Monday, March 26, 2012


hello america!!! while many of you stand in strong favor of obamacare, apparently, the majority of us stand in strong favor against it, as is proven by the major polls. regardless of which side of the fence you're on, the outcome of obamacare rests on the shoulders of the supreme court.

it begins with an old argument that the repubs have raised repeatedly &, obama & others have repeatedly lied about. obama told us the 'mandate' was not a tax---he said it was punitive action for not being covered (a fine), & yet, obamas lawyers are beginning the case trying to convince the court that it is a tax & therefore, the court shouldn't weigh in on the case yet.    see here   
                                                       & here

so, my question is this::::did obama lie to us or is he lying to the supreme court? well, allow me to answer it for you...obama supposedly attended harvard & became a lawyer so, it's a very safe bet to say he isn't going to lie to the supreme court....

&, just to show you how adversely obamacare effects us::::click here & you'll be able to envision the day when a lot of these insurance company's will have to fold, forcing you to (guess where) obamacare.

&, just so you're informed.........

i don't want or need my government telling me what i can & can't buy.