders & his wanting to ban muslims from entering our country...after seeing your posts & listening to you, i can only believe you are 'head-line' reader's only because, if you knew the whole story behind his comments, you'd see the logic in them...

everybody (to include most of the media) only repeat the 'trump wants to ban all muslims traveling to our country' & that's where it stops---the rest of that sentence was, 'until our gov't can figure it out'...WOW!!! why does that part of it get so conveniently ignored???

while we are now taking in refugees from the middle east, our fed gov't has told us numerous time they cannot vet everybody because isis (& others wishing to do us harm) can make their own passports, travel from other countries &, blend in with the legitimate refugees because there is no way to verify who they are or where they actually come from or what their real intent is---they've also admitted that they don't have the resources to track everybody---DOESN'T THAT EXPOSE US TO AN UNNECESSARY RISK??? what part of the boston bombings or the san bernadino shootings doesn't allow your brain to properly function??? hell, surely you can remember the mass shootings in paris (2 different times) from people crossing their border while coming in from other countries!!!

speaking of our southern border, which one of you idiots would sit by quietly if an illegal alien caused you some personal grief??? just after donald trump first spoke about our southern border & rounding up illegal aliens, illegal aliens went out & proved him correct by committing more crimes---& then, you heard all about illegal aliens re-entering our country & sanctuary cities...hey, do you remember kate steinle & how she died??? READ HERE which was followed by THIS HERE which led us to HERE & what's lost in all of this is, her death could have been prevented if we follow our own laws & cracked down on those illegally entering our country...when i see this CLICK HERE i want to know which of you would disagree with trump if you were the victim or related to the victim??? i don't make this stuff up & i am very concerned because something is wrong when a person can be deported 9 times & still get back in to commit a crime READ HERE or you can read THIS plus we are losing jobs to illegal aliens...

i just can't see donald trump being called a racist for his comments because i feel the same way...

Thursday, February 25, 2016


hello america!!! seemingly, for eons, the dems have had no shame in going after the black & latino vote but, this has to be a new low CLICK HERE &, the people of color eat it up like candy...

look, there are several things wrong with what hillary did---
1...what in the hell does 'gun control' have to do with cops (with legal guns) killing people of color???
2...why 'parade' only those mothers in front of the camera to try & impress the voters-to-be???
3...why not include other mothers that have lost their children due to gun violence???

good people, if you're looking for a snake, look no further than hillary---she is only using the police-killings of people of color for her own benefit, which is supposed to show you how much she cares & you allow yourselves to be duped yet again---hell, she was a senator (ny) 2001-2009 & all you have to do is find a bill she sponsored for gun control (even if that bill gained no traction)...better yet, just ask her to produce one...

hey, in keeping it real, she presented those 5 mothers & yet, which of these mothers were included SEE THIS LIST & out of this list, ask her how many victims were people of color---just think, this list is for chicago only since 1 jan 2016...

hillary is fake & if you can't see that, you deserve her to screw up the rest of your life---the only problem with that is, the rest of us have to suffer along with you... 

Monday, February 22, 2016


hello america!!! what's good for the goose is not good for the gander!!! on monday/15 feb 2016 i posted this (CLICK HERE) &, the battle for & against a supreme court nominee to be named, vetted &, voted on is just about to become nasty---i'm here to tell you that the repubs should hold their ground & not (for once) cave in to obama & company's demands...

the dems are shifty & love to throw mud around so, i'm throwing some back...

here's joe biden as a senator (1992) in the flesh talking about bush nominating somebody to the supreme court in an election year---SEE VIDEO &, if you think that's bad, we're just getting started---look at obama wanting to filibuster a supreme court nominee READ HERE  &, now that he's trying to seat a supreme court justice in an election year, he's suddenly changed his stance CLICK HERE just how shallow & stupid must he think of the american people???

good people, i don't make this stuff up---here's hillary's take on the repubs (CLICK HERE) & i disagree with everything she says but, she wants those uneducated people of color to believe she's for them & is willing to say anything---no matter how wrong it may be...

&, just to keep you up to speed, (READ THIS)...

