Saturday, August 27, 2011


hello america!!! do you really want to see how phony obama is:::check this out

for someone that can't induce our own free market to employ more people, how in the hell can he help overseas country's? our weekly unemployment numbers reflect his policy failures---& i know obama will rant & rave about how it's everyone & everything elses fault that we are in the bad shape we are in but, the bottom line is:::our present failures are all obamas failures.

for those that voted for obama, i'm certain you did not cast that vote only to see him try to 'lead' america from the sidelines. in a previous blog, i told you that obama was not a 'leader' & that there was nothing in his past to indicate otherwise. &, to further prove my point, look at his lack of 'leadership' since being elected. he waits until the 11th hour to get involved: i.e; obamacare, the stimulus, the surge, even libya. he can't change his spots.

europe will come up with a plan & he'll join in on it----he won't be anywhere near the 'leaders' of that plan. &, if that plan fails, he'll blame it on someone or something. for that matter, expect him to blame hurricane irene for one of his failures.

in reality, obamas like that little kid that you saw throw the rock through your window---he blames it on his friends, his enemy's, the wind &, finally, the dog must have thought the rock was a ball & was shaking his head sideways with the rock in his mouth & it must have slipped & went through the window. &, we tell that kid to tell the truth & take responsibility for his actions----what does the pro-obama media tell obama? not a damn thing & that is why he continues as he does.

america, i can only prayer that you will turn out at the voting places to tell obama you're tired of his lies, his failures, his unwillingness to accept responsibility &, his lack of leadership.

Monday, August 22, 2011


hello america!!! before i get to what i really want to talk about, let me say 2 1/2 years plus, obama (to my knowledge) has never visited the 'hoods' of america. all of his photo ops are with the well-to-do american whites---all of his 'town hall' meetings are with affluent white people. he doesn't go to the 'harlems' or 'spanish harlems' in america. &, he doesn't speak about the plight of  'people-of-color'---he never spoke about the american 'people-of-color' when he was first campaigning for office &, he's done nothing for them since. so, why would any reasonable thinking person think he's sympathetic to their problems now? from the beginning, obamas always been about the 'middle-class'. please prove me wrong & show me where he's concentrated on the poverty stricken (lower-class). in fact, to him, america is split into two groups:::the wealthy & the middle-class. &, before you start telling me about all the bills he's signed into law, please remember that the 'so-called-jobs' he's supposedly 'created or saved' went to unionized labor which is composed of a greater majority of whites. another facts to consider is, when you pass those road repair projects, just how many people of color do you see working there? so, for rep maxine waters to jump up & wonder why obama wasn't at the 'jobs fair' is a joke. either she's blind, ignorant or, has just refused to see obama for what he really is & what he's not done for the 'people-of-color. 

now, let's get to it!!!! as much as i respect rep maxine waters for her tirade, i have a big problem with her chose of words. first, i cannot believe an elected official would respond like she did but, having heard her, i can only wonder where we would be as a 'people-of-color' had congress said 'i wish these niggers would go straight to hell' during the "civil rights movement". i wonder how she would have looked picking cotton instead of representing california in washington.

i find her wording very offensive & distrustful. the 'tea party' is a great thing. it has opened the eyes & awareness of what's going on in washington under her watch. who doesn't want less government, lower taxes
&, less federal spending? &, more so now then at any other time in this country's history? who doesn't want our federal budget balanced & our national debt shrunk? what true american still believes that if we don't seriously address our entitlements programs now, they'll still be there for our children & grandchildren? what true american is more concerned with our national credit rating compared to putting americans back to work? so, today, i rise in strong support of the 'tea party' &, i can only pray that more of them are elected to office.

