Wednesday, July 29, 2009


hello america! when a reporter asked obama about the white cop arresting the black professor he said, "i don't know all the facts". this in itself would have been perfect but, he then went on to say that "the police acted stupidly". this was live, on national tv &, no matter how you spin it, he should have kept his mouth shut. now he's backtracking (as is his pattern) & inviting both to have a beer with him & their families at the whitehouse.

my problems with this whole thing are:::
1. the cop should refuse the invitation until obama apologizes
2. obama should not only apologize to the cop but, he should also apologize to america for
getting involved in something that does not concern him & allowing it to become a bigger
issue then it was.
3. does america pay for this trip & the beer? &, please don't forget what all this entails such as
security, staffing & service.
4. &, my biggest peeve is, with all that's going on in this country, obama has nothing better to
do then create a bs scenario to distract us from the more pressing problems that he seems
incapable of solving.

if obama had truly put something in place to really help us as quickly as he is trying to take his
own foot out of his mouth, this country would be in a much better position then it is.

Monday, July 27, 2009


hello america! amazingly i find myself still trying to educate others concerning obama. in fact, i was in a debate with this one brother (reading, pa-friday-7/24/2009) who is all for obama & strongly dislikes pres bush. &, loke obama, he is willing to give all the blame for our country's problems on pres bush. well, brother T---, you are entittled to your opinion, as is all americans.

seemingly, you got caught up in the obama rush & you've become an obamaholic. the man can do no wrong in your eyes. this is the same reaction i get when i confront other obamaholics. obama supporters (at least in public) go to great lengths to show their support for him---but, behind closed doors, they seem to be coming to their senses because obamas poll numbers are falling.

but, back to brother T---. when i ask him what i ask others about obama, he can't answer me. he changes the subject. & america, it's a very simple question...what has obama ever done that was good for this country? why is this one question so hard for his supporters to answer?

if you support a professional sports team, you can tell me all about them---good & bad. ditto with a boxer; race car driver;;;;i should say that we debate sports from little league on up. america, you know we can get into some pretty heated debates about sports. car owners, you can tell me if your car is good or if its a lemon & why. shoppers, you can tell which stores are good to shop in & which ones aren't & why. flyers can tell you which airlines are good & which ones aren't. & why. for that matter, my ex-wife (she's a nurse) & i got into a little debate over which hospital was better for me. diners can tell you which restaurants are good or bad & why. we even debate which state or city is good to live in or not & why. we even debate tv shows. &, don't forget our soda & beer commercials---'tastes great/less filling'. so, if you can tell me that garden fresh veggies better for me then canned veggies, why can't you tell why obama is good for this country? why can't you tell me what good he has done for this country?

brother T---, you & all the others can blame pres bush for this country's problems but, when all the facts come out, i wonder if you'll be man enough to apologize to your country.

there are many facts against your thinking &, if you were to do your own homework on the subject, you'd come to the same conclusion that i got--c u friday.


hello america! this is a continuation of yesterdays writing. obama said "our words must mean more than words". he said this in reference to north korea's 1st missile launch of 09. obama tells iran to stand down on its nuclear ambitions. obama tells israel to stop building on the gaza strip. he tells russia to leave georgia alone. he told china to be humane to its people. he said he needed his healthcare bill passed before the august recess. he said the police acted stupidly in arresting professor gates. he said his healthcare bill would help america. he said his energy (cap & trade) bill would help america. he said he wanted to improve the government agencies that work & get rid of the ones that don't. he said he would not expand government. (& this one really bothers me)---he continues to say that he 'inherited' this mess.

america, you know the results of each of the stated issues. this man is not for america...

Sunday, July 26, 2009


hello america! yeah, i'm still obama -bashing. he starts off his message to you by attacking 2 different republicans & finishes by saying he is not blaming the repubs. he starts an answer to the press by saying he doesn't know all the facts & then says the police acted stupidly in arresting a black harvard professor. he says the government doesn't want to own banks & yet, the government does. he says the government doesn't want to own automakers & yet, the government does. he said we needed his stimulus bill to stem the economic slide & it doesn't. he said we needed that bill to stop forclosures but, it's not working. he said we needed to bail out the lending industry so they can make loans but, the bailout isn't working. he said we needed the bailout bill to stem the unemployment rises but, it isn't working. he said unemployment would only rise to 8% but, it's on its way to 10% & higher. he said the stimulus money would go out the door immediately but, the majority of it is still sitting there. he said he wouldn't raise taxes on the middle class & yet, he singled out tobacco users & raised their taxes.


obama seemingly has no honesty. he lies constantly &, if others won't call it like it is, i will.

he lied to us about: his administration transparency; his administration policies on employing lobbyists: his nominating heads of his cabinet; his working with the republicans; etc, etc...