Sunday, February 21, 2016


hello america!!! i'm going to set the stage for you this way---when bush left office, our national debt was $10.6 trillion & obama & company degraded him for it---in fact, here's obama then SEE VIDEO HERE & everybody (to include a lot of repubs) jumped on that 'bash bush bandwagon'...well, good people, if bush were 'unpatriotic' for what he did, what does that make obama who will have doubled our national debt by the time he leaves office CLICK HERE ---please bear in mind that both hillary & bernie want to raise taxes even more...this may bust your bubble & a lot of you will continue your refusal to believe it so, i'll link you to it here via FACT CHECK ...

we have been heading down the wrong side of the cliff for 7 years plus & electing another dem into office will be cementing our decline in stone as a great nation & as a people---look, you can split hairs all day long about stats & issues but, you just can't ignore the facts---we are a country of approximately 321 million plus people per our very own CENSUS BUREAU & per our debt clock (CLICK HERE), 161 million of them are receiving some form of gov't assistance---for those of you that can't do simple math, that equates to just over half of our population---that is totally unacceptable to rational thinking///the flip side of that is, there are those that think even more people should be dependent on our gov't (regardless of the outcome)...

in keeping it real, the dems want you dependent upon them because it will keep them being elected to public office---that is how they control you because every time a repub just mentions restructuring our entitlements programs, the dems are extremely quick to tell you how your granny is going to be thrown off the cliff &, unfortunately, you readily accept it as in point is obamacare---when the full force is allowed to take effect, all of you are going to regret it...when our gov't can force you to 'purchase' a healthcare plan with their 10 essential mandates in it or penalize you for not complying, that's called 'control'---yeah, i know, i'm wrong but, none of those who helped passed this bill into law want any parts of it...not the dems, not the unions, not obama, however, it's good enough for you (whether you want it or not), just ask nancy pelosi---even the blindest of the blind can now see that...&, for those at or below the poverty level, obamacare may seem like a 'god-send' but i'm here to tell you that it is not affordable---just think, obamacare was created for the needs of a few (48 million un-insured americans) & yet, we still have 41 million plus uninsured...HMMM???

Monday, February 15, 2016


hello america!!! the tragic passing away of supreme court justice antonin scalia is about to ignite a fierce battle between obama & his dem senators versus the senate repubs---we, as bench warmers, can only watch & hope which ever side we support wins because the next supreme court nominee will tip the balance of power on the bench...the only certainty we have is, obama will not nominate anybody that does not agree with all of his policies & actions 100% & will be more liberal than liberal...

obama is already on record for saying he wants to do his constitutional duty (hey, he has less than a year left in office & now he wants to do his constitutional duty---what a crock) by quickly announcing his nominee &, the repubs have said they won't act on that nomination until after the general elections this november...what's the freaking problem with waiting 11 months & allow our next president (whether it be dem or repub) to submit their own nominee??? besides, our supreme court can (& will) do their job with only 8 members...

the 'freaking' problem is, the dems want the next nominee to be left of center & don't want to take the chance that they may lose the general election---the repubs want the same thing hoping they'll be able to place their own nominee...the world will not fall apart if we wait the 11 months, however, the dems are going to do everything in their power to make you think it will---they excel at 'scare tactics' & i know you can remember their ads about throwing granny off the cliff...

politics is a dirty business no matter how you look at it & yes, it's tit for tat---if you don't give me mine, i won't give you yours &, both sides go out of their way to remember---perhaps one day it won't be that way but hey, that's the way it is right now---actually it's even worse today because obama only served himself & said the hell with the repubs...just look at how obamacare became law without any repub imput...

the dems want you to forget their dirty little dealings when they were in the majority READ HERE ...well, if you think 11 months is too long to wait check this out CLICK HERE what the dems want is ok & the hell with you if you get in their way...