well miss waters, to you i ask::::is it still okay to continue to 'give' our people a free hand (which keeps them from being contributing members to society) or do you think we should continue to 'borrow' whatever money this country needs to build high speed rail services to nevada??? too many of our people are so dependent on the government hand-outs & you should know this better then the your white co-workers. food stamps, welfare cash, daycare services &, housing are all designed to keep people dependent on those services. &, if you care to look at the stats, those receiving those benefits drop out of school & never return & are content to live the remainder of their life at the mercy of these federal government handouts.

miss waters to you i say & ask: surely, if you are truly a person of color &, you are honestly concerned about the poverty-stricken (which is composed of a vast amount of people of color) why have you waited until now to question obama? &, what have you proposed in the house to actually help the poverty stricken?

the following links are of miss water.....

miss waters, obama is not for us & his actions have proved he is not for america. if you continue to support him, i can only hope that your voters will see you for what you truly are.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


hello america!!! if you listened to obama today on cbs, you should be thinking like me---this so-called leader won't stand up for anything. he's blaming his low approval rating on congress. WHAT A WHIMP! if i'm not mistaken (&, i'm not) there's a rating for congress & another for him. he must think we are really stupid & can't see the writing on the wall.

what really bothers me is, the host never questioned him on his reason for blaming congress. had i of been the host, i would have said, "if your low approval rating is america's unhappiness with congress, then congress's very low approval rating is america's unhappiness with you".

i've been saying for some time that obama won't tell the truth about anything. he & his think-tank of 'super smart idiots' know that his approval rating is because americans are fed up with his failed policy's &, his continuing to blame others for his failures. in short & in truth, obama is a liar & there's no other way to phrase it.

america, please picture yourself with obama in his boat that's taking on water. instead of him telling you the boat is sinking, he'll tell you that the water is rising. it's not in him to tell you the truth. &, he'll find everyone & everything else to blame for the sinking.

obama is manless, regardless of how many children he may father. he just won't "MAN-UP" to his failures & yet, he continues to tell you that things would be worse off then they are now if he hadn't stepped in & passed the bills he's signed into law. THIS IS PURE OBAMACRAP!!!

why can't obama man-up & say something like the following: america, at the time I thought passing obamacare was great for the country but, after considerable thought, i find that 'mandating' healthcare is wrong so, i wasted mine & your time is pushing this bill into law &, i'm sorry & i ask your forgiveness. what's so hard about that?????????? but, you'll never hear those words from obama---if anything, he'll find somebody else to blame for his signing obamacare into law....

obama is a 'punk'! always has been & always will be. he can't change---NOT ONCE HAVE YOU HEARD HIM TELL AMERICA THAT HE WAS WRONG ABOUT ANYTHING HE'S DONE---NOT ONCE. &, what's so messed up about this is, he wants four more years of not telling you he made a mistake.
he seems to think he's above 'apoligizing' for anything.

here is a link of obama blaming everyone & thing but himself----& there are others--do your own homework.

&, the sad part of this is, other then foxnews, mainstream media allows obama to get away with blaming others.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


hello america!!! do you realize obama wants to 'spend' more of our money to try to get us out of this economic rut? it didn't work the first time he did it &, it won't work now. only a true idiot would repeat their past mistakes on a bigger level.

to 'create' infrastructure' jobs is great on paper & speaches however, if the fed gov't funds them, they can only be funded for a brief period of time.......they will never be 'self-sustaining'. they will provide temporary employment only. most of out states are in no position to fund these jobs without severe cuts, which would mean more layoffs/firings at the state level. ask yourself this, how long will obama be able to fund road repairs & bridge building?

this all sounds great but, at whose expense will the funding come from unless obama is just going to print more money? if i remember correctly, the federal government is broke which led to the debt ceiling raise. &, i just can't see congress (either party) giving obama the go-ahead to put us further in debt with china.

somebody needs to find out just how many people are still actually employed because of obamas first stimulus....

