Wednesday, May 31, 2017


hello america!!! far too many of you are so caught up in the 'never trump' movement (from the elected dem officials to the left-wing media) that you can't see the forest because of the tree in front of you---so, being a nice guy, i pose the following questions to you...

1.....are you living in a district where you're forced to send your child/children to an under-performing school & yet, a few blocks over is a highly-performing school your offspring can't attend??? your present federal tax rate 22% or more??? the federal gov't taking taxes out of those of you making $25,000 or less??? you feel okay supporting somebody that is able & eligible to work but refuses to???

5.....knowing what you know about the problems in the middle east, would you feel comfortable with a 'refugee' from that region moving in next door to you & yours (that we know nothing about)??? you really want the 'war on cops' to continue??? there something wrong with obamacare being repealed & replaced with something better & more affordable???

8.....honestly, do you have a problem with our roads & bridges being fixed/upgraded???

9.....what's wrong with returning educational power to our states???

10...for that matter, what's wrong with returning medicaid decisions to our states??? there something wrong with making our military the very best in the world to include having the very best of all that technology offers???

12...what's wrong with rounding up & deporting people that are in our country illegally & commit crimes???

13...what's so wrong with lowering our present corporate tax rate so as to create more jobs??? there something wrong with honoring our veterans with a healthcare system that not only works for them but also works for them whenever they need it??? there something wrong with making our trades deals balanced???

16...what's wrong with strengthening our borders & building 'the wall' to better monitor who & what is crossing them??? really have a problem with gangs & drugs being removed from our communities??? something wrong with america paying less for the goods & services our gov't procures???

19...can you find something wrong with countries fairly paying us for our aiding/protecting them??? there really something wrong with burning clean coal??? you really want iran & north korea to develop nuclear weapons???

22...are you afraid of 'real peace' between israel & the palestine's??? you honestly have a problem with our military eradicating terrorist's from this earth???

24...what's wrong with actually putting america back to work???

26...& finally, what the hell is wrong with putting america's interests first???

i just had to throw this one in for the fun of it...
27...did obama ever buy that chevy volt he said he would buy after he left office???

good people, if you rely on the media to deliver just the facts, you're sadly doing yourself a great disservice...

here's trump's TAX PLAN

here's trump's BUDGET PLAN

here's the repub house of rep's HEALTHCARE BILL



&, i'm sure you heard about:::
company's that are going to invest in america
ice roundup of gangs & illegal aliens that have committed crimes here
the slowing rate of illegals crossing our southern border
&, just so you know, trump has signed 28 bills into law SEE THEM HERE


besides, what may or may not have occurred with trump & the russians isn't going to put one spoonful of rice on your plate or lower the cost of you healthcare one iota...

Tuesday, May 30, 2017


hello america!!! this is an update from the 6 communities i'm following this year...

chicago---244 homicides/186 black; 33 hispanic/cops killed 5
baltimore---141 homicides/126 black; 2 hispanic
la county---224 homicides/67 black; 126 hispanic/cops killed 16
jacksonville---56 homicides/37 black; 1 hispanic/cops killed 3
milwaukee---35 homicides/26 black; 1 hispanic
st louis---62 homicides/57 black; 0 hispanic

762 homicides/499 black; 163 hispanic/cops killed 24

all data can be found HERE

Monday, May 29, 2017


hello america!!! at what point will you, the american people, start demanding that those we elect to public office do their job???

it's been just over 4 months since donald trump was elected & the dems have fought him every step of the way on everything he campaigned to do---yes, even i know that if trump is just halfway successful, he'd earn a second term & that is one of the reasons the dems are fighting against 'anything trump'---hell, he is a direct threat to their 'power' over you & if they lose their 'power' over you, you'll have no reason to vote for them because, up to now, you've always voted for the dems based on what they claimed they'd do for you...

the dems are not above using 'scare tactics' to retain your votes---surely you remember the "throw granny off the cliff" ads; & today, the dems are saying trump's budget proposal will "kill your children"; as for his healthcare package, "26 million people will lose their healthcare" &, before you even give that any thought, which 26 million people are they talking about??? (obamacare has only 11 to 15 million people on it because the rest are on medicaid)---seemingly, every time the repubs come up with a plan, the dems say it will cause the world to stop---they claim the budget plan will 'kill' medicaid & yet, trump is proposing to leaving it up to the states to weed out those on medicaid & food stamps that are eligible & able to work---what's wrong with that???

under obama, the dems had 8 straight years to get our country running correctly---they didn't pass laws that actually helped us & factually, they did everything to make us more dependent upon them for gov't relief---these same deals trump is working out with businesses to either enter or remain in our jobs markets could have been done under obama---if you care to remember, 332 plus repub house passed bills just sat on the desk of (then) dem senator majority leader harry reid & many of them were work-related bills however, i can't remember the left-wing media raising hell about that nor do i remember obama telling the senate to send him those bills---DO YOU???

look at trump's tax plan to which the dems say it helps the wealthy---what they purposely don't tell you is, TRUMP'S TAX PLAN AS IS WILL CUT EVERYBODY'S RATE TO 15% & THOSE MAKING $25,000 OR LESS WILL PAY NO FEDERAL TAXES, PERIOD!!! good people, that's a great thing for all taxpayers---far too many people of color make $24,000 or less & they should be all over their elected politicians to put this plan into law as should every other taxpayer---plus the plan would lower the corporate tax rate freeing up more money which translates to many, many more jobs---look, why should somebody that makes $35,000 a year even care if somebody making more gets the same tax rate of 15%???