Sunday, February 14, 2016


hello america!!! it's damn near impossible to put the following into words without gloating about 'i told you so' in reference to obamacare---come 10/1/2016, several obamacare delays will kick in & all hell will break lose &, since you won't take my word, READ THIS...

the repubs told you that obama delayed several parts of obamacare for political reasons & most of you ignored that or chalked it up to the repubs being salty---you are in for a very rude awakening & i can only wonder who the mindless minions will blame it on...look, you have to remember that 5 million people (reportedly) had their healthcare policies cancelled because they didn't include those '10 essential mandates' & because of the republican uproar about it, obama & company decided to kick the can down the road until 10/1/2016 (one month before the general election)...

good people, we can split hairs any time you choose to but, i caution you to proceed very slowly because the facts are on my side---come 10/1/2016 (& thereafter unless obama delays it again), millions of people are going to receive cancellation notices & that's just the way it is---in all this time, he nor any of his team of 'super-smart-idiots' submitted anything to congress to prevent the cancellations & because you can now be carried on your existing policy due to the suspension, this matter has not been front page news...the 10 essential mandates are RIGHT HERE plus some descriptions...

please bear this in mind---the policy you currently have (whether personal or from your job) is subject to being cancelled if it doesn't include those 10 essentials &, i strongly suggest that you soon contact your provider to find out where you actually stand rather than waiting until you do receive a cancellation notice...

Friday, February 12, 2016


hello america!!! you can call the repubs all the names you wish to &, some of them so rightly deserve it but, allow me to ask to this one little stupid question; if your gov't continues to support you & your family, just how much do you realistically expect social security to give you when (& if) you retire??? before you answer that, bear this in mind, the less you put in means the less you'll draw out---

i will be the first to tell you that there is not one single repub that can do all they say they can but, some can (& will) do a lot more than others---that said, i have no faith in any of the dems to even try to live up to their own expectations---case in point, obama...

look, the upcoming presidential election is far above 'splitting hairs' because our country has already surpassed the tipping point of what once made us the greatest nation on the planet---unquestionably, we have rapidly regressed (regardless of what obama & company tells you) &, although many dems will deny it, unless we change our current course of direction, we are destined to become comparable to those 3rd world countries we so often talk down about...

under obama & company (& those that continue to support him), we not only have lost our standing in this world but, we have lost our sense of direction here at home---both have lost us the respect of the people &, unfortunately, we have lost respect for ourselves...we are weaker today (than ever before) on all fronts &, because our 'so-called leaders' are so overly concerned about being politically correct, we'll never right our ship until we change the crew that runs it---i'm here to tell you that the dems are not the crew we need or should even want...


hello america!!! hillary clinton is a joke & there's nothing in her history to even suggest that she can get our country pointed in the right direction...

'trust hillary' is an oxymoron---hillary clinton cannot be trusted &, yes, her public record unequivocally supports me---she is presently under investigation by our fbi on several fronts & folks, it doesn't look good at all---she has lied to congress (while under oath) about benghazi & the murders of 4 of our own while falsely blaming it on a video & her responsibility in it;;;she has accepted praise for her role as sec of state but nobody can even name just one of her accomplishments of note;;;she failed horribly to reset her 'russian reset button' & that's come back to hurt &/or threaten us globally;;;her 'arab spring' exaltation's have come back to put the whole world on notice that she is either extremely ignorant; completely incompetent; a compulsive liar; a delusional thinker or a combination of all 4;;;she continues to blame pres bush for all of our economic problems (well, they did occur under his watch) while praising the dodd/frank act (christopher dodd/us democrat senator 1981-2011///barney frank/us democrat congressman 1981-2013 & both were very powerful washington politicians that prohibited pres bush from implementing stronger regulatory measure against fannie mae & freddie mac until it was far to late)---READ, she has done business with countries that publicly admit that their women have no rights & than talks about female equality---WOW!!! previously to her recent comments, where was her voice on our jobs problems???

people of color, please, do not allow yourselves to be duped again---as sec of state, hillary was not even talking about the your concerns, problems, conditions, racism, equal justice or anything else related to your life, however, now that she needs your votes, she's willing to address your needs---what in the hell does she know about living life as a person of color accept for the talking points & so-called statistics??? what can she (or any other democrat) do better for you that a black president couldn't &, after 7 plus years under one you should fully realize that the dems only covet your vote---yes, they will give you 'free things' such as welfare, food stamps, housing, medical care, etc but, if you took the time to see what they are actually doing to you, you'd be better off voting for the grand wizard of the kkk because you'd at least know where you stand---the dems are so willing to give you all that 'free stuff' because it allows them to control you by making you dependent on them & not yourself...