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


hello america!!! i know obama has to use every trick in the book to persuade voters to even want to vote for him but, how can he spin his failure as a leader & his failed policy's? his attacking the gop candidates holds true to his taking the spotlight off of what he hasn't done for this country, &, of course, it's everybody's fault but his.

obama can spin the crap any way he wants but, when will the media & the people ask him the real questions:
ask him to honestly answer these questions::::::::

1.....obama, you said your stimulus would create millions of 'shovel ready' jobs which it failed to do. why?
2.....obama, with 14 million americans out of work, americans struggling to hold onto their jobs &, with many americans working at jobs that they're underpaid for, how can you just blow off their plight by joking that the shovel ready jobs weren't that shovel ready?
3.....obama, you said your stimulus would keep unemployment below 8% which it failed to do. why?
4.....obama, you said that we needed your 'cash-4-clunkers' program which did not do all you hyped it up to do. in fact, many traded in their gas guzzlers for new gas guzzlers that provided even less mpg's. why?
5.....obama, you made a lot of promises about obamacare & that we needed it. if it was all of that, why do you issue waivers?
6.....obama, in reference to question #5...waivers are issued because not to do so would impose a 'hardship' on the company but, why are only select company's allowed these waivers?
7.....obama, if obamacare will cause a 'hardship' on some of the big money-making businesses that have received these waviers, what will happen to the little businesses that cannot afford obamacare & don't receive waivers?
8.....obama, why didn't you tell the american people about the waivers & the hardships?
9.....obama, you extended the period for unemployment compensation but, how do you explain the millions of fired/laid-off americans that just sit at home collecting & refuse to look for work at our expense?
10...obama, you are supposed to be the 'leader' of this great nation. how can you weaken that status by bowing to foreign leaders &, we know the difference between a nod & a bow?
11...obama, you bailed the banks out & they still aren't making loans. why?
12...obama, you bailed out gm & chrysler when ford walked away. why is ford so successful?
13...obama, you told the american people that chrysler & gm repaid every penny they borrowed. why did you lie to us about this?
14...obama, what makes your policy's better then those that ran gitmo & tortured the prisoners when you can authorize 'murder' without due process?
15...obama, you sank our money into the education system. why is it worse off now then before? before you answer, allow me to remind you that several states have teachers that are cheating for & with the students to keep the fed dollars rolling in.
16...obama, you sank our money into the states. why are they worse off then before?
17...obama, you talked about our getting off of our foreign dependency for oil & yet, you go to brazille & promise them our money for their oil. how do you justify that?
18...obama, when n korea fired a missle up, you said "our words must mean more then words". at what point will your words mean more then words because they (& iran) don't take you serious?
19...obama, you want to close down foxnews. why?
20...obama, you blamed pres bush for our economic problems but you have not explained to the american people your role in the downfall of the housing market/banking industry. why not?
21...obama, you failed to heed pres bush's warning for stronger regulatory measures against fannie & freddie. how come you don't admit this to the american people?
22...obama, you've been in office for 2 1/2 years plus. why do you have nothing to show for it?
23...obama, you say you knew you needed a budget plan & that we had to address the debt ceiling when you first got in office. i know your budget was defeated 97 to 0 but, why did you wait so long to get totally involved in either?
24...obama, you said that having to raise the debt ceiling is sign of failed leadership. does that saying still hold true?
25...obama, your 'no' vote on the debt ceiling raise for pres bush was symbolic & that you used it to send a message. that being the case, what gives you the right to question those elected officials that oppose what you wanted?
26...obama, for 2 1/2 years plus you have talked a good game about our jobs problem but, you have failed to provide the leadership needed to open up the freemarket which you seem to oppose at every turn. your actions prove this out by your strong support for unionized labor, why?
27...obama, you want businesses & the wealthy to pay their fare share but, don't you realize that any tax increase on them gets passed on to the consumer?  that would be us little people that have to buy their goods & services...
28...obama, you blame pres bush, the earthquake & tsunami in japan, & congress for our problems. when are you going to look the american people in the eye & admit that all you have done has failed?
29...obama, you knew before you were elected that we had a jobs problem & you had the support of both the house & the senate. why didn't you fix the problem instead of spending all that time & energy on obamacare (which has a 70/20 chance of being struck down by the supreme court)?
30...obama, you ran on 'hope' & 'change' but, you've failed to change anything in washington, you've spent more then we can afford &, you've changed the hope for our future to dispair. why? why are you so anti-american?
31...obama, you even bailed out the housing market & just look at the mess you created. why?
32...obama, you're asking america to give you another four years. based on the fact that you can't run on your record, what makes you think you even deserve to be on the ballot?