&, as i & others have written about in the past, his past is filled with plenty of lies.

seemingly, when obama says one thing, it is usually the opposite that happens.

I TOLD YOU YOU COULD NOT TRUST THIS MAN. he told you there would be no more 'pork' & yet, his bill was filled with it. &, this is a bill that a democratic majority rushed through congress with many of them never read. & now, here obama & congress trying to rush another bill through in exactly the same manner.


Thursday, July 23, 2009


hello america! it should not come as any surprise that acorn is going down. i & others told you, even before the elections, that obama was tied to them in a serious way & the ny times kept a story from the public proving it. obama tried to throw them under the bus like he did everybody else that would have affected his election.

this is going to be front page news very very soon. google in 'michelle obama & acorn' & you can see for yourself. obama just fired the ig for investigating acorn & michelle has already lined up his replacement.

you can google the 'gop congressional report on acorn' & know for yourself that sooner or later, the truth always surfaces.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


hello america! while i may have a lot of medical problems, my mind is still very much intact. in 6 months from now (minus a few days), the democrats will have been in power for exactly 3 years & i am racking my brain to remember what good they have done for the american people. so, please feel free to chime in here.

2 1/2 years (as of right now) & i am finding it very hard to recall any good that came out of washington. &, judging the dems for the 1st 6 months of this year, i don't look forward to the next 6 months.

the energy bill is a joke; the tarp bill is a big failure; the healthcare bill is too costly; the college student loan bill forces students to obtain their loans through the government-not private industries; &, i can see why obama wants these bills passed now---i really don't think the dems will be in power after the next general election.

america, if you do your own homework, you'll find that this country is heading towards nationalism/socialism very quickly. obama has over 30 czars on the payroll that only answer to him & yet, control so much. in fact, the auto czar just told congress to mind their own business in reference to helping the auto dealers that were put out of work.

something is building here & if we don't speak up to our elected officials, this country will never be the same.


hello america! it's been a while since i was able to sit & type--sickness, old injuries, hospitalizations, & my sisters funeral---plus i have to undergo surgery to remove several lumps from my stomach. but, enough about me. so, let's get right to it.

obamas deadline for reducing the budget has come & gone without much fanfare. you should be able to remember when obama was on tv telling his cabinet to come up with the savings for each department. what happened & why isn't the media trying to find out?

i was against the tarp bailout from the beginning &, i'm not sorry to say, my reasoning was right. it was & is a sad joke played on the american people &, also at their expense. the stimulus has to be deemed a big failure. can you remember obama going to that caterpiller plant to push his stimulus bill? well, do yourself a favor & look at them now. sales are way down & they are predicting even worse numbers for the future. the president of this nation said we needed the stimulus to help companies like caterpiller keep their workers & survive. well, it ain't happening---caterpiller has laid off about 25,000 workers & the future does not look bright. he also told us that the states needed the money to retain police, doctors, nurses & teachers & yet, name the state that received stimulus money that has not downsized in any of those departments?

at the rate obama is going, his ratings will be lower then pres bushs'. this is a quote:::"Now most the money we're investing as part of this plan will get out of the door immediately & go directly to job creation, generating or saving 3 to 4 million jobs."-president barack obama, 1/28/2009. our unemployment rate is heading upwards daily & you know that most of that stimulus money is just sitting around waiting to be spent. in fact, several states have already swollen to the doulbe digit mark.

america, you are not stupid but, you do allow your selves to be suckered every now & then. Obama suckered you at the polls & he's been suckering you ever since. the sad part is he's not through. his energy bill & his health bill will really hurt us but he's not slowing down or backing off.

again i must say, we know more about bin laden & sarah palin then we do about obama...why is this so? &, more importantly, why are we continuing to allow him to lead us?