no, i don't agree with everything trump proposes & yes, even i have a problem with how it comes out of his mouth---he's extremely blunt but, for whatever reason, i like that---plus, i like that he doesn't back down---we all need somebody like that (regardless of political party) to stand up for 'regular america'...

a big part of me wants trump to pull his healthcare plan & allow obamacare to either fail or succeed & hey, it's failing---the dems aren't proposing anything & seemingly have no idea on how to get the insurers that left the market back nor do they have any plans for combating the escalating costs of premiums & deductibles yet, they're still fighting for it---when will you stand up & demand better because i want to know what you're going to do when you can't afford it; & worse, what are you going to do when there are no insurers left in your state to do business with leaving you & yours uninsured??? if you care to remember, the obamacare bill was a bill that 'we have to pass the bill to find out what's in it' (then speaker of the house, dem nancy pelosi told us)---'you can keep your doctor & plan' (a big lie)---it's affordable (the 2nd biggest lie)---'it's good for all americans' (the biggest lie of all---our elected officials don't want it, obama & his family don't want it, the unions don't want it, the medical profession doesn't want it however, it's good for you)---hell, even aarp which endorsed it then doesn't want it---that should have told you something a long time ago---congress & our presidents should have to live with the same laws they force on us...

instead of focusing on all the 'left-wing donald trump hate', perhaps you should actually look up his proposals & see what's in them for yourselves & than make an informed decision about them instead of just following the crowd...

Saturday, May 20, 2017


hello america!!! trump's first overseas trip is to a muslim country (saudi arabia) & he's already inked a $1.10 billion dollar arms deal---i can only wonder what part of that the dems will denigrate---or perhaps they'll attack his not bowing to the saudi king or they'll attack the american women for not having their heads covered---rest assured, the dems will find something negative to complain about even if they have to invent it...

when trump called for a temporary travel ban for 7 muslim countries, the dems called him bigoted & an islamaphobic---if you care to remember, those 7 countries were...
1. syria---pop/17,376,000
2. iran---pop/74,819,000
3. sudan---pop/39,027,950
4. libya---pop/6,325,000
5. somalia---pop/9,231,000
6. yemen---pop/24,023,000
7. iraq---has since been removed from the list

total pop---170,801,950---hell, here's 2 muslim countries alone (bangladesh/pop 145,607,000 & egypt/pop 73,800,000) that more than equal that number & hey, look at all the others i didn't list---so, the reasoning for fighting against the ban is flawed from the beginning...

it's also been reported that we will have less of a burden to bear in our efforts to fight isis (& other terrorists) while protecting saudi arabia...

watching the coverage i noticed that the muslim people seem to have not noticed the bigotry or islamaphobia that the dems have labeled trump with---either the dems are wrong or it's not as evident as they want you to believe...

pop info came from

Friday, May 19, 2017


hello america!!! for many months the dems have been saying trump colluded with the russians to win the election---for many months the dems have been saying the russians interfered with our elections---for many months, trump & his admin have been under congressional investigation & yet, not one concrete piece of evidence has been uncovered to prove their assertions---in fact, many prominent dems have actually admitted that they have seen no evidence to date & yet, the assertions continue...

just in case you missed it, dem senator dianne feinstein (co-chair of the senate intelligence committee; ranking member of the judiciary committee) recently said (thursday-18 may) she has seen no evidence of collusion but, i know you'd rather see her & hear it for yourselves so CLICK HERE...

seemingly, it's ok for the dems to throw accusations around based on 'rumors' & 'unsubstantiated media reports' i.e; dem representative maxine waters as can be found HERE &/or googled by yourselves...

well, the dems wanted a 'special prosecutor' & now that they have one that they say is perfectly qualified, they'll hang him out to dry when his investigation starts to unravel other dems mis-doings...


hello america!!! i have a big problem with our media---they can report damaging articles about others & claim their info came from 'unnamed sources' & can't be held accountable because they can protect those sources---there is something extremely wrong with that picture...

can you imagine somebody at your job posting something derogatory about you on the bulletin board that they claimed came from unnamed sources & the only thing you could do was deny it without ever being able to face those unnamed sources??? what's worse, you'd probably lose your job & possibly, your unemployment benefits---your reputation would be tarnished---no matter how much you may deny the accusations, you'd never be able to prove you weren't guilty of what was alleged...

our media should not be allowed to report something based on 'unnamed sources' & moreso when they themselves cannot independently confirm or deny those allegations---so yes, something has to change with how our media is reporting the 'news' & they must be held fully accountable...


hello america!!!

Image result for old pics of trump with black leaders


hello america!!! the dems are looking for whatever they can do or think they can come up with that will hurt donald trump---they asked for a 'special prosecuter' & now that they have one (that they have continually heaped praise on) they'll soon find reasons not to accept the 'findings' if they turn out to be in trumps favor...

Thursday, May 18, 2017


hello america!!! whether you like trump or not, fewer people are claiming unemployment benefits under him & that speaks for itself  CLICK HERE...

whether you want to or not, trump has to get the credit for the good & bad &, as far as the jobs markets look, it's all good---just think, if he can get congress to lower our federal tax rate to 15%; lower the corporate tax rate to 15%; &, not have anybody paying taxes on $24,000.00 or less it's a big win-win for all...

unfortunately, there are those that will never give trump credit for anything good...

Friday, May 5, 2017


hello america!!! the following would never have happened with obama---trump opened the door & the mayor of baltimore is walking in---good for her & all the people affected by the senseless violence...