Monday, August 15, 2011


hello america!!! obama wants to take this bus tour to 'get away from dc & hear about the struggles of the people & the economic downfalls impact on them'. what a lie!!!! this bus tour is part of his campaigning strategy----pure & simple but, he & his admin can't tell you that-----he & they continue to lie to us----they refuse to tell us the truth no matter how simple the issue.

my problem with this goes back to his speech when he said that he would submit new ideas to congress to in the coming weeks to get our economy rolling which was an admission that his previous ideas didn't work. how many more chances (at our expense) does he get?

obamas 'stimulus' didn't work: obamacare didn't & isn't working----in fact, the courts have ruled that his mandate is unconstitutional, which means it can't be enforced, which means it failed & this is his signature piece of work. nothing he has done has "IMPROVED" our economic problems one iota; in fact, what he has done & proposes to do, has vastly hurt the growth of our nation.

this bus tour is campaigning---no one needs to travel the country to know or see the results of obamas failed policy's. all one has to do is look at the very same stats that obama sees every day::::our national unemployment rate (which obama promised to keep under 8%); our national growth index; our national lack of available jobs; our national debt; the 'dc gridlock'; the states bordering on bankruptcy; the foreclosures; the banks not making loans; our entittlements programs (that are draining us); obamas approval rating which is below 40%; the growing american frustration with the direction of this country; our 'newly lowered' national credit rating (which obama blames on everyone & everything but himself); the daily additions to our
public welfare programs; the continues sad story's from (city-after-city/state-after-state) about how the economy is hurting them & us;;;what idiot needs to get on a bus to hear & know what's hurting america?

&, as i type & listen to obama today, he is still in that 'spend more of your money' mode. he is proclaiming that investing (spending) more will create more. it didn't work before & it won't work now.

obama volunteered for this job & yes, things were bad (partly because he was part of the original problem; he ignored pres bush's requests warning of the housing market downfall)...however, he took the problems, did nothing to solve them &, made them worse.

while he's running around the country, he should ask the american people how they feel about the 2 1/2 plus years under him about his promises of 'hope & change'...he hasn't given the american people any 'hope' for the future &, he hasn't changed one single thing in washington.......

Saturday, August 13, 2011


hello america!!! after listening to obama, i can't help but wonder who wears the pants in his family. he lacks backbone &, the proof is this.....he hasn't & won't accept the blame for any part of our present economic problems or our credit rating downgrade. 2 1/2 years after being sworn into office, he continues to blame pres bush for our problems &, if that's not bad enough, he's found a few other things to blame..namely, the earthquake & tsunami in japan; the equipment they couldn't ship when they closed their plants; the economic woes overseas; &, our congress.

i try very hard to keep my language clean on this site but, i've reached my last limit & the bullshit has to stop. i am sick of obama teleprompting to us with his excuses. he reminds me of a young school kid that has an excuse for his failing grades::::the dog eats my homework; the bully's did this; the teacher doesn't like me; my parents did make my breakfast or pack my lunch; the bus wouldn't stop for me; someone stole the books i lost.....on & on & on....

obama's a punk & i've stated that long before now. our present problems are because of his lack of leadership & his stupid agendas. don't take my word----do your own homework. one of the first things he did with his executive powers was to free up american funds for overseas abortion related crap &, this link comes from (all places) abc...