ask yourself this---if you need a valid gov't issued id card to 'legally' exist in this country, why would a political party vigorously fight against that instead of finding ways to id everybody??? look, without valid id, you can't drive, can't open a bank account, can't get a credit, can't get a job or gov't benefits, can't buy or rent a house, etc; (at least 'legally' you're not supposed to)---hell, you need valid id just to get into the whitehouse for a tour (that's a fact)---you don't have to believe me, just try getting on a plane without one...& yet, after all their reasons for fighting against mandatory id's, at the end of the day, they expect you to show up & vote for them---HMMM!!! 

please, let's keep it real---i'm a 67 year young, black american, army vet that earned what little i have by working & retiring early---while i wish i had more, i'm comfortable with, & grateful, for what i do have...i fear for those in their 30's & 40's that will probably have to work into their 70's or 80's & hope that there is a safety net for them when they do wish to retire (won't be under the dems but they'll give them welfare)...

hillary is an extension of obama & if you think we, as a people or country, are better off now than prior to obama taking office, you should vote for her because (with your 'stinkin thinkin') you deserve her & all the negatives that come with her---unfortunately, that hurts those of us that vote with our brains & not the headlines...

&, the hits to hillary's image of trust just keep on coming (even though obama & company are doing their very best to limit them) & now, there's THIS...

after 7 plus years of white house scandals, are you ready to sign up for 4 more???

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


hello america!!! so, pres george bush is the cause of all of our economic problems per obama & company & you, like blind sheep, believe him---even hillary clinton is blaming him (although the unraveling of our housing market started with bill clinton's weakening of the glass-stegal act)...had you have done your own homework, you would have uncovered that pres bush tried to stop the collapse long before it even started but was thwarted by the dems READ THIS...


hello america!!! i constantly see people on the social networks giving obama credit for the restoration of our jobs growth & i can only imagine how many 'MATH' classes they flunked---the numbers concerning our jobs market just don't add up; hell, they're not even close but, you ignore that---i'm far from being a mathematician, however, i can add & subtract (something a lot of you should do before opening your mouths)---so, rather than argue with you, here are the numbers from our very own federal gov't (depart of labor/dol)...

these are the jan 2016 seasonally adjusted initial unemployment claims...
jan 2-----277,000
jan 9-----283,000
jan 16---294,000
jan 23---277,000
jan 30---285,000
TOTALS---1,416,000 unemployment claims which is a gentler way of saying (for jan 2016) 1,416,000 people are out of work....these numbers are released every week by our (scroll to page 4) DEP'T OF LABOR REPORT...

while the above numbers are reported weekly, you don't hear a lot about them because our very own fed gov't (bureau of labor statistics/bls) would rather tell you how we added jobs for the last month & what our unemployment rate is---it's akin to throwing a lot of smoke bombs in front of a raging, uncontrolled  fire so you can't see it but you can feel the heat & yet, our fire department chief tells you it's under control...

here's the freaking problem---for the merry month of jan 2016, we only added a pitiful 151,000 new jobs & our unemployment rate is 4.9%...& obama & company would have you believe that that is a good thing & you ate it up without ever tasting it...but, you don't have to believe me, here's the bureau of labor statistics own report READ HERE...this report is released monthly...

good people, there's a big disconnect here---seemingly, obama & company only focus on the new jobs gained while deliberately ignoring the jobs lost & there's no way in hell you should be echoing that deception...yeah, i know, how could i be so disrespectful??? well, let me tell you why---i hate being lied to & i dislike you being so willingly caught up in it...what bothers me even more is, you don't do any of your own homework because if you did, you'd know our real unemployment rate is 9.9% per the bls u-6 report CLICK HERE  but, they don't like to use this number because it's high (actually, probably even higher because they now exclude those who walked away (discouraged workers) from the jobs market (all 623,000 of them for whatever reason) & that can be found on page 2 of the bls report...

some of you continue to blindly support obama & company yet, when he talks about jobs, he started counting 'jobs growth' after the recession supposedly ended (approx 15 months after his 1st swearing in) &, based on all the numbers from his 1st day on the job, the numbers just don't add up & you don't even have the will to question him on them...&, if you care to remember, we were losing hundreds of thousands of jobs a month but, obama won't take credit for that (even though it occurred under his watch)...

Thursday, February 4, 2016


hello america!!! far too many of you spend your time in a fantasy world where you can tune out the realities of life, however, there are some realities that can't (& shouldn't) be ignored---when i look at all the senseless homicides in chicago of people of color, i'm dumbfounded as to...

1...why there is no sensationalized media coverage about them???
2...why our 'so-called leaders' are so silent about them???
3...why the 'so-called civil rights groups' haven't demonstrated & protested against them like they've done for cop-killings???
4...why the individual communities & police won't work together to make their areas safer???
5...why 'black lives don't matter' when they're killed by one of their own???

just so you know, chicago had approximately 486 homicides in 2015 (depending on the source) & the vast majority of them were of people of color but, you didn't have the 'demonstrations' that occurred in ferguson, mo because of the death of michael brown nor did you have them in baltimore, md  because of the death of freddie gray & that should make you question 'why not?'

you should also be asking yourself this; why does it take a cop killing a person of color to gain national media attention & yet, so many others go unnoticed by that same media??? yes, what happened to freddie gray was a tragedy but, was his death more important than the baltimore killings of the 237 plus that occurred after his??? there were no protests; no demonstrations; no national media coverage; no 'so-called' leaders speaking out for them---hell, the demonstrations & protests for freddie gray were all over the news for days but you didn't hear SHIT about the 42 homicides that occurred in the month (may 2015) after them---why not???

if 'black lives matter' do matter, why has there been so much deafening silence about the 58 (out of approx 60) black & latino chicago homicides since jan 1st??? i'm saddened by the fact that 40 of them are 30 & younger & nobody's raising any hell about HOMICIDE WATCH CHICAGO...

while some of you may think that you are 'above' the life-style of being shot, i'm here to bust your bubble---in this day & age when a 12, 13, 14 year old kid can buy a 'street gun' faster than a law abiding citizen, nobody is immune to a bullet (whether intended or unintended)---those are facts &, for thinking otherwise, you're living in a 'fantasy world'---hell, it wasn't too long ago when some of you were thinking there were no drugs & gangs in your neighborhoods & never would be but, reality has set in & you're lost & won't face today as it is---to you who think like that i say this; it wasn't a 21 year old person of color flying that jet from columbia to here nor was it a group of them (as police) turning their backs on it reaching certain communities---our drug & gang problems were never 'EPIDEMIC' until they entered the rural areas of our cities...guns &a bullets are no different---here's a manufacturing LIST OF THEM & nothing screams out 'black/latino owned & operated'...

&, if you think 'more gun control' as demanded from obama & company is the answer, you're delusional---france has a stricter gun control policy than we do & you saw what happened there---hell, when guns are purchased legally & the gun owner snaps, the mayhem cannot be prevented &, not everybody shows signs of going on a killing spree---the flip-side of that is, if family, neighbors or co-workers were suspicious of others doing harm to others & called the police, the police would be so tied up checking those suspicions out that they wouldn't have time to spend on actual crime...please, do not get me wrong---i am all in favor of background checks, permits to carry, waiting periods, severe penalties for violators, etc; however, i am not in favor of anything that weakens my 2nd amendment...

what's occurring in many of our communities has nothing to do with gun control---even the dumbest criminal knows not to kill somebody (illegally) with his own legally purchased & owned gun (although there are cases where that happens)---most of the time, the guns are stolen or bought off the streets & i'm here to tell you that they are very easy to obtain if you have the cash...just so you know---i've been working on this for 2 days & since i started, 2 more chicago people have been killed by guns that you won't hear crap about...

all lives should matter regardless of race, religion or any other factors except when those lives are taken legally---obama & company should be promoting gun ownership instead of the opposite---imagine if somebody in that crowd in san bernardino were firing back at those 2 terrorists...i believe the terrorists would have been too busy ducking returning bullets & probably wouldn't have inflicted as much damage as they did...

by the way, i try to inform you with the truth as best that i can so, if you click HERE you'll see our state  gun laws & no, this isn't the BIBLE of gun laws...&, if you take the time to CLICK HERE you'll be able to get a time line of our mass shootings &, what should punch you in the eye is, chicago's nowhere on this list...

good people, there is something terribly wrong when we can overlook the killing of a person of color by a person of color while focusing solely on cops killings...