this was part of his 'spreading-the-wealth' moto & it hasn't changed one bit since then. in fact, he focused on his stimulus & obamacare----NOT JOBS, NOT THE FEDERAL BUDGET &, NOT THE DEBT CEILING. &, as of today, he wants to extend unemployment benefits, raise the taxes of the rich & businesses to further his 'spreading the wealth'.

obamas a 'freakin' socialist & he would have been very well received in the old socialist country's but, man, this is america----a demacracy; a country driven by "FREE ENTERPRISE" &, somehow, this fake-assed imposter of a real man has snuck in to undo all that allows us to be free, persue our liberty & work union free.

obama & the dems don't give a shit about our jobs problems or the our debt rating...if you care to remember all the time, energy & money they all spent on running around the country telling us that the stimulus & obamacare would set us right please, remember all the time, energy & money they never devoted to putting america back to work. &, something else for you to remember, the dems had total control of congress & the whitehouse for obamas first two years & you can see what that's gotten us. however, election time is around the corner & obama & the dems are going to say all the nice things you want to hear but, none of them will stand on their record.

obama is a liar & no other word describes him better. he's also a socialist.....who else could stop the oil production here, tell you that he wants us to stop depending on overseas oil, visits brazille & promises them that we will buy their oil?????? who is he lying to? all of you!!!

i see obama for what he is & i honestly hope i won't see him in office after the next elections.

Friday, August 12, 2011


hello america!!! i listen to obama & the dems tell us we need to raise taxes on the rich & businesses----i disagree with them on raising taxes for anybody or any business at this time. what i don't hear any of them saying is: let's take a paycut & show america we mean business;;;;;let's cut ALL government workers pay by 2.5% across the board, for one year, from the office of the presidency on down to that public worker watering the flowers in the park. NO EXCEPTIONS. they also need to address the 'perks' they receive at our expense.

then they should go down the line & get rid of the programs & agency's that are not working &/or essential to this country's growth. most of these agency's can be downsized & consolidated----i.e: the usda & fda....why do we need both of them? basically, they both do the same job----one does cheese & one doesn't. another example is---the fbi, cia &, homeland security (& who knows how many other connected agency's there are) can all be downsized & consolidated. BUT, CONGRESS IS SO USED TO DICTATING LAW TO EVERYBODY BUT THEMSELVES THAT THIS IS GOING TO BE A BATTLE. america's problem isn't the revenue coming in, it's the spending going out!

if congress would deal with the above, their very next step should be to honestly stop funding country's that don't have our best interests at heart. &, we don't need to be giving any money to country's like saudi arabia...they seem to have all the money in the world. if we have to pay country's to get them to do us favors, we really don't need their help.

congress should then look at all of our entittlements programs with a 'no-holds-barred' attitude. yes, i receive social security due to 'early retirement' & i have no problem with congress tapping my monthly check as long as they tap theirs first. regardless of what you hear, see &, read, our entittlements programs have to be adjusted to reflect 2011 & beyond. we simply cannot continue using a system based on the times of the past. hell, if that were the case, i should be able to buy a pack of sigs for 25 cents---remember those times?

then congress should look at our supporting industry's like fannie & freddie, am-trac &, the post office. how much more money must we continue to sink into these three & continue accepting the same negative results?
we have to cut the government purses to these company's & allow them to either suceed or fail---THE SAME IS TRUE OF ALL OF THE BAILOUTS TO THE BANKS, AUTO INDUSTRY'S, ETC!!! no more........

congress must also find a way to offer true incentives to businesses so that they will start hiring again----they need certainty---not raised taxes.

now, if congress can handle the above & quit including wasteful 'earmarks' in their bills, america will do the rest...

& yes, if congress honestly tackles the above, there will be hardships inflicted but, we must endure the hardships to restore this great & proud nation to its rightful place as the leader of the free world &, we can't lead if our people our unemployed & our national debt is weighing us down.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


hello america!!! it really pisses me off when people can't take the blame for their own mistakes &, obama heads this list. he can denigrate pres bush & blame him for all of our present economic problems but, when will he stand up & be a real man? when will he tell us that he made a mistake? when will he stop using the 'fear tactics' to cast the fault away from himself? &, much as you may not like pres bush, he stood up for what he wanted & believed in..........was he perfect----no but, he was & is a man's man. i cannot say the same for obama.

2 1/2 years of obama have proved that he should not have been there in the first place. he has no clue as to how to deal with our problems. the proof is in the pudding. all you have to do is look at where we are as a nation now & compare it to where we were as a nation under pres bush. if one is correct in saying that this is how obama acted in college, then all i can say is, columbia & harvard should never have accepted him. he is a 'punk' in the truest sense of the word. he's a liar & a coward....&, you pro-obama diehards can defend him all you wish but, bear this in mind------you'll be defending a person that won't even stand up & fight for what he believes & wants let alone what america needs & wants. however, he will be the first to tell you that everyone else is wrong but him.

years ago, i told you that obama was not good for this country then (which led to many, many nasty arguements amongst my family & friends & still does) &, he's not good for this country now. obama is a weak-assed socialist & there is no one in america or elsewhere that can convince me otherwise. AMERICA, PLEASE LOOK AT WHERE HE CAME FROM & THE PEOPLE THAT HE SURROUNDED HIMSELF WITH. this is the very same person that believes banks should still make sub-prime loans....&, i am not alone in my writings about him------

america, we cannot afford four more years with this un-american by actions in charge!!!!!

Friday, August 5, 2011


hello america!!! i just heard something that i refuse to believe::::it seems the obama admin is blaming our present economic problems on::::::pres bush; japan's tsunami; the summer prices of gas; &, greedy corporate america....&, of course, the stock markets fell because of this. what a crock of crap. why can't obama just look the american people in their eyes & tell the damn truth? why can't he say he tried to fix the problem & failed? what's so wrong with admitting failure, especially when you're in a position to turn around those failures?

good people, i expect a 'gloomy' jobs report for the month of july &, no matter how you spin it, you can't BLAME it on the above. case in point:::right after signing the debt ceiling raise into law, obama said he is going to focus on the JOBS MARKET &, this will be his FOURTH attempt at it. but, before you get all happy about what he can do, look back & realize what he hasn't done.....he has not produced the "JOBS" he promised. &, while you're thinking about that, think about this: the dems didn't come up with anything to produce jobs either. ex-speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, can say whay she wants but, the facts support facts &, the fact is, she didn't produce any jobs either. however, her, obama, & the dems all told us that what they were doing for america would keep the unemployment rate below 8%. obama, & the dems, stimulus was supposed to do that. IT FAILED!!!!!!!!!!

to create jobs, obama needs to de-regulate most of the 'crap' that hinders them from doing their business here. he needs to support the tax-havens that businesses seek. he needs to give america better incentives to hire americans. he needs to 'shrink' the federal government. &, he needs to stay the hell out of the way & shut the hell up!!!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011


hello america!!! the stock market fell 512 plus points today, the most in over a year, because of global economic fears, that sorry-assed debt ceiling increase &, tomorrows expected bad news about our economic month of july. yesterday the market fell 275 plus point.....i can only harken back to what obama once said----click on this link:::::::  obama was wrong then (although the market started to look good) &, he's very wrong now. he does not know how to get us out of this mess other then talking about how he inherited it.

he signed the debt ceiling raise into law but, all that law is worthless. congress is going to appoint ANOTHER COMMISSION to see what cuts they can come up with & (i'm very disgusted with the repubs also) if they can't come up with a budget, they can't balance the budget &, judging this new law, they can't cut spending. if they can't come up with anything they can agree to, the defense department takes a big hit. &, if you care to remember, obama wanted to cut 4 trillion but couldn't say from where.

america, regardless of how you may feel about obama, we are going backwards & we're going there fast. we can all sit around & find somebody to blame for our country's present problems but, can't you remember obama campainging all over the country telling you he was the only man that could fix our problems? well, please, tell me what problems of ours has he fixed &, remember, he & the dems had complete control of washington for his first two years???? what has he done to help this country except run his mouth? he runs around the country saying what he wants & (using fear tactics to get it) but, he lacks the fortitude to submit his own written blueprint to the american people or congress.

america, i'm still waiting for you to tell me what obamas done for the good of this country. here, let me help you out. obamas had three 'big' bills that he's signed into law....1, his stimulus (which didn't work); 2, obamacare (which the majority of americans don't want or need &, 3, the very recent raising of the national debt limit (&, you see how well that's not being received). now, don't forget, he's done a bunch of other things but, none of it worked. to let obama tell it, he had to do what he did to "stem the tide" which still AIN'T stemmed.

good people, i've already told you i'm disgusted with the repubs but, i'm more disgusted with this  'imposter'  that's supposed to be 'leading' us. i don't think obama could lead in a one man race. two plus years with this idiot in charge & look at where we are. if he had of rejected the debt ceiling raise for a much better one, the rest of the world would have seen that america was serious but, he signed it & the onus is on him. if this is the best he can do for this country, we seriously need to get somebody else in there because he AIN'T it.


hello america!!! obama has been operating the country for 800 days plus with out a congressional approved budget &, if my info is correct, the budget that obama did submit was defeated 97 to 0. he couldn't even get his own party to vote for his bill....that speaks volumes & does so very loudly. here's a link to what i'm getting at....... & i'm sure that if you do your own homework, you'll come up with more links......

so, for all of you that wants to blame the repubs for our present stae of affairs, please honestly ask yourselves this: why wouldn't the dems & obama want a balanced budget? the only answer i can come up with is, they do want to be held accountable. they would rather get you alarmed & blame the repubs. but, please, keep in mind that the dems controlled both houses of congress & the whitehouse & they still failed to approve a budget for obama. however, at the same time, they could & did cram the stimulus & obamacare down our throats without the support of the repubs. SO, WHY DIDN'T THEY PASS A BUDGET FOR OBAMA? cat got your tongue??????????

which makes the following that more interesting:::::obama 'preached' about congress "routinely" raising the national debt limit but, he's failed to say anything about their "routinely" passing a budget....&, what's even more surprising is his 'senate big whig, harry reid, doesn't think he needs one. where was nancy pelosi on this two plus years ago? where was chuck shumer? where was charles rangle? where were the dems?

america, please wake up & see obama for what he really is; a coward, a liar. he's someone you don't want 'leading' our troops when they have to go into one of those villages in afghanistan & find the 'enemy. he lacks good leadership skills & he hides behind others & only comes out when 'victory' is near for which he'll blame others &, claim the credit.....the very same thing he did at asgelt gardens.

obama doesn't desrve another four years, in fact, he should have been fired after his first two years.

Monday, August 1, 2011


hello america!!! i can't believe that after all this debate on raising the national debt ceiling, the repubs caved in to what harry reid came up with. you cannot convince me that this is the best the repubs can get for america. the bill is crap & all those that think differently are un-american in their thoughts.

the bill does not address a lot of problems & their are no guarantees on what the 'super committee' will come up with. in fact, it cuts our the defense department (thank you , obama). i will discuss this bill in a minute but, we are approaching 15 trillion dollars of debt & the best these assholes (both party's) can come up is with 2.7 trillion dollars?

at this point, i am fed up with the repubs &, i will actively seek to support the TEA PARTY.

here is the bill as it stands right now but, i am hoping that the house will shoot it down....

just the fact that obama is willing to sign it should tell you it's a bad